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SHOULD i USE Thread locking comp upon servicin WHEEL Bearing

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by littlegiant, Jul 17, 2010.

  1. littlegiant

    littlegiant Member

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    Toronto, Canada
    While swapping rear tire for my MAXIM X, i realise the wheel bearing is hard to move by fingers..hence am thinking to open and grease them..as service manual states..There are 3 bearings all together. The whole thing is closed by a plate with about 5 nuts....My question is after servicing should i use Thread locking compound for these nuts for not to come loose. Or is it safe to tight it to spec...????? Thanks in advance.
  2. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Rural SE Michigan 60 miles N of Motown
    Do these nuts have tab washers under them now?

    I looked in the parts fiche for both the '85 and '86 Max-X and the only 5 (actually 6) nuts I see hold the damper rubbers to the hub and do not need to be removed to access the wheel bearings. The hub assembly should pull free of the wheel and bring the dampers with it.

    Are you using a service manual? Might want to if not...
  3. littlegiant

    littlegiant Member

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    Re: SHOULD i USE Thread locking comp upon servicin WHEEL Bea

    thnks bigfitz, i am using the XJCD which has a service manual in it. I have rims off the bike n already swapped a new tire..behind the 6 nuts there is some plate washers of size 3/4 x 3 inch with bent tab at ends. will check the CD again for details.

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