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upgrading brakes

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by FastMaxim82, Aug 14, 2009.

  1. FastMaxim82

    FastMaxim82 Member

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    Tarentum, north of pittsburgh, pa
    well the pads are getting down on the bike so it's time. of course as usual i'll use Chacal. so organic pads, check out my spare rotor (if no good then i'l get a nice drilled one). was trying to decide the $25 differance rather to go with new rubber hoses (which yes look close to hmmmm ya it's an 82) or go with the stainless braided. the bike's not flashy by anymeans so probably just rubber i'm guessing. the new hoses should increase perf. over the old ones right? now for the master. was wandering if i should go with the OE replacement or go with the aftermarket one which if i'm right would be for dual front disc set up? just looking for thoughts, i'm getting ready for my 8 month winter, well at least that's how long i took last time. lol can't beleive summers coming to an end then i remember i didn't start riding this year till july.
  2. Danilo

    Danilo Member

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    Vancouver canada
    EBC Kevlar pads work V well. Suggest buying the braided lines, there IS a palpable performance difference.
    IF you buy a new master do try to get one with a slightly smaller Bore than the oem one.. and your brakes will feel much more responsive .
  3. mlew

    mlew Well-Known Member

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    Go with the stainless lines, its the best brake improvement you can do. I put SS lines on my XS and XJ1100 this year, I was amazed at the improvement. I kept the OEM master cylinders , just put rebuild kits in them. I got my lines from HEL USA , they were 200$ for each bike . That included new banjo bolts and bleed screws.
  4. FastMaxim82

    FastMaxim82 Member

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    Tarentum, north of pittsburgh, pa
    i was gonna replace the master cuz it needs rebuilt and the sight glass is almost as good at retaining the fluid as swiss cheese :) as for the bore size that's where i was puzzled. i thought the one on the bike now has the smaller bore and the one for a dual front brake has a bigger bore. i was thinking that the bigger bore would be better but i've been wrong before. the lines will depend if i need a rotor. if no rotor then braided, if i need a rotor i'll go with the rubber to save a couple bucks (at least for now) then maybe upgrade to the braided next year. I've been kinda thinking bout Bill and not that i think the condition of his bike was at play but mine is. it's a minimally maintained starter bike (i think i'm the 8th or 9th owner since it was new) and the brakes work but aren't the best they could be. And yes Fitz the rear brake has been check for delamination and the shoes look like they are still new, probably were done for inspection right before i got it last year.

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