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I can see clearly now... the H4's in...

Discussion in 'XJ Modifications' started by satyr, Jul 8, 2008.

  1. satyr

    satyr Member

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    Hey all-
    Just wanted to drop a quick post just to let people know this CAN be done. My stock headlight was... well, awful. So- after alot of research, shopping, discussions with buddies on car forums I did a pretty straightforward upgrade.

    I bought a set of inexpensive 7 inch universal headlights for H4 bulbs. Took a long time to find something that wasn't e-code or plastic lenses and I can only suggest that you ask wherever you are buying them from if they are or not- cuz e-code or plastic is probably not going to do you any favors on a bike. Then I shopped for bulbs and picked up some 55watt lo, 60 watt hi vision plus H4 bulbs from Powerbulbs.com. Sylvania Silverstar Ultras (We have in another vehicle) were my second choice- but were more dinero so... Anyway, they plugged right up and mounted just fine without any cutting, filing, or re-wiring.

    The difference is incredible- I only wish I had photographed the "before and after" to show the difference. -J
  2. huckersteve

    huckersteve Member

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    Seattle, WA
    I'll settle for an "After" shot. Let's see 'em!
  3. KAOS

    KAOS Member

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    Newport, Maine
    +2 :D

    TIMEtoRIDE Active Member

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    Clermont FL near Orlando
  5. Altus

    Altus Active Member

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    London, Ontario
    Actually - E-code headlights do work quite well in a bike - mine's wonderful!


    Likes Received:
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    Deerfield OH
    Hella make a conversion to h-4 that is e code AND dot legal if used in a bike.
    http://store.summitracing.com/partdetai ... toview=sku

    Just installed one in my 82 XJ1100 a couple of weeks ago.
    The swap took a whole 10 minutes!
    Much Better.
    Call me and I will fix you up with one.
    330-630-0240 ask for Tom
  7. gdewit79

    gdewit79 Member

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    What about those of us who have the square headlight?
  8. Ass.Fault

    Ass.Fault Active Member

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    College Station, Texas
    the squares should already have an H4
    Mine does
  9. satyr

    satyr Member

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    Hmm- will see what I can do about a photo, although I think I let my online photo site membership lapse....

    Oh and for those with square lenses- take a measurement and see what you can find out there for a replacement "upgrade" (measurement may require conversion to mm or cm). If you have H4s already- you should have no problem upgrading to a better bulb, but if its a traditional "sealed beam"- you could do better just by buying a replacement halogen with the proper wattage. -J
  10. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Rural SE Michigan 60 miles N of Motown
  11. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    The room where it happened
    Also, take note that places that advertise "Euro-style" headlights are really referring to the US-version headlights that are legal for cars/truck/etc.........the actual EURO headlights (with much better beam patterns and light cut-offs) are NOT street legal for cars in the USA, but ARE street legal for motorcycles.


    Let there be Light!.........

    Enough of it, that is. Motorcycles, suffering from only having a single headlight, tend to have woefully inadequate lighting for night-time driving, especially on unfamiliar roads or during "spirited" riding. We're going to try to help you understand why, and then offer you a variety of solutions. Here goes............

    What most people call a "headlight" is really three separate functional components: the glass LENSE, a highly polished REFLECTOR, and the electrically operated light-producing BULB.

    In some cases, the glass LENSE and the polished REFLECTOR are formed and molded as one unit, and are inseparable from each other. On other models (primarily with the square lights, such as the XJ750 Seca models, etc.), the reflector is actually a metal housing with a non-removable (unless you try really hard!) flat front glass lense.

    Additionally, some bikes (XJ550 models and XJ650 Maxim and Midnight Maxim models) are factory-supplied with a SEALED-BEAM type of headlight, where the bulb is part-and-parcel of the lense and reflector assembly, and not removable nor replacable. All other XJ models use a "modular" headlight unit, which means that the bulb CAN be removed from the lense/reflector unit....and thus if the bulb burns out (or an upgraded wattage or style of bulb is desired), then only the bulb needs to be replaced; the glass lense and reflector unit lives on, basically forever.

    Although most people feel that the BULB is greatest determinant of a headlight's light output, this isn't really the case. Although sealed-beam headlights and modular bulbs are available in a variety of wattage ratings, the amount of USABLE LIGHT (meaning: "how much?" and, especially, "where?") are controlled as much by the LENSE and REFLECTOR design as by the bulb's rated wattage.....

