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My first bike, Your experience, a good match for learning?

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by SixOSeven, Jul 19, 2010.

  1. SixOSeven

    SixOSeven New Member

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    This is my first post, also my first cry for help, on this forum. I've read a few posts but haven't lurked here much since I have just recently grabbed my opportunity. This is part introductory, but mostly a way to try to fix up my new (to me) bike. If you would prefer not to read all this and just skip to possibly helping me, scroll down.
    First off, I am very young, some of you might have children my age and I'm glad. Glad because you have more experience than i do and can (possibly) help me out. I'm in High-school and have been interested in motorcycles since I first became aware of them (what boy didn't?). I'd like to say I've always been a responsible kid and for the most part that would be true, but I've been deemed responsible enough by my slightly overbearing (at times) mother to begin my path towards motorcycles so i hopefully won't have to hear too much about my need to be cautious. I understand, I'm not invincible and the main thing I can do to stay alive on a motorcycle is to be absolutely responsible and aware of my actions.

    Today I picked up my first real motorcycle, an 81' Maxim 550, she's a tiny bit rusty and doesn't run, hopefully with some help from this forum and from my very mechanically inclined role model (My girlfriends father) who owns and refurbishes bikes. I haven't asked him for help yet (edit: have asked, he thinks it shouldn't be too difficult), in fact nobody but my mother, brother, and the guy i got the motorcycle from even know I'm starting this project, so maybe I'll just end up with you guys and anyone else i can find who will help me. I'm interested in fixing this bike up so that it will actually run well, and so i will have learned quite a lot. If I wanted a motorcycle to ride around on and look cool I wouldn't have started this quest, but I am truly interested in learning about these machines.

    So now I'll start my question(s) and some information.
    I'm not very well informed when it comes to mechanics, which is why i think this project will be great. So explanations might help?
    -I need to find a battery for this bike, the last owner seemed to have stripped that, and the headlamp off of the bike. Where could i find either of these parts for fairly cheap?
    - When I pull on the handbrake there is little/no resistance, where should I be looking, what should I be doing to fix that?
    - What should I look at right away on this bike that hasn't been maintained and has probably been through some abuse from its previous owners.
    -There is some gasoline in the tank, how can I drain this?

    Anything you suggest doing? I would like to learn as much as possible from this experience, and if in the end i don't get the 550 running, but have learned a few things, i'll feel fairly content. not as content as actually getting it up and running, but beggars cant be choosers. I got the bike for free so where can i go wrong?
    One last note, the very last owner who is a family friend and is mechanically inclined had the carburettor replaced. If you need photos or more information ask away and if I don't completely understand how to answer you I'll be completely frank with you and try to figure it out.

    Thanks for all your time and I'll try to check this fairly often. Sorry for writing so much and for any writing discrepancies, I'm tired but wanted to write this up as soon as possible.
  2. wizard

    wizard Active Member

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    Welcome SixOSeven, you have come to the right place.
    To drain the tank completely, take it off the bike & remove the petcock.
    Did the PO just replace one carb? (bike has 4)
    If the front brake master cylinder has fluid in it, it probably needs rebuilding (don't panic).
    Ebay for battery & headlight.
    You need to check the rear brake shoes for de-lamination.
    When you get the motor turning over, check the compression, but first make sure the valves are in spec'.
    That should do to go on with.
    Good luck with the project. Wiz.
  3. littlegiant

    littlegiant Member

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    Re: My first bike, Your experience, a good match for learnin

    Six07..By coming here you did the right thing. It never hurts asking even if its silly. Congrats..Be patient and walkthru..you will get it going.
    A question how long did the bike sit.?
    If its been long enough (a year or more) possibly the Carbs would have gummed up.
    1. Remove all plugs and check how they are..rusty, oxidation, burnt electrodes..change the plugs..Put few drops of engine oil thru siringe (if you have a fogging oil can its even better)or something on each cylinder and put back the plugs.
    2. Check the air filter..clean or replace
    3. Rear brake delamination..try delamination on search to see a picture..and its no good..fingersxsd your should be ok.
    4. Like wizrd said Ebay is best place or if you have a local salvage place
    5. You dont have to remove petcock..just leave it in prime and drain. Make sure there is a inline fuel filter if it doesnt have one. You can get them in auto parts or even in home hardwares..(some filters for lawn mowers snow blowers wil do the job.
    6. Check for spark on all cyl by cranking /grounding the plug on (bare metal)fins..while its connected. 1 plug at a time and other plugs remain in cylinder. Compression can be done later if you dont have the gauge.
    7. Fire it up once battery is in and see how it idles/runs and update for more thoughts
    8. Front brake needs flushing i guess
  4. tjb2of3

