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first oil change

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by sinthome, Jun 13, 2010.

  1. sinthome

    sinthome New Member

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    hey folks, this is my first post.

    i got a 550 maxim last august and, after thoroughly cleaning out the carbs, everything seems to be running pretty well. i changed out the oil filter for the first time a few days ago and i ended up putting in a full 3L. this is probably around 300-400cc more than would be ideal (2200CC + ~500CC for filter change). and, yes, i drained out both plugs completely. that seems like a pretty small amount to worry about, so i decided not to worry about trying to bleed out the extra. so far, it seems to be running alright and nothing is leaking from the airbox.. the only issue that i can notice is that the engine misses slightly while accelerating in 2nd and 3rd, but i noticed this issue before changing the oil. although, it does seem slightly worse than it did before i changed the oil. any thoughts?

  2. stereomind

    stereomind Active Member

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    Look at the oil level sight glass on the clutch cover. You should have a small air bubble at the very top of that sight glass. If all you see is oil, you might have too much in there...
  3. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    Pull the Spark Plugs.
    Line them up: 1, 2, 3, 4 Left to Right
    Take a well lighted and in-focus photo of the Sparking ends.

    Let's see how well they look and if there is work needed.
  4. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Rural SE Michigan 60 miles N of Motown
    It most likely has nothing to do with your oil change unless the overfill caused enough oil to blow into the airbox to foul the filter.

    There are plenty of other reasons for a misfire on a bike that old; some history (mileage, what else have you done, etc.) would be helpful.
  5. sinthome

    sinthome New Member

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    hey apologies for starting a thread and then not following up. i appreciate the help. i think the issue was being caused by an air leak. i sealed some cracks in the rubber manifold (between the carbs and engine) and it pretty much stopped. i should probably replace it, though. in other news, i think i completely destroyed a new chain in two months. too many gravel roads, beach trips and no lubrication. i forgot to tighten it up before a trip through the california redwoods and by the time i got home (eugene, or) it was dragging on the chassis. now it has a very tight spot and it feels like i am lurching. i was hoping that a thorough cleaning and lube would help but it doesn't seem to be getting any better. doh. anyway, now i am rambling. hopefully i will get better with this maintenance stuff!
  6. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Rural SE Michigan 60 miles N of Motown

    If you replaced only the chain and not both sprockets, that alone would have accelerated its demise even with proper maintenance.

    I installed brand new chains and sprockets on both of my 550s and am regularly getting approximately 700-900 miles between adjustments; this is with periodic (every 300-400 miles) lubrication.

    Don't neglect your chain; if it breaks it can come up and destroy the starter and break the engine cases.

    It sounds like you are going to need another new chain; get the whole set this time (chain and BOTH sprockets.) I use chacal's "standard replacement" parts and have had no issues.
  7. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    The MOST important thing for you to do is learn about what your bike needs and how it works.
    THAT information is is the OWNERS Manual.

    The Owners Manual is printed in the front pages of the Workshop Manual.
    That Manual should be on your short-list of things to get.

    The information in the Workshop Manual "Pays for itself".
    Instead of bringing the bike in for service; you can do what is needed and save that dough.
  8. sinthome

    sinthome New Member

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    hmm.. i have the clymer's manual. dunno where to get anything else.. or is this what you mean?

    i want to replace the sprockets and chain.. chacal doesn't seem to sell chains with clip-on master links... is he a purist about this? might have to go somewhere else for an easier chain to install, then. :(

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