    And lets talk about those rated wattages for a moment, because that's an important issue: all automotive bulbs are rated for a certain current draw (which translates somewhat nicely into "light output", although it is really not a one-to-one relationship) at 12.8 Volts DC. But are you actually getting 12.8 volts DC (VDC) at your headlight? Probably not....and if you want to check for yourself, hook up a voltmeter and read the voltage drops while the engine is running at various speeds. Do you get 12.8 VDC (or above)? Probably not. And that's where the problems begin.........

    Because the reduction in voltage available to the headlight reduces the light output from the "advertised" or rated level rather quickly......i.e. a 10% voltage drop gets you about a 33% reduction in light output (yes, you read that correctly, a 33% reduction, whoa!).

    This is why the condition of your wiring system is so critical to proper lighting. But that's only part "A" of the story............

    Here's part B: your glass LENSE. Whatever amount of light your BULB is outputting---dependant upon the bulb's wattage rating and the capability of your electrical system, as outlined above----the "how much?" of the available bulb output and, more importantly, the "where?" of that light output is controlled by the lense.

    You see all those raised ribs (called "fluting") on the glass lense? The light comes from the bulb, then it bounces off the reflector, and is then finally concentrated or diffused ("spread out") according to what and how that lens fluting has been designed. The fluting can be designed to give a broad, spread out pattern of light, and perhaps with a narrow, focused "pencil beam" of the available light output all going straight ahead----or anywhere in-between. Reflector and fluting design elements are what really make the difference between "standard", run-of-the-mill headlights and high-performance headlight manufacturers (such as Cibie, Hella, Marchal, etc.)....after all, a 55/60W bulb is basically going to output the same amount of light whether it's installed in a No-Name brand headlight lense/reflector, or whether it's installed in a Hello Euro Vision Plus headlight. It's what the headlight lense/reflector DESIGN does with that available light that determines whether, or how far away, you see that deer that is about to jump out into the road in front of you......or not.

    There, you're almost an optical expert. You can now hopefully make a better, informed decision as to what you want and need, and how much that is worth to you.

    Lets now review the standard headlights that came on these bikes:

    All XJ550 and XJ650 Maxim and Midnight Maxim models used a 7" round SEALED-BEAM headlight with an integrated bulb-reflector-lense assembly and a non-replacable bulb. These stock bulbs are rated at 40W low beam and 50W high beam current draw. This is basically 1940's technology and about the worst headlight performance you could ever imagine, just one step above using a candle in place of the electrical bulb. The good news here is that you can upgrade these headlights to a slightly higher wattage modern sealed-beam bulb (55W low-beam, 60W high-beam) or just completely ditch the sealed beam and go with a modular headlight system.

    All XJ650RJ Seca used a big, beautiful 8" round modular headlight. I really love the way this slightly over-sized headlight makes these bikes look so much more "old-school aggressive". The good news is that it takes a regular, easily-located replacement bulb; the bad news is, if the lense/reflector assembly is cracked or damagd in any way, you're going to look long and really hard to find a replacement, since no one seems to be making 8" round headlight units anymore. Stock bulb rating is 55W low beam, 60W high beam.

    The XJ650 Turbo, the 1982 XJ750 Maxim, all XJ750 Seca models, and the XJ900RK all used a rectangular, modular headlight system, with an easy-to-find and replace bulb. Again, the stock bulb rating is 55W low beam, 60W high beam.

    The 1983 XJ750 Maxim and Midnight Maxim models, as well as the XJ1100 models, used a 7" round modular headlight system. Bulbs and lense units alike are easy to locate. Like all the other modular headlights, the stock bulb rating is 55W low beam, 60W high beam.

    Next, all the XJ700 models used a smaller 5-3/4" round modular headlight system. Again, both the bulbs and the lense units are easy to obtain for these models, with the bulb being rated at the tried-and-true 55W low beam, 60W high beam.

    Finally, the XJ750 Seca and 1982 XJ750 Maxim models used a smaller, rectangular "driving light" below the main headlight, and this too is a modular designed light, with a replacable bulb, although the bulb used in these lights are only a 35W output from the factory, and are a different style bulb than the headlight uses. Bulbs are readily available for these driving lights.

    So there you have it.