    tjb2of3 Member

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    Six07, welcome to the forum. I was basically in the same position as you when the summer started. College kid, no mechanical experience, got a bike that barely worked. Even have the same bike. You'll be amazed at how much you can learn if you read everything you can on this site. I don't claim to be an expert by any stretch of the imagination, but after you take the carbs off and apart a few times, you'll realize that you can pretty much do anything with the help of this site. Good luck and don't hesitate to ask anything.
  5. SixOSeven

    SixOSeven New Member

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    Re: My first bike, Your experience, a good match for learnin

    I don't have any answers or updates yet, I'm just posting to thank you guys.
  6. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    You're welcome. Experience we got, boatloads.

    Your BEST approach to this is to get a service manual, factory or aftermarket, and go through the "maintenance" section item by item leaving nothing out, and taking no shortcuts.

    As you do that, you clean, inspect, refurb or replace anything you find that is worn out, corroded, crumbling, baked to a crisp, or is in any other way unsuitable for future service. Plan on replacing any gasket you disturb for the first time. USE A TORQUE WRENCH, Japanese aluminum is like butter and it's very easy to destroy something overtightening it.

    Skip ahead though, and check your rear brake shoes for delamination. No joke, this one's serious, immediate and can bite you bad. Good time to check the drive chain and sprockets too, but the brake shoes are the most important. READ: http://xjbikes.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=15874.html
  7. macksimman

    macksimman Member

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    Yeah these guys(and girls) have been a virtual godsend for me getting my 550 up and running, as well as perpetual maintenance. ;)
  8. Orange-n-Black

    Orange-n-Black Well-Known Member

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    Re: My first bike, Your experience, a good match for learnin

    SixOSeven Welcome, check your local auto part store for a battery. I found one for about 42.00 and some stores carry oil filters as well.
  9. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Rural SE Michigan 60 miles N of Motown
    Good advice. Batteries all day for under $50-- AutoZone, Murrays/O'Reilly, etc. Even SEARS.

    You need a FRAM CH6003 oil filter, they come with the o-rings. (Same for all the aircooled XJs, BTW.)
  10. wizard

    wizard Active Member

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    littlegiant, you can't drain the tank by putting the petcock on prime, you have to invert the tank to get all the gas out through the petcock aperture.
  11. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Rural SE Michigan 60 miles N of Motown
    And if it's a 650 or 900 Seca, even THAT doesn't work all that well.

    Talk about "nooks and crannies."

    Sorry, way off topic.
  12. SixOSeven

    SixOSeven New Member

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    Re: My first bike, Your experience, a good match for learnin

    Okay, i had some turpentine in the tank, I drained it from the opening since i would've stripped my bolts had I tried to take the petcock off. My girlfriends dad came over and checked it out, he's really good with bikes but not familiar to this particularly. He likes the short bars and told me when I get a battery he'll find a time to pick at the bike.The tank is CLEAN, almost strangely so. The hydraulic tubing for the handbrake will probably need to be cleaned out since it was VERY dusty through it. Can i ask about the air filter that attaches (kinda) to the carbs. It looks like i'm missing something since i have a big empty spot opposite of where my battery should be, very nice and symmetrical how i'm missing things javascript:emoticon('post',%20'message',%20':?'). Lots of little bits and pieces seem to have been replaced or worked on. I have new(ish) plugs.
    The last owner says he replaced all four of the carbs at the same time, and i'll clean them out. I'll post pics soon. I might post more soon, going out to find a cop (completely backwards?) to see if he can help me with the VIN lookup.
  13. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Rural SE Michigan 60 miles N of Motown
    Now hold on there sunshine. We don't need no steenkin' COPS to figure out what bike we have.

    Vin lookup is here: http://xjbikes.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=14577.html

    You simply have to ask the right questions. It's all here.

