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Wierd brake noise

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by clients, Aug 5, 2010.

  1. clients

    clients New Member

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    Oakville, Ontario
    So I finally put on stainless steel brake lines and obviously had to fill up the brake fluid and bleed the brakes. Bled them until i couldn't find any more bubbles, and then checked again and still all clear. The brakes dont feel spongy and seem to stop the bike fine (just rolling it, havent started her up)

    Only wierd thing is I hear a strange noise when i release the brakes from fully depressed. I only hear it if i let it out slowly. It almost feels like it jumps ever so slightly as i let it out, and the noise sounds like it is coming from the caliper.

    So does this mean i miserably failed at bleeding the brakes and should start over??? Not sure what else it could be.
  2. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    It means that the Brake Lines don't expand and contract any more.
    You are sending more energy down to the Caliper.

    The Caliper Piston can't "Retreat" as much as before.
    There's LESS room for the Rotor to Rotate in when the Brakes are released.

    You might find a Rotor a little bit warped.
    You might find crud in the Caliper Seal Groove.
    You might get by with a HEAVY Chamfer of the Brake Pads.
  3. clients

    clients New Member

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    Thanks Rick. At least it seems I bled the brakes correctly :).

    Just to note, this happens when the bike isnt moving at all.

    Other then looking at the rotor to check if it is warped, whats the best course of action? Taking the calipers apart? Is the seal groove something I can check/clean relatively easy?
  4. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    Massachusetts, Billerica
    You take the Caliper off the Bike and do it on the bench.

    Before removing the Caliper.
    Pull the Brake Pads and pump the Caliper Piston out of the Caliper some top make extraction easier.

    Remove the Piston.
    The MAIN Seal is visible.
    Remove the MAIM Seal from the Channel.

    I have Tools I made from a length of metal rod.
    A solid old car antenna makes ideal tools.

    The Mission;
    With what you can use to scrape the Foreign Matter away from the Caliper and clean the Groove down to Bare Metal without scratching-up the Groove ... do so.

    Clean the Channel FREE of ALL gunk.
    (( GUNK is a Registered Trademark. Why you would name a Company and its Products "Gunk, ... is beyond me. ))

    One free of ... stuff.
    Everything goes back together with a NEW Seal.
    Locktite the Bolts
    You know the drill.

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