    Now, a couple of question always arise, the first always being:

    Q1) Should I upgrade to a higher wattage BULB?

    A1) In a nutshell, NO. The problem is not the bulb's light output, it's the compromised electrical system on these bikes that restricts the voltage available to the bulb that is mainly responsible for the poor lighting, along with the somewhat poor design of standard factory or low-cost aftermarket headlight lense/reflector units.

    Q2) How to I remedy the "compromised electrical system" on my bike?

    A2) First, make sure that ALL---meaning every last one---of the electrical connections in your headlight system are clean and uncorroded.

    This means starting from the fusebox forward---and while you're at, replace your stock fusebox, as it's usually a huge source of electrical resistance in your system (more resistance = less voltage across the connection).

    This also means the contacts inside your left side handlebar switch should be squeaky clean (electrically-speaking), gunk-and-corrosion free. You'll have to take apart your switch and clean all the contacts internally, which isn't a bad idea to do anyway.

    And of course, make sure that your battery and your alternator (those brushes) are in great shape, and actually capable of outputting the proper voltage into your electrical system to begin with.

    Q3) Why don't I just install a higher wattage bulb, even with a compromised, ritually-unclean electrical system?

    A3) Because it doesn't work that way. I would suggest reading Section 8 on this excellent article about XJ electrical systems (heck, you should actually memorize the whole article) and you'll begin to see how "going bigger" is not only NOT better, but could be a whole lot worse, economically and otherwise:


    Q4) Should I use the "whiter" or "daylight" or "blue" or "purple" or "whatever" modular bulbs that are advertised as producting "better light" or "whiter light" or "more light" or "bigger light" or blah-blah-blah?

    A4) You can, but it's mostly hooey that you're buying. Again, the problem isn't the light output of the BULB, it's the electrical system and the design of the reflector and lense that are the real issues. A great in-depth, easy-to-understand review of these issues can be found at:


    Go and read the "TECH" section of the website "bulb articles". You might be in for a surprise.........but at least you'll know the truth, and that's supposed to set you free.

    Q5) So what do I do?

    A5) First: make sure your electrical system is in tip-top shape: alternator, battery wiring, connectors, switches should all be operating properly and all of your the connectors are going to have to be cleaned. This is cheap but time-consuming to do.....but, it produces the best results. Like love, there's some things that money just can't buy.........

    Second: If you've got a sealed-beam system, upgrade to a modular headlight system....it's a bolt-in replacement.

    Third: For those models with round headlights, upgrade them to a higher-performance modular system, such as the Hella Vision Plus systems below. The better optical design on these lense/reflector units put more light, and better light, WHERE YOU NEED IT, rather than scattering the light somewhat uselessly like most standard headlights do.

    For those people with the rectangular headlights, well.......make sure your electrical system is up to snuff (because there are no upgraded-design modular lense/reflector units available for your bike!).

    HCP242 Aftermarket sealed-beam round 7" HEADLIGHT, 50/60W bulb rating, original application for all XJ550 models and all XJ650 Maxim and Midnight Maxim models. Can be used on all 1983 XJ750 Maxim and Midnight Maxim models, and XJ1100 models, but those models originally had a modular headlight, and you will "down-grading" those models. This is the lowest-performance solution available to you, but it's cheap!
    $ 8.95

    HCP9314 Aftermarket halogen sealed-beam round 7" HEADLIGHT, 35/60W bulb rating, original application for all XJ550 models and all XJ650 Maxim and Midnight Maxim models. Can be used on all 1983 XJ750 Maxim and Midnight Maxim models, and XJ1100 models, but those models originally had a modular headlight, and you will "down-grading" those models. Halogen bulbs produce brighter light, and have a longer average life, than standard tungsten (original style) sealed beam units.
    $ 11.95

    HCP3592 OEM modular 7" round headlight LENSE & REFLECTOR unit only, bulb not included. For all XJ750 Maxim and Midnight Maxim models, as well as all XJ1100 models.
    $ 28.00

    HCP9313 Aftermarket halogen sealed-beam round 5-3/4" HEADLIGHT, 35/50W bulb rating, correct size for all XJ700 models, but this is not the original style modular headlight system lense----this is a sealed beam, and you will "down-grading" by using this style lamp. However, it is quite a bit less expensive that a complete modular system (lense and bulb units) if you are starting out with NO headlight, at all.
    $ 9.95

