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82 xj 650.....bike won't start

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by jretz, Jul 23, 2010.

  1. jretz

    jretz New Member

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    :cry: the other day after work i tried to start my bike and go home but the battery was dead. tried to charge it but it wouldn't hold charge, it would turn over while i had it on the charger but not fire and when i took it off the charger i got nothing. i was told if the battery was no good, even if it turned over on the charger it wouldn't fire. so i got a new battery charged it, hooked it up and now when i turn it on i have no lights and when i try to turn it over i can hear the starter spin but it doesn't engage........wtf please help i love this bike and on top of that it's my only means of transportation
  2. Zyggy

    Zyggy Member

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    Perry County, PA
    Firstly, welcome to the forum!! You will find this place a wealth of knowledge as long as you are willing to look for answers, have LOTS of patience, and a little bit of mechanical ability.

    Secondly, use the signature option in your profile to let us know what bike you have, year, model, engine, miles. We know what you have from your subject post, but as a general rule it helps refresh our memory when we can see it right under your posts! :)

    Lastly, when you say you hear the starter spin do you mean you simply hear it turning without the engine turning over, or is it a grinding sound, or is the engine simply turning over and over with the starter? If you have a flat battery you will get all kinds of fun noises out of your starter. I would check your new battery to make sure it is fully charged. In PA they fill the battery with acid when you purchase it so it needs a boost when you bring it home before mounting to the bike.

    Hope this helps.
  3. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    Massachusetts, Billerica
    I doubt the Charger has enough Amps to get the Starter to turn on its own.

    New Battery, ... No lights.
    I'm thinking the Fuse Panel needs a look-see.

    Starter spins but the Engine don't.
    That's like walking half-way across a railroad Trestle and hearing the train whistle all of a sudden.

    Your Starter Clutch may have failed.
    I'd rather have to tell you your wife and I are in Las Vegas.

    Lets hope you need some amps and a Starter cleaning.

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