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XJ600 ignition issues

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by themightyrick, Jul 8, 2010.

  1. themightyrick

    themightyrick New Member

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    hi guys just bought my self my first xj600, it was sold as a non runner as someone had tried to steal it. fixed the wires that had been broken tried to turn it on but i wont start.
    all the lights come on and the strater motor is turning over but there is no spark at the plugs. i have tested all the cables coming from the plugs to the ignition coils and from there to the fuse box etc all fine.
    i have tested the resistance on the ignition coils the primary resistance was fine but the secondary one was twice what it says in my haynes!
    i was just about to order a new set when i read a post on a differnt forum, the guy said that he had the same problem, tested the coils and got the same result. he then tested the coils on a working diversion and got the same result on that!
    so i am a bit lost really and could do with some advice, feel abit cheeky asking for advice on my first post but i really need your help.
  2. sledchuck

    sledchuck New Member

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    finger lakes,ny
    what did you find out i have simular problem.primary is fine but secondary nothing?
  3. markie

    markie Member

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    Suffolk, England
    You need a wiring diagram. If it is a pre diversion, there is a link on this site but if it is a divvy, google "Free download" and there are some on the net. I downloaded one accidentally - but the file is too big to email.
    Earlier xj's will not fire if the side stand switch is not clear - it takes the power away from the tci ignition, I don't know if the divvy is like this but a wiring diagram will tell you.

    If you get stuck, PM me your email address and I will send you the wiring diagram as a couple of .bmp files.

    Just reread your message - have you got the Haynes manual already?

    Tip: add your location and model of bike to your signature - mileage too - and you may get more accurate responses.
  4. themightyrick

    themightyrick New Member

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    hey sorry for the delay, dont check my email often enough, changed the battry and the ignition coils, and got a spark! still didnt start :( found out the pick up coil was f*cked so changing that now aslo drained the carbs and put some V power in it for that extra boost. ill let you know if it works

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