    HCP3602 OEM modular 5-3/4" round headlight LENSE & REFLECTOR unit only, bulb not included. For all XJ700 models.
    $ 44.00

    HCP3598 OEM modular 5" x 7" headlight LENSE & REFLECTOR unit only, bulb not included. For all XJ650 Turbo, 1982 XJ750 Maxim, and XJ900RK models.
    $ 77.00

    HCP3600 OEM modular 5" x 7" headlight LENSE & REFLECTOR unit only, bulb not included. For all XJ650 Turbo, 1982 XJ750 Maxim, and XJ900RK models.
    $ 79.00

    HCP3601 OEM modular 5" x 3" auxiliary driving light LENSE & REFLECTOR unit only, bulb not included. For 1982 XJ750 Maxim and all XJ750 Seca models.
    $ 57.00

    Modular Headlight Bulbs:

    Modular headlight bulbs will fit both the OEM and aftermarket modular headlight systems for these bikes.

    HCP3595 OEM modular headlight system Halogen BULB, rated at 55/60W output, for all models that use a modular headlight system.
    $ 11.95

    HCP8569 Aftermarket modular headlight system Halogen BULB, rated at 55/60W output, for all models that use a modular headlight system.
    $ 8.95

    HCP8570 Aftermarket modular headlight system Halogen BULB, rated at 80/100W output, for all models that use a modular headlight system. I cannot tell you how much I urge you to NOT upgrade to this rating bulb....but for the "bigger is always better crowd" well, here it is. Don't be surprised if you melt your wiring, or catch your headlight housing on fire, or fry your computer-controlled dash if your electrical system isn't up to snuff, though. Or even if it is..........
    $ 12.95

    HCP8571 Aftermarket modular driving light BULB, rated at 35W output, for the 1982 XJ750 Maxim and all XJ750 Seca models that use the smaller auxiliary driving light.
    $ 8.95

    HCP8572 Aftermarket modular driving light BULB, higher-output than stock, rated at 55W, for the 1982 XJ750 Maxim and all XJ750 Seca models that use the smaller auxiliary driving light. Unlike with your headlight system, upgrading the low-wattage 35W oem bulb to the 55W rating of this bulb will not jeopardize your electrical system, switches, etc.
    $ 9.95

    Modular Headlight Systems:

    Now you can upgrade your headlight to the latest design standards and technological advances in reflector and lense designs using the Hella VISION+ series of modular headlight systems. Each headlight comes with the lense & reflector unit, rubber bulb socket cover, and a high-quality 55/60W Halogen bulb.....making them ready to drop right into your stock headlight housing. Again, remember that it's not so much the wattage of the bulb that mattes, it's the design of the lense and reflectors that makes these units a far superior design.

    Replacement bulbs are the same as the bulbs listed above. Your existing headlight harness plug (connector) will fit these bulbs properly.

    This 5-3/4" round high-performance headlights will fit the following models:

    - as a standard drop-in replacement for all original modular headlights on all XJ700 models.

    HCP8615 Aftermarket HELLA brand Euro Vision+ DOT-approved round 5-3/4" modular headlight system, includes the lense/reflector unit, a 55/60W Halogen bulb, and the bulb socket cover. So let there be even better light! The Hella Euro-design lense---which is street-legal for motorcycles in the USA---puts more light where you need it (in front of you and off to the right side) while minimizing the "wasted' overhead light dispersion that DOT rules require for automotive headlights. More light, less glare to oncoming traffic, everyone wins. Not street-legal for use on automobiles, trucks, vans, etc.
    $ 59.95

    These 7" round high-performance headlights will fit the following models:

    - as an upgrade over the original sealed-beam units in all XJ550 models, and XJ650 Maxim and Midnight Maxim models.

    - as a standard drop-in replacement for all original modular headlights on all 1983 XJ750 Maxim and Midnight Maxim models, as well as the XJ1100 models.

