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DOES It REALLY HARM using Different PLUGS ...?????

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by littlegiant, Jun 19, 2010.

  1. littlegiant

    littlegiant Member

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    Toronto, Canada
    On my Maxim X..found a faulty plug..hence swapped a NGK DR8EIX (iridium)plug whereas other 3 are DR8ESL. Does it affect the coils or other electricals in anyway...BIKE runs/idles smooth and on reserve got more than 50kms ( 32miles)...thanks
  2. BillB

    BillB Active Member

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    My bike runs rich on a few cylinders but the auto lights can handle it.

    With the NGKs they would foul and my bike would barely run.

    I don't really have a answer for your question.
    A spark is a spark right?
  3. day7a1

    day7a1 Member

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    The essential aspects of the two plugs you described are the same. Though you cannot interchange two different spark plugs, you have two of the same spark plug, just made of different materials.

    Obviously you need to have the right size, or the plug would not fit right either in the hole or inside the cylinder. The heat range is also very important. You want to make sure the plug remains cool, but hot enough to clean itself off. That is the 8 part of the plug. Lastly, some plugs are resistor type and some are not.

    The difference in your plugs is in the electrode material and design. The iridium alloy in the plug deteriorates at a much slower rate than standard plugs. There is debate as to their cost-benefit ratio though.

    NGK has a really good technical desription of sparkplugs here, and there is also a good FAQ on the same site. They don't seem to be selling their sparkplugs in the info, it's just good info. Somewhere on the web is a sheet that describes what each part of the code means for a spark plug.
  4. littlegiant

    littlegiant Member

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    Toronto, Canada
    Thanks Day7a1..i thought so too..so long as its all resistor type and same `8`why to worry.

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