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POD to be or not to be that is the question

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by zigzagzack, May 5, 2010.

  1. zigzagzack

    zigzagzack Member

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    Ok, here it goes. I just got done tearing my 85 Maxim X750 apart. I am thinking of getting pod filters, I know they have to be adjusted and tinkered with to get them running. I hear a lot of chatter about not to do it, which for some is probably a good disicion. How many people have had success with this mod? Im sure they could help others set up that way. And if it doesn't work ... at least you can go back to stock.
  2. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Rural SE Michigan 60 miles N of Motown
    It's not the filters that have to be "tinkered" with, it's your CARBS.

    CV carbs do not fare well when given an unlimited volume of air.

    "Going back to stock" is not always that easy; depending on the bike you may not be able to get the airbox out without cutting it up, and replacement can mean pulling the motor.
  3. skillet

    skillet Active Member

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    There a number of members that have gone to pods along with the rejetting issues and it turned out well. Several members have written that they didn't have to rejet and bikes run great. Others have gone to pods and had so many problems with carbs that they changed back or tried different set-ups. IMHO if you are going with pods do yourself a favor and shell out the money for a Stage 3 Dynojet Kit (roughly $130). That will be the direction I'm gonna try soon. Say a couple of prayers to the Lords of 2 Wheels for me :wink: !!!

    BTW the Stage 3 is for scooters with free flowing exhaust and pods...
  4. SlightlyOffAxis

    SlightlyOffAxis Member

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    That is all true. I had to use a Dremel to cut the front of my air box away, careful to leave the back of it which supported various electronic parts. You will need to re-jet the carbs, Dynojet has kits to fit most bikes and you can check availability on their website or give their tech support a call. The kits come, at least mine did, with four set of main jets depending on the modifications you have done to the bike, as well as drill bit, one to remove a plug to allow adjustment of the fuel and the other for the top of the slides.

    I had a stage one kit put into mine with stock air box and a K&N air filter, I put the cone filters on first and had to cover 2/3's of the filters to restrict the air enough for it to run, with the stage three kit I could let the engine draw in that much more air, which equals hp. I have some pics in my profile that show the before and after of the adventure.

    As far as the jetting goes it is fairly simple and too me just a couple of hours. You pull the carbs off the bike, remove the float bowls and the main jets are exposed on the underside off the carb body. You just replace them with a screw driver. The carb tops have to come off and you pull out the slides, drill a hole, or enlarge the one that is there and then remove your old needles and replace them with the ones in the kit.

    The kits come with good directions and a trouble shooting guide and their tech support was helpful.
    This page should take you to your bike

    http://www.dynojet.com/jetkits/motorcyc ... a.aspx#700
  5. zigzagzack

    zigzagzack Member

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    i got my airbox out ... once i removed the motor, second time i gave it a few twists and turns and then a boot, and it popped out perfectly ... betcha i couldn't do it twice though.
  6. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    Stage-3 is going to do the Trick???
    Neither is Stage-4, ... Stage-5, ... 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

    There's NO Formula.
    There's NO Recipe.
    There's NO "Secret-sized Jets"

    The Bedrock Bottom Line, today, yesterday and all the days before yesterday,, going back to 1981, ... and .. tomorrow and all the days after tomorrow ... until you give-up Re-jetting the Bike is:

    The Bike is not going to be able to be Fine Tuned running Pods.
    Fine Tuned is NOT possible.

    There's only ONE thing left to try!
  7. Zookie400

    Zookie400 Active Member

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    i was waiting for that post.

    i installed pods, rejetted, and love the way the bike runs. it idles great, runs great through the rpm's with no flat spots, and i still get ~55mpg. on the race bikes that still have stock CV carbs we have opened up the exhaust and airbox and never have any trouble dialing them in either.
  8. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    And, ... with the money he saves getting 55mpg ... he'll have enough to buy that Gold and Diamond saddle for his Unicorn.

    That's nothin'. My bike gets 65mpg., and my Unicorn is Invisible!

