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fuse box

Discussion in 'Hangout Lounge' started by FastMaxim82, Aug 29, 2009.

  1. FastMaxim82

    FastMaxim82 Member

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    Tarentum, north of pittsburgh, pa
    anyone got a couple pics of Chacal's fuse box he sells? just curious how it looks. I gotta get rid of these glass fuses on my XS 750. found a couple susggestions on the triple forum but it usually involes relocating the box or sitting it in the tool pouch slot which then won't fit the tool pouch. just curious about it's size as the one i found won't allow the seat to close without starting to smash it. thanks.
  2. Ltdave

    Ltdave Member

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    as far east as you can get in michigan 43.027407,
    this one is NOT from Chacal but its virtually the same thing...


    this is the tag i made for it at work. Chacal has something similar in a decal...


    it sits on top of the airbox in the same spot as the original fuse block...
  3. FastMaxim82

    FastMaxim82 Member

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    Tarentum, north of pittsburgh, pa
    ok thanks. i may have to see if i can find one for mini fuses as the aftermarket ones seem to be a little high to put in the same spot on my XS. that looks like it would be close so i may pick one up and try it. thanks for the pic

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