    Now, put a general location in your profile; and the basic bike info in your sig so we don't have to ask all the time.

    There is an airbox that attaches to the carbs, it sounds like the cover and possibly the air filter are missing.

    Here's a link to a site with a good clear Yamaha parts microfiche: http://www.babbittsonline.com/pages/par ... fault.aspx so you can look up what it's supposed to look like.

    We have a resident honest and reliable parts source, and stuff that simply can't be had anymore just takes a little time on eBay. I've completed two 550s and honestly wouldn't have been able to without chacal (XJ4Ever) and eBay.

    FIND A MANUAL. eBay or just online; the Clymer is OK, a factory book is better, but be careful: if you find a factory book, be SURE it has the "Maxim" supplement. The XJ550 book is based on the Seca, there was a Maxim supplement and some sellers don't include it.

    However, this: http://xjbikes.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=14827.html covers the particular topic better than both manuals together (if I do say so myself) and this: http://xjbikes.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=19538.html AIN'T in the books, period.

    Which is why you came here.

    Now go check those rear brake shoes, no joke.
  14. littlegiant

    littlegiant Member

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    Thnks wizard..interesting..so when on prime it still leaves some gas on tank..??(do you know how much approx). When i acquired my 1985 Maxim X which sat for 2 years..i just drained from prime and added new gas right away..which means i had left some old gas in.
  15. SixOSeven

    SixOSeven New Member

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    Re: My first bike, Your experience, a good match for learnin

    Thanks for the info on parts. I was really just going to ask him about lost titles and what not since i have an Ohio plate still on this bike and its tags are from '01.I was just verifying what i had been told from a fairly reliable source. And he's an alright cop, he's the one who came to my house when i was extremely young to scare me into not calling the police station and giving the phone to my brother then run to a hiding spot. Thanks for reminding me that i have a bare profile, might as well start filling that out.
    I'll look at the brakes tomorrow, i had varsity soccer practice and a two and a half-ish hour long drop in game with some guys from other towns, so that's my excuse for not staying up all night. I'll be waking up early tomorrow to toy with the bike anyhow. I thought it was an airbox and that's what my girlfriends dad thought, but he's not as savvy as you guys are with this particular model.

    here are some fuzzy, yet fairly large pictures.



    If these are too large or I shouldn't be posting pictures or something of the sort, let me know so I can edit this. EDIT: They were huge, just go to the link if you're going to look at them?
  16. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Rural SE Michigan 60 miles N of Motown
    Oh well, you're in Michigan. You can just go apply for a replacement title; talk to your local Secretary of State office, things here are pretty lax when it comes to titling a vehicle.
  17. SixOSeven

    SixOSeven New Member

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    Re: My first bike, Your experience, a good match for learnin

    Replacement title on the way,
    carbs look clean and i replaced most of the bolts (any possible issues? they're correct size based on what was in them).
    tank is clear and clean.
    will be working on brakes soon, both drum and hydraulics line for the front.
    plugs are fine.
    will need to check compression
    will get service manual soon..
    battery hooked up and it turns on but won't start. Shows neutral light, horn honks, blinkers work.
    Bought oil filter and oil.
    Has anyone else had the hose that connects the carbs to the gas tank crack and tear? maybe its just the wear and tear mine went through. I bought some tubing that was a little small for it, boiled some water and heated it up, put it on and it fits snug, but when i pull on it i can shift it a little. will this be a problem even though there isn't a pressure buildup? I was told it shouldn't matter since its gravity fed, but i'd prefer to make certain..
  18. theadbrewer

    theadbrewer Member

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    That bike looks pretty good, nice project bike. Maxims are great bikes. Is the line that you have for the carbs fuel line? If it's not the gas will eat it up. Over time the fuel line will soften and fall apart like all things. 550 is a perfect starting displacement to learn on, not too fast but not underpowered. Good luck!
  19. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Rural SE Michigan 60 miles N of Motown
    There are two tubes from the gas tank; one is larger, the fuel line, and it goes to the fitting in the center of the carb rack; and a smaller one, the vacuum line (it operates the petcock) that goes to a fitting on the #2 intake manifold.

    You need to use application specific fuel line for the "big" hose and actual vacuum line for the small one.

    chacal carries both if you have difficulty finding the right stuff, especially the vacuum line.

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