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lean issue

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by Rcarnahan, Jun 30, 2010.

  1. Rcarnahan

    Rcarnahan New Member

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    I am restoring a 83 Seca 750, I had it running before tear down but it was way lean needed the choke to run. I cleaned the carbs very well mains,idle and all passages.I did not have an air box or any filter on it when testing so I am assuming the the lack of restriction may be the issue here? I am not that good with CV carbs but is that plausible? I have the stock box but it will need new boots or 4 single filters. It has a stock exhaust. Is it worth the time refurbishing that stock box? or will the single filters be close enough to keep me from needing to re-jet. Thanks for any help!
  2. pauluminous

    pauluminous Member

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    Vancouver, BC
    Missing the airbox will be the biggest factor for running lean in this case(unrestricted airflow).
    Eventhough it's most likely the cause, it's in no way a guarantee.
    But it's the first place to start taking things out of the equation.
    No matter how thorough you were on cleaning the carbs, no1 seems to get them truelly clean on their first go around. Expect to pull and clean them AT LEAST once more
    Single filters/pods will most likely need a rejet.

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