    HCP8566 Aftermarket HELLA brand Vision+ DOT-approved round 7" modular headlight system, includes the lense/reflector unit, a 55/60W Halogen bulb, and the bulb socket cover. Let there be light!
    $ 44.95

    HCP8567 Aftermarket HELLA brand Euro Vision+ DOT-approved round 7" modular headlight system, includes the lense/reflector unit, a 55/60W Halogen bulb, and the bulb socket cover. So let there be even better light! The Hella Euro-design lense---which is street-legal for motorcycles in the USA---puts more light where you need it (in front of you and off to the right side) while minimizing the "wasted' overhead light dispersion that DOT rules require for automotive headlights. More light, less glare to oncoming traffic, everyone wins. Not street-legal for use on automobiles, trucks, vans, etc.
    $ 57.95

    Headlight Mounting Components:

    Although it varies slightly by model, most bikes use a headlight HOUSING (usually called the "bucket") that the headlight LENSE sits within. On round headlight models, the back of the headlight is supported by a headlight MOUNTING PLATE or RING. The headlight lense has a thin metal RETAINING RING that holds the headlight lense to the mounting ring, and then a bright chrome BEZEL RING is the decorative front outer piece.

    Rectangular headlight systems are much similar, as they dispense with the rear headlight mounting ring.

    The entire headlight assembly (housing/bucket, lense, and all the internal mounting pieces and hardware) is held to the bike's front steering brackets via the headlight STAY BRACKET or "mounting ears" as they are sometimes referred to.

    Beginning from the inside and working our way outside, we have:

    HCP4588 OEM headlight MOUNTING PLATE or RING, for all XJ550 models, all XJ650 Maxim and Midnight Maxims, 1983 XJ750 Maxim and Midnight Maxims, and XJ1100 models.
    $ 24.95

    HCP4587 OEM headlight lense outer RETAINING RING, this thin metal band snugs around the very outer lip of the glass lense, for all XJ550 models, all XJ650 Maxim and Midnight Maxims, 1983 XJ750 Maxim and Midnight Maxim models.
    $ 19.95

    HCP4580 OEM headlight lense outer RETAINING RING, this thin metal band snugs around the very outer lip of the glass lense, all XJ650RJ Seca models.
    $ 39.95

    HCP4500 OEM headlight lense outer RETAINING RING, this thin metal band snugs around the very outer lip of the glass lense, all XJ700 models.
    $ 21.95

    HCP4566 OEM headlight lense outer RETAINING RING, this thin metal band snugs around the very outer lip of the main headlight glass lense, all XJ750 Seca models.
    $ 21.95

    HCP4582 OEM headlight lense chrome outer BEZEL RING, this is the decoratize metal ring that finishes the front of the headlight housing. Fits all XJ550 models, all XJ650 Maxim and Midnight Maxims, 1983 XJ750 Maxim and Midnight Maxims, and XJ1100 models. NOTE: original bezel rings for the Midnight Maxim models was a golden chrome, rather than the standard bright silver chrome as provided with this part.
    $ 59.95

    HCP4581 OEM headlight lense chrome outer BEZEL RING, this is the decoratize metal ring that finishes the front of the headlight housing. Fits all XJ650RJ Seca models.
    $ 69.95

    HCP4569 OEM headlight lense chrome outer BEZEL RING, this is the decoratize metal ring that finishes the front of the headlight lense. Fits all XJ650 Turbo models.
    $ 54.95

    HCP4499 OEM headlight lense chrome outer BEZEL RING, this is the decoratize metal ring that finishes the front of the headlight housing. Fits all XJ700 models.
    $ 47.95

    HCP4568 OEM headlight lense chrome outer BEZEL RING, this is the decoratize metal ring that finishes the front of the main headlight housing. Fits all XJ750 Seca models.
    $ 54.95

    HCP4567 OEM auxiliary headlight lense chrome outer BEZEL RING, this is the decoratize metal ring that finishes the front of the driving light housing. Fits all 1982 XJ750 Maxim and all XJ750 Seca models.
    $ 49.95

    HCP4572 OEM auxiliary headlight lense chrome outer BEZEL RING, this is the decoratize metal ring that finishes the front of the headlight housing. Fits all XJ900RK Seca models.
    $ 79.95

    HCP4558 OEM front headlight black plastic HEADLIGHT HOUSING, for all XJ750 Seca models, with the damper bushings and plastic collars. This is for the main headlight.
    $ 89.95

    HCP4559 OEM front headlight black plastic HEADLIGHT HOUSING, for all 1982 XJ750 Maxim models, with the damper bushings and plastic collars. This is for the main headlight.
    $ 79.95

    HCP4560 OEM front auxiliary driving light black plastic LIGHT HOUSING, for all 1982 XJ750 Maxim and XJ750 Seca models. This is for the smaller "auxiliary" headlight.
    $ 92.95

