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Good for a laugh

Discussion in 'Hangout Lounge' started by draker, Jun 9, 2010.

  1. draker

    draker New Member

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    Halifax, Nova Scotia
    Hey friendly folks,

    I'm a new rider, just licensed two weeks ago, and my first ride is an '82 XS400 Maxim. Nicely used, but needs a little attention. I had noticed the left cylinder wasn't firing as strongly as the right -- weaker exhaust pressure, takes longer to warm up, and the power seemed a little weak (what do I know :? but on the highway in top gear, wide open throttle, I was stuck at 90km/h, and it was only a little hill...)

    I tried twiddling the carb synch screw, but it didn't seem to make much difference one way or the other. It doesn't have a fuel filter, and I noticed little spots of rust in the gas tank. So I figured my carbs might be getting fouled on the left side. I put it on the "things to fix" list.

    This week on the way to work, it started quitting on me at idle. Fortunately I was moments away from parking. That evening I found I could start it, and it would go if I opened the throttle, so I turned the idle screw in a few times, and managed to limp it home. It's only 4 km.

    Now I've drained the gas tank, bought an inline fuel filter, taken off the carbs, and started looking into cleaning them.

    Today it hit me. I only drained about 3 litres (call it 0.8 gallons) into my gas can. I was just running out of gas! :lol:

    They told me on the course "you'll learn what it's like when you're low on fuel", but I never expected it to behave like that. Maybe this will be of help if another new rider is reading...

    At least now I've synched the carbs by eye, and I have a fuel filter. I picked up some oil too, so tomorrow I'll put it back together and change the oil. Maybe it will be like riding a whole new bike? I changed the plugs (and gapped them properly) when I started riding, and it made a world of difference; now it starts instantly every time. So I have high hopes. :)

    I drove 186 km, so it seems I got 17 km/L (41 mpg for you US-types), which I'm very happy with for a total noob.


    MACDBF Member

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    Halifax, NS. Canada
    Hey Draker, don't worry about it. It happens to everyone sooner or latter! Good thing is that it should only happen once :lol: (hopefully). When I had my 83 400xs, I would always give the old tank a quick check around 170kms or so. Even though I could almost guarantee 200kms out of a tank. Piece of mind I guess. Glad to hear your enjoying it, and starting to get into the maintenance side of things. These bikes take some TLC, but it's worth it in the end!!
    Cheers Mac
  3. wizard

    wizard Active Member

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    There's nothing like finding out the hard way.
    Good luck with the bike & welcome. Wiz.
  4. draker

    draker New Member

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    Halifax, Nova Scotia
    Thanks for the positive vibes :)
    I got a bit ahead of myself, and put it back together tonight. The carb boots (is that what they are? on the airbox side...) are a total pain to get back on!!
    Anyway, it runs, and I warmed it up enough to do a rough idle adjustment. Didn't go for a ride (it's after dark now and didn't want to annoy the neighbours). But the exhaust pressure seems more even. I'll take it to work tomorrow and see how it goes (and fill it up!)
    Hope I'm giving you a chuckle ;)
  5. SyracuseXJ

    SyracuseXJ Member

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    Make sure you can switch the petcock with your eyes closed. Sooner or later it's gonna cut out at a VERY bad time and you'll be glad you practiced.
  6. carbineken

    carbineken Member

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    Wagoner, OK
    14 yrs of riding and its happened to me many times. My first thought is always "WTF is wrong now?" Oh hell, switch to reserve! Enjoy your new bike and good luck.
  7. Rural_Guy

    Rural_Guy Member

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    Smiths Falls, ON (Ottawa)
    Hey Draker,

    Same thing happened to me on my 400 Maxim. Cruising along and little power. I was panicked as I was 20 kms from the nearest town. Luckily mine started doing the old chug-chug-chug just before it died and I recognized this from running out of gas more than once in an old car. I was worried before I figured it out though. At the time I didn't know which way for sure to turn the petcock while riding even though I had looked at it to begin with. Happened to me the other day again but I was expecting it, reached down, flipped to RES and off I went to the nearest town.

    Doing all most all highway riding (about 100 km/h @ about 5500) I'm getting 51 or 52 mpg and I'm a big (okay fat) guy. ETA: about 22-23 km/l.
  8. Desinger_Mike

    Desinger_Mike Member

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    Eastern Pennsylvania
    REMEMBER to put it back to "on" when you fill the tank or the next time you reach for "reserve" your heart will sink when you realize you are already on reserve and now you are gonna be pushing.
  9. draker

    draker New Member

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    Halifax, Nova Scotia
    All great advice, guys!
    Mike, I went right out and switched it back to "on" as soon as I read your post!
    I haven't yet learned to find the petcock while I'm riding but I will practice.
    Bike definitely "feels" better with the carbs synched. Next step will be to check the plugs and try to adjust the carb needles... but not today.
    I did try to change the oil, but got stuck. I'll start a new topic for that though.
  10. schooter

    schooter Active Member

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    Elkton, Michigan (its in the thumb)
  11. hogfiddles

    hogfiddles XJ-Wizard, Host-Central NY Carb Clinic Moderator Premium Member

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    near utica, new york
    Yeah, make sure to put it back to ON, and also double check to make sure that you didn't accidently set it to PRIME. If you do that, and then don't ride for awhile, you may end up with less gas in the tank then you thought........cuz it's in the engine cuz you're petcock was leaking, and a float or two was leaking, and now you have to change the oil before starting the engine so you don't blow it up. DAMHIKT

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