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No power! Pease help

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by Chunga836, Jul 18, 2009.

  1. Chunga836

    Chunga836 New Member

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    MA, U.S.
    Hey guys

    As I got out of a class today I go out to the parking lot hope on my bike turn the key and...nothing. My bike which has absolutely NO issues before hand had seemingly crapped the bed while I was in class. Checked all battery connections and even went so far as to rip out the old fuse boxes (was gonna happen anyway) and replace them and cut out all the old crappy bullet connections and hack wiring job and replace every connection with nice new quick connects. No avail. When I turn the key I get power to the light behind the instrument panel (to light it up at night) and my tail light. Nothing else on my instrument panel (or light system) light up. It doesn't turn over or anything. New battery as of 2 weeks ago. Really would like to get this back on the road. I'll be searching the service manual for any solutions but anything you guys can suggest would be terrific. Thanks!

  2. SLKid

    SLKid Active Member

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    You mean you hit the start button and nothing happens?? Maybe you should shoot some Elec Connect Cleaner in it or something. Some WD40 worked in my start button, but not advisable. WD40 is flammable. Or if that doesnt work, try jumping your solenoid. That usually works pretty well. Check everything in your start button before you decide that your solenoid is bad. Usually, having to jump your solenoid means you have a bad one, but it could just be a piece of dirt or sand ect behind your start button. They tend to be finiky
  3. Chunga836

    Chunga836 New Member

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    No I mean I have no power to the instrument panel. No LED power up, no Warning check, no nothing. the only light on on the instrument panel is the plain white light that light up the speedo and tach so you can see them at night. I tried starting it just maybe the panel wasn't on but was still functioning but nothing happened. And the only other area that is getting power is my tail light :(
  4. SLKid

    SLKid Active Member

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    So no blown fuses??? Hmmm. I had the same prob with mine but my fuse was blown... Maybe you got a bad connect under the headlight bucket??? Man thats a head scratcher..
  5. SLKid

    SLKid Active Member

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    OH!!!! What about your main fuse behind the seat!? The glass tube fuse?????? That could be blown! That would make a lot of sense
  6. Chunga836

    Chunga836 New Member

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    Nope. I actually cut out those horrid awful ones that someone had hacked in there tonight and replaced them with shiny ones and heat shrank everything nice like. and to the bad connect I just ripped my headlight bucket wires out tonight and replaced ALL the bullet connections (the others seem pretty solid) and for perspective of whether it was done right, my dad is an electrician and I'm going to school for EE :p So I'm pretty sure they're solid. I think something may be wrong with the ignition switch, I was really too tired to rip that apart tonight so I'll do it tomorrow morning :roll:
  7. SLKid

    SLKid Active Member

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    Let me know how that goes!! You'll figure it out I'm sure of it! Just recently my bike stopped on me while I was riding home at 1am... 8 miles from home. Man that was a long push.. So i feel your pain. You'll get it, i'm sure. You sound dedicated
  8. Chunga836

    Chunga836 New Member

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    Well....as I wake up this morning my brother comes up to me and shakes my hand congratulating me on fixing my bike. Curious by what he means I go out and turn the key. Instrument panel powers up....strange. Then I hit the starter. VROOM. Starts right up like nothing ever happened.....really really curious as to what happened. Maybe my new connections fixed it? IT was sitting in the hot sun on a humid for much of the day yesterday so maybe that had some affect on it...either way I plan on riding around locally this morning testing it and everything. Also, the weirdest thing....my battery sensor is no longer giving me that warning..... :roll: Figures. Maybe the whole thing reset and it will come on in a week, I dunno. Either way I'm off to put everything back into place and see what happens from there.

  9. grutz

    grutz Member

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    I had similar symptoms. I ended up pushing the bike for about 5 miles because I thought it "fixed" itself. Was a connection coming loose inside the bundle under the seat. After that I went over every connection and sautered them all together. I still wouldn't trust anything fixing itself.
  10. SLKid

    SLKid Active Member

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    Troy, Va (Charlottesville)
    HUH!! Soo weird!! These bikes have a mind of thier own it seems sometimes...
    Glad she works. Keep an eye out an be cautious! I never let my guard down when I ride. Always concentrating on other cars, the road, and my what noises my bike makes.
    It was probably something simple. It'll come to you. Keep thikning about it

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