    HCP9149 Aftermarket headlight housing wire access openings protective RUBBER GROMMET. Never used by the factory, but maybe it should have been! Thin, black rubber gommet neatly snaps onto the housing and completely surrounds the wire access openings, preventing wire insulation chafing and shorts. Gives a nice finished look to the housing. Fits the larger (upper) oval opening where the instrument cluster wires enter the headlight housing. Fits all XJ550 models, all XJ650 (except Turbo) models, and all 1983 XJ750 Maxim and Midnight Maxim models.
    $ 3.95

    HCP9149 Aftermarket headlight housing wire access openings protective RUBBER GROMMET. Never used by the factory, but maybe it should have been! Thin, black rubber gommets neatly snaps onto the housing and completely surrounds the wire access openings, preventing wire insulation chafing and shorts. Gives a nice finished look to the housing. Fits the two smaller (lower) round openings where the main harness lead wires enter the headlight housing. Fits all XJ550 models, all XJ650 (except Turbo) models, and all 1983 XJ750 Maxim and Midnight Maxim models. Each:
    $ 2.95

    HCP4594 OEM front headlight housing assembly chrome STAY BRACKET, for all XJ550 Seca models, left side.
    $ 59.00

    HCP4593 OEM front headlight housing assembly chrome STAY BRACKET, for all XJ550 Seca models, right side.
    $ 59.00

    HCP4602 OEM front headlight housing assembly black STAY BRACKET, for all XJ650RJ Seca models.
    $ 109.00

    Headlight Adjuster Hardware:

    HCP4642 OEM headlight ADJUSTER SCREW, the long phillips headed screw that controls the left-right alignment of the headlight assembly within the housing bucket. These normally seize up and the head strips on them when you try to adjust them. Make sure you install them with some anti-seize lube on the threads! Each:
    $ 2.95

    For all the following models use 1 screw:
    XJ550 all models
    XJ650 Maxim
    1982 XJ750 Maxim (main headlight)

    For all the following models use 2 screws:
    XJ650 Turbo (1982)
    XJ750 Seca (main headlight)
    XJ750 Maxim (1982)

    The above screw can also be used on XJ650 Midnight Maxim and XJ750 Midnight Maxim models, but the finish is incorrect.

    HCP4641 OEM headlight ADJUSTER SCREW, the long phillips headed screw that controls the left-right alignment of the headlight assembly within the housing bucket. These normally seize up and the head strips on them when you try to adjust them. Make sure you install them with some anti-seize lube on the threads! Use 1, for all XJ650RJ Seca models. Each:
    $ 3.95

    HCP4646 OEM headlight ADJUSTER SCREW, the long phillips headed screw that controls the left-right alignment of the headlight assembly within the housing bucket. These normally seize up and the head strips on them when you try to adjust them. Make sure you install them with some anti-seize lube on the threads! Use 2, for all 1983 XJ650 Turbo models. Each:
    $ 3.75

    HCP4501 OEM headlight ADJUSTER SCREW, the long phillips headed screw that controls the left-right alignment of the headlight assembly within the housing bucket. These normally seize up and the head strips on them when you try to adjust them. Make sure you install them with some anti-seize lube on the threads! Use 2, for all XJ700 models. Each:
    $ 5.25

    HCP4644 OEM headlight adjuster screw SPRING, the long skinny spring used with the above adjuster screws. Each:
    $ 3.25

    For all the following models use 1 screw:
    XJ550 all models
    XJ650 Maxim and Midnight Maxim

    For all the following models use 2 screws:
    XJ650 Turbo
    XJ750 Seca (main headlight)
    XJ750 Maxim and Midnight Maxim

    HCP4645 OEM headlight adjuster screw SPRING, the long skinny spring used with the above adjuster screws. Use 1 for all XJ650RJ Seca models and 2 for all XJ700 models. Each:
    $ 4.25

    HCP4649 OEM headlight adjuster screw NUT, the square white plastic locking nut that the screw enters and holds the alignment. Each:
    $ 2.50

    For all the following models use 1 screw:
    XJ550 all models
    XJ650 Maxim, Midnight Maxim, and Seca
    1983 XJ750 Maxim and Midnight Maxim

    For all the following models use 2 screws:
    XJ650 Turbo
    XJ700 all models
    XJ750 Seca (main headlight)
    1982 XJ750 Maxim (main headlight)

    Headlight Replacement Parts:

    Unless otherwise noted, the following minor parts are for the original Yamaha headlights and may not work with any aftermarket brand replacement headlights.