    My Unicorn:
  9. yamaman

    yamaman Member

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    I just looked but couldn't find it, found it on this site last year. There's a video on youtube somewhere about 7 mins long showing how to remove the airbox. Search here or there and hopefully you'll find it
  10. lowlifexj

    lowlifexj Member

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    A big +1 on the jet kit
  11. Zookie400

    Zookie400 Active Member

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    wow rick, you win. :roll: yours is bigger. :lol:

    i guess ill just be one of many losers on this site that gets 40-50's (depending on riding style and speed). 8)

    like i said before......i have pods and after some rejetting i am very happy with the performance and efficiency of my bike.
  12. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    What YOU are happy with and what somebody else would be happy with is the "X-factor" that needs to be VERY Honestly discussed before any Member of this Forum greets a New-comer to the Site with the recommendation:

    "Get rid of the Airbox and put-on some shinny Chrome Pods."

    I got my Bike running good on Pods ... does NOT cut it.
    Searching our own Forums provides AMPLE Evidence of the difficulties encountered installing Air Pods.

    There is a Sub-set of Members seeking Airboxes to return to Stock.
    There is a Sub-set of Members exploring with PVC Manifolds after unsuccessfully Fine Tuning Air Pods.

    The ratio of Misery to Merriment for those who are running Air Pods Does NOT Favor the Pod Squad.

    There is a JOY to be obtained by someone who acquires an Old XJ-Bike that is still Stock awaiting only to be Cleaned, refurbished and Fine Tuned to the Limits of its design.

    No one should recommend to any New Member to make a modification to his newly acquired prize; an alteration which will complicate matters for that New Member, and make that New Members dream of having a great Bike to zoom-around on, nothing but a nightmare he can't wake-up from.

    There is NO ONE who has that right!
  13. Daplumma

    Daplumma Member

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    I am with Rick,I even logged in again to reply.I had a bike with pods that the PO installed.Tried to tune and rejet upside down and sideways.Color tune,sync,dead reckoned,got it running pretty good.Then in the real world a crosswind or passing a truck would upset the balance between number one and number 4 and the tune was gone.It would come back till you looked over your shoulder and your left leg would divert some extra air into number one and there you have it.Maybe you could hook all them pods together to keep the air flow constant and the same to all the carbs,like a constant velocity carb intakey kind of thing.There must be an engineer somewhere in the 80's that could come up with such a thing.We can only just hope,then these bikes would haul a$$ with not so much tuning work.
  14. butchietee

    butchietee Member

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    That Sucks! I wanted the pods something bad! You guys just scared the crap out of me. Think I'm opting out.
  15. skeeter

    skeeter Member

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    the ONLY reason i've considered PODs is to make the carb removal and reinstall easier. due to the PO and the MAC 4-into-1 exhaust, i've had my carbs off so many times i might as well have put PODs on, too.

    with that said - anybody have any ideas for airbox mods that would make carb reinstall a little easier?
  16. yamaman

    yamaman Member

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    the ol 2.5" plumb quicks from home depot. do a search here
  17. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    Get a Muscle Tool.
    A Hard-wood Framing Hammer Handle.
    Cut the Top that's split for the Hammer Head Wedge right off.
    Shape the end to look like the end of a Pry Bar.

    Now you have a NON-marring, won't scratch, PRY Bar.

    Push the Airbox Boots into the Airbox when removing the Carbs.
    Put a dab of Nail Polish on them to MARK them.

    Spray with Armoral
    Wrap in moist Towel and Microwave Boot to make them supple if they have turned hard.

    Wrap a Paint Stir Stick with 800 Finishing Paper.
    (Use "Glue Stik' to keep the Paper from moving.)

    Sand the Rubber Boot "Locking Groove" with 800 to widen them just a little tiny bit.
    Re-Sand the Groove with 1000 to smooth the groove.
    Shoot Silicone Spray in a Tuna Can and Q-Tip Silicone alll ovoer the Groove.
    Silicone the Hole in the Airbox.

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