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Anyone have experience with a VMAX?

Discussion in 'Other Motorcycles' started by DianCecht, Jul 12, 2009.

  1. DianCecht

    DianCecht Member

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    Central Illinois
    I'm contemplating getting another motorcycle... something to have around that I can just ride while my project XJ gives fits, haha. I'm thinking strongly about finding an older model VMax... something around 4-5 grand.

    Does anyone here have experience owning/riding these? Just wondering what opinions are.
  2. Wyldman

    Wyldman Member

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    I've ridden one and they're a BEAST! Basically it's an engine with wheels. :) Only bad thing I can say is the frame's a bit light for the torque it creates and it can twist on you. Around town they can be as docile as any other bike.

    I'd love to have one of the older ones as well. The new one doesn't do a thing for me.

    A V-Max riding friend gave me this analogy as to why he loves the old V-Max.

    Someone has raped your Sister and you're going to kill him. You can only do it with a shouldered weapon. Here's how you compare the weapons with bikes. First you can use a .22 which is comparable to an old school "Standard". Gets the job done and goes the distance. Your second choice is a 30-30 which gets the job done and is beautifully crafted. This is a Harley Davidson. Next is a 30-06, hardhitting and very reliable for high speed hitting. This of course is a sportbike. Last but not least is a double barreled sawed of 12 gauge. You walk right up to the MF, stick it under his chin and squeeze off both barrels. THAT my friend is a V-Max. :)
  3. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    That you don't see as many V-Max Bikes motoring about might have something to do with the complexities of performing regular maintenance.
    That's one excuse you hear.
    Another one is that the Cams on the V-Max Bikes all went bad.
    The excuses range from:
    >Made with cheap steel to not hardened for the stress they'd incur.

    Whatever the reason, the Cycle Press acknowledged it, ... in the write-up's for the NEW V-Max without being specific as to what it was they were writing about.

    "The problems which plagued the earlier models are corrected in the re-introduction of the New V-Max."

    (The problem might really be that they were so fast they upset the Space~Time Continuum and without a Flux Capacitor standard, they weren't able to prevent premature aging, unable to return from the future without the accumulated wear and tear.)
  4. DianCecht

    DianCecht Member

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    Thanks for the responses, fellas... So it's nice and fast, but perhaps to it's detriment? Hey Rick, any idea what is meant by the complexities of routine maintenance? I certainly don't need another reason to scream and curse in the garage, haha.
  5. Niskibum

    Niskibum New Member

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    Might want to check with your insurance first to see how bad they want to ding you for a VMax. I knew a guy that wanted one when they first came out but his ins co said no way.
  6. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    Stuff you have to do before getting to the stuff you need to do.
    Covers, beauty pieces, stuff in the way ...
    Time consuming stuff ...

    If you run into one with an outstanding maintenance history.
    Not abused in any way.
    You can have a Beast.
  7. stormothecentury

    stormothecentury Member

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    A guy I converse with occasionally through work said he got one the second year they were out.

    Took it out on the NYS Thruway just to see what it would do.

    Said he chickened out when it hit 135 and the front wheel was coming up.

    Personally, I think they're ugly as sin.
  8. DianCecht

    DianCecht Member

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    I'm finding it real hard to just run into one... I don't have up front cash - but we have two vehicles totally paid off - the wife with a 2007... so there is plenty of room for a small payment. I'm talking to a guy now in Missouri at a dealership, but nothing within a couple/few hours from me. Ahhh... the boondocks.
  9. Dave_89_VMAX

    Dave_89_VMAX Member

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    I thank my Lovely, beautiful, sexy and wonderful wife daily (really every day) for not pitching a fit when I rolled up on my VMAX. every time I fire her up I get googlies (that goes for both the bike and my wife) Is it a sport bike? No Is it a touring bike? no It is however a comfortable manageable cruiser which will rip your arms out of their socket if you have the balls (or based on riding skills the stupidity) to crank the throttle wide open and fly (and I mean fly) thru the gears. I love the bike. It handles well if you understand that the shaft will raise the butt and the HP will push you in turns. If you keep your RPMs down and ride with a brain it is great and if you are worried that you can't keep up in the corners, fear not you'll pass them on the straights. The bike is pure muscle and is fun. Not for the novice, faint of heart or moron. She handled well at 125 mph and the prior owner (a retired NJ state trooper) had her up to 145 mph and she was sound. You know the irony of it all is that I clocked that 125 mph the night before Bills accident while putting down the road to work at 45, go figure. Like all bike they are designed to be ridden, just ride them the way they were designed. I won't be running any road courses, 1/4 mile tracks.... maybe next year.

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