    HCP3597 OEM modular headlight BULB RETAINING SPRING PLATE.....the spring-clip that holds the modular bulb firmly in place in the back of the headlight lense-reflector unit. Fits all models that use a factory modular headlight: XJ650RJ Seca, XJ650 Turbo, all XJ700 models, all XJ750 models (main headlight), XJ900RK, and XJ1100 models.
    $ 8.50

    HCP4562 OEM modular headlight BULB RETAINING SPRING PLATE.....the spring-clip that holds the modular bulb firmly in place in the back of the auxiliary headlight lense-reflector unit. Fits all models that use the factory modular auxiliary (driving) light: 1982 XJ750 Maxim and all XJ750 Seca models.
    $ 11.50

    HCP3604 OEM headlight bulb triangular TERMINAL or SOCKET COVER. This is the large molded rubber "boot" that covers the electrical terminal and plug-in connector from the wire harness, where it plugs into the bulb at the rear of the headlight. A necessary piece to protect the electrical terminals from moisture. For all XJ550 models, and all XJ650 Maxim and Midnight Maxim models using a stock type sealed-beam headlight.
    $ 11.95

    HCP3599 OEM headlight bulb round TERMINAL or SOCKET COVER. This is the large molded rubber "boot" that covers the electrical terminal and plug-in connector from the wire harness, where it plugs into the bulb at the rear of the headlight. A necessary piece to protect the electrical terminals from moisture. For all XJ650RJ Seca, XJ650 Turbo, all XJ700 models, all XJ750 models, and XJ900RK and XJ1100 models using the stock type modular (replacable) bulb.
    $ 17.95

    HCP4564 OEM headlight RIM RETAINING SPRING.....this spring-clip holds the rectangular headlight firmly in place onto the headlight housing. Use 1 per light, front upper position, fits all XJ650 Turbo, all XJ750 Seca models (main headlight), 1982 XJ750 Maxim (main headlight), and XJ900RK models.
    $ 5.50

    HCP4564 OEM headlight RIM RETAINING SPRING.....this spring-clip holds the round headlight firmly in place onto the headlight rim. Use 1 per light, fits all XJ700 models.
    $ 3.50

    Headlight Latching Relays:

    hlr1) OEM headlight system HEADLIGHT RELAY. This relay prevents the headlight from coming on while the starter motor is being engaged, thus allowing maximum battery voltage to be used by the starter and the ignition system. However, it is dependant on voltage draw in order to energize and "latch" into the on position, and thus if the engine gets spinning fast enough during the starting process (whether the engine fires or not), enough voltage will be produced by the alternator (which increases its output with RPM's) to eergize this relay, and thus lighting the headlamp. Also, once latched on, the headlight relay remains latched on until the ignition switch is turned fully off.....thus, if you (for example) stall the bike, and hit the starter button, this relay will remain latched and the headlight WILL remain lit during the starting process. Only by turning the key to the off position can you de-energize this relay (and thus turn the headlight off).

    Identification: The Headlight Relay is a small square metal "can" relay, and has a small yellow paint "dot" or yellow locking tab, and has the following 4 wires connected to it:

    - XJ550 all models and XJ650 all models except Turbo: a solid black wire, a solid white wire, a blue wire with a black tracer stripe, and a red wire with a yellow tracer stripe.

    - XJ750 Seca models: a solid black wire, a white wire with a blue tracer stripe, a blue wire with a black tracer stripe, and a red wire with a yellow tracer stripe.

    NOTE: original relays were always a square metal can style, although they may have been replaced by an automotive style plastic relay.

    HCP429 OEM main HEADLIGHT RELAY. For all XJ550, XJ650 (except Turbo), and XJ750 Seca models.
    $ 79.95
  12. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Rural SE Michigan 60 miles N of Motown
    Len; Once again, thanks for jumping in with everything we need to know. I'm still not 100% on one aspect
    Will the electrical system on the 550 be OK with the upgrade from 40W/50W to 55W/60W? I KNOW "bigger isn't always better" so I was concerned about the additional wattage, being that the 55W low beam is 5W higher than the original "high."
  13. dwatson636

    dwatson636 Member

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    Laveen AZ.
    So all the part numbers above came from what website?
  14. MN-Maxims

    MN-Maxims St. Paul Minnesota

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    That would be our parts source "chacal". Len is our parts specialist and has mostly everything you may need. Just PM him and you will have more information then you can imagine.

