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82 xj550 maxim Carb question

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by dallaspetree, Jun 14, 2010.

  1. dallaspetree

    dallaspetree New Member

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    I have this 82 xj550 maxim but I think the Carb is from another bike. Not 100% sure because the person that I got it from and got it running in the first place is no longer with us. I think its from a 650, and another brand (Honda, Kawasaki, etc). The bike doesn't run the greatest and I have thoroughly cleaned and reassembled the Carb with a friend that knows how to do this.

    My question is if there is a way to identify the Carb that should be on the bike, or what Carb I do have. Also, I would like to know the factory jet settings for this bike. Maybe I could just put in the correct jets and get it running right. That could be a fix, because I went to my dealer and they sold me different pilot jets and it ran too rich with what it should have. Maybe I could pair them with the correct main jets? Oh, I guess I could call them and see what the main jet should be. But what do I have on my bike? I could check or take photos I anyone can tell MD what's up here.

  2. pauluminous

    pauluminous Member

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    Vancouver, BC
    Stock jet sizes can be found in the parts catalog from the site's parts-guru Chacal, right here.
    I'm sure someone else will chip in on how to identify your carbs.
  3. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Rural SE Michigan 60 miles N of Motown
    The carbs that belong on your bike are Mikuni BS28s. The carbs should have "Mikuni" cast into one or the other side of the carb, just below the "hats."

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