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Idle issue....

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by Scholz, Aug 28, 2009.

  1. Scholz

    Scholz Member

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    So here's where I've gotten so far.

    I can't do a compression test of the engine cause i don't have the money to buy the tool for it right now.

    I've hosed down the carbs with carb cleaner everywhere and there was no change to the idle at all.

    I'm begining to thik it's the butterflies sticking.....

    I can dial in the idle nice with the ajustment screw... drive a block away and the idle is up at like 3k

    ajust it down at that point and i have to keep the slack in the throttle cable tight or she'll stall out....

    also the last time i had the carb's off the bike and dialed all the ajustment screws all the way in. It was really really really really hard to pull up on the throttle linkage...

    something just not right....

    any idea's
  2. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    Massachusetts, Billerica
    When you suspect that the Throttles are sticking, ... you have to do a considerable amount of Cleaning and rehabilitation to get them returned to how they need to be in order to deliver superior performance and run that Bike.
    Running good is all about having cleaned Carbs set-up right.

    The 20-Year Service Recommendation includes:
    Complete dismantling of Carbs for a thorough cleaning.
    Refinishing the Diaphragm Piston Bores
    Polishing the Bores
    Flushing Fuel and Air Passages
    Float Height Adjustment
    Bench Sync
    Lubricating Throttle Shaft Pivots
  3. Scholz

    Scholz Member

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    Thanks Rick.... The carbs are spotless on the inside.... I suspect they might have lager pilot jets in them too.... I couldn't really read the number on the jets... The main jets were compleatly un-readable because of damage froma screw driver. looked like it could be a 43 or a 40 stamped on the pilot jets...
  4. XJ700VET

    XJ700VET Member

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    Portland OR
    I was having a very simular problem with my carbs. What I was lead to discover was, I didn't have my carbs aligned exactly. If you have the carbs off, remove the hats & diaphrams. I used a carpenters level to check the alignment of my carbs as they set in the rack. Flip your carbs upside down and place them on the level. Mine were off by what must have been only 1/64 of an inch. Once I got them aligned correctly my idle problem was solved. Also be very careful when spraying carb cleaner around all of your rubber bits on the carbs when looking for air leaks, the carb cleaner will eat spendy rubber bits. A better option is either an unlit propane torch or flamable break cleaner.


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