    Good Luck
    ' MN


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    Deerfield OH
    After I got used to the 55w/60w bulb I put in 2 relays and a 100w/130 bulb

    HOLY @&%y^*&&^%$%#*&*&$^$#&^%()(!!!!!! 8O

    ummmm, I mean it's a little brighter. :oops:
  16. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    I fear the Load on your Alternator is going to be beyond what that Alternator can handle.

    You'll now when you start "Burning-Up" Alternator Rotors and / or having the Voltage Regulator fail.

    I don't have the Specs on what the Alternator is designed to put-out, ... But I recall that using an 85W Bulb is pushing-it!


    Likes Received:
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    Deerfield OH
    I think the 1100 has a bigger alternator as it has an extra set of terminals for an extra circuit.

    I used those to power my relays.

    Six months and no problems yet.

    If it blows up I'll post. :wink:
  18. Polock

    Polock Well-Known Member

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    Beaver Falls, PA
    a 55/60 plus the 35 driving light gets ya 90/95 so it's not that much more
    90/100 h4's are available
    do brighter lights attract more bugs ?


    Likes Received:
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    Deerfield OH
    yes they do :idea: :D
  20. bluemax

    bluemax Member

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    :lol: perfect
  21. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Rural SE Michigan 60 miles N of Motown
    okay, you resurrected a two+ year old thread; did you have a question? Or just coudn't resist posting a page out of Len's catalog?

    I'm running the HCP8567 myself, (Hella Euro H4) and it's a GREAT improvement over stock. I also recommend the "aftermarket headlight housing wire access openings protective RUBBER GROMMET"s for a nice finishing touch.
  22. bluemax

    bluemax Member

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    well I have been using the search function and instead of writing down all the part numbers and information i reply to them then all i have to do is go to my profile and click on all posts and i have all my info. figured it was better than bugging all of you with a bunch of questions than have been asked in the past :oops:
    But thanks that's the headlight i will be adding to my bike do i get the grommet from chacal ? guess maybe i should ask where the catalog is ?
  23. ManBot13

    ManBot13 Well-Known Member

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    At the very top bar, it says "XJ4Ever click here for catalog".

    Or go to Forums-> XJ4Ever - Supporting Vendor -> XJ MAXIM, SECA, AND TURBO PARTS CATALOG

    PM chacal with your needs, and he'll fill you in on what else you might need and will get you the right parts.

    Replying to threads might be a neat trick, but I don't know if others will like it. You could always just bookmark the page in your own browser.
  24. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Rural SE Michigan 60 miles N of Motown
    Hey as long as they find Len, I don't care how it happens. The guy's saved my bacon so many times it's not funny; all we gotta do is point folks in the right direction.

    bluemax, yes, chacal has the grommets too. To this day, I don't understand why Yamaha didn't fit them from the factory. Once the grommets are installed and all the wires tucked through, it really seals off the openings (and protects the wiring) better than just the 'folded' edge of the openings. My Norton has one big hole, and it came with a similar grommet.
  25. bluemax

    bluemax Member

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    Heyburn Idaho
    well sorry i will make some notes as to not dig up old stuff I cant add it to my favorites cause its someone else puter mine is all packed up cause were building a house and the temporary house is about 750 sq foot but thanks that catalog has tons of information i was looking for.

    cool i will add them to the list of things to do this winter we only have a month of riding season left and then its on to snowmobiles and then winter bike tear down mods and paint 8)
  26. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    Massachusetts, Billerica
    I solved my 750 Maxim's poor Headlight situation with a New Bulb and a Bucket Mod.

    I bought a Sylvania SilverStar Motorcycle Bulb.
    It's brighter than the Old Bulb.
    But, then ... so is a Birthday Cake Candle!

    I modified the "Height Adjustment Flange" beneath the Bucket for a few more degrees of Horizontal Tilt.
    That, ... plus using a Smaller Diameter Adjustment Bolt, ... allows me to raise the Beam a few degrees for additional range.

    I put soft nylon flat washers inboard of stainless flat washers to keep the Bucket from slipping.

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