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Artie's Custom 400 True Hard Tail Bobber...

Discussion in 'XJ Modifications' started by BAREfoot, Aug 22, 2010.

  1. BAREfoot

    BAREfoot Member

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    Kelowna, BC - Canada
    hey guys...
    i'm new to the site and new to building... i've been doing a lot or researching on here and found sooo many useful tips.. you guys are truely great! …but with over 2000 posts and 50000 reply it’s hard through it all. anyway cosmetics aside for now, i'd like to start with the main concerns when doing this build. Keeping in mind to hopefully do it on a budget and keep it low cost…

    Air intake - changing the filter to a pod and the issues with low pressure and lean fuel intake. has anyone found a solution for this? i know changing the jetting, but what about the fuel entering not as a vapor? Links for pods or tips on fixing this issue?

    Electronics - what do people recommend with the wiring to simplify it. i'm still going to run pretty much everything except my turn signals possibly. Is there a relay that can cut out a lot or the wiring or am I dreaming…am I going to run into issues by going LED, blowing fuses or anything?
    (any good websites or links to aftermarket headlight and tail/signal combo LED and relays?)

    Hard tail- i've read lots about people just swapping out the monoshock, but i'd like to remove the tail completely (It’s hideous looking!) and weld on either a universal kit or something with at least a 3" stretch since i'm 6'3.
    with a small stretch like this what types of issue am I going to run into? I know I’ll have to get a longer chain, and possibly rear brake lines anything else?
    What’s a good way to support the tail to make sure it’s going to be welded on at a good angle?
    (What size of tubing has anyone else used or anyone find a good tail kit with a stretch for a decent price? Links?)

    Handlebar and Controls – I’ve already switched the bars and have no issues with the triple clamps or bars, but wondering what throttle, brake, clutch and lighting controls are available,? The turn signal sticks and is brutal to use and turn off so I definitely wanna switch it up.. the levers are old and just want new ones, and the throttle is just old and warn out.. any suggestions…

    Engine – the engine runs great. No major issues at all.. the only problem I see is cosmetic (kinda); the cylinder head has a bunch of broken fins (no cracks in the head itself) from the previous owner. Other than not cooling the bike as much I don’t think there could be another issue from this other than it looks like shit…Anyone have a spare one kicking around? Any issues I should watch for with this bike in general with the motor?

    Exhaust – run straight pipes or no pipes.. adavntages/disadvantages? Now exhaust wrapping the headers, does it pose a problem on the engine? Being as this bike is air cooled, would wrapping the exhaust cause the engine to overheat causing piston problems down the road… I know it’ll keep the heat in, so just wondering is it’s too much or by leaving a gap at the top of the header would adjust the problem. Also does anyone suggest painting it first before applying the wrap to decrease the amount of contact of moisture the wrap may hang on to?

    Now I guess we can deal more with the cosmetic side of things…
    Any good resources for aftermarket parts for these bad boys… I’m looking for super simple and not flashy..not chrome in other words..

    Paint – anyone have issues with painting the forks, drum, wheels… what have people been using for these parts, or is powder coating one of my best options? I’ll be stripping down the bike this winter to the frame and once I get the ass end figured out I’ll be powder coating it for sure.. just wanna know if there’s a more economical way?

    I’m going to leave it at that since I’ve overwhelmed even myself with this ESSAY haha… but as you can see I didn’t want to start without doing the research and just be annoying with my questions which I know a million other people have asked…

    Looking forward to your help!! if anyone's got pics of their builds to show how they've done it a s a reference point i'd love to see em!

  2. gudenkau

    gudenkau New Member

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    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    there are a couple wiring simplification diagrams on this forum, search for them, I have one on my computer if all else fails. The wiring gets pretty hairy, but it eliminates a lot of the unneeded things like kick stand switched, turn signals, and what not, I pulled off about 2/3 of the stock harness off of mine and I only had to cut two wires (power and a ground) but my harness was a mess when I got the bike (it was a ball sitting where the seat should be which is why I got the bike so cheap) but that diagram works so far, the bike turns over I have yet to get tail lights and head lights to see if those work, but i wouldn't see why not.
  3. Mad_Bohemian

    Mad_Bohemian Active Member

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    Ravenna MI
    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    While your question may have been an essay, the answers are going to be a volume or two. In fact.. or more accurately, be a forum! 8O
    Actually there are over 21050 threads in the XJ forum, 2800 in the Modifications section alone!
    I think it's great that you want to research before jumping in, but there is no one answer for each question you have asked. Some of them will be opinions, some will be based on experience which can differ from bike to bike/ person to person. I would pick your topics one at a time and do some thorough searching here using the search feature. It's not too bad, I have seen much worse ones.
    From your questions it looks like you have some ambitious ideas in mind for you build , which is cool, so a little more time spent searching (especially since the riding season is winding down..) won't set you back and may actually speed things up! There's nothing worse than getting 75% done with a mod to find out you can't do the last 25% because you forgot to take into account X or Y or Z!
    Start a build thread for your project, that would be a great way to keep us all updated with pics! (we love pics here ) and get specific answers to your individual project issues. Good luck!! 8)
  4. BAREfoot

    BAREfoot Member

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    Kelowna, BC - Canada
    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build.

    thanks so much guys for your replies...i will definately start a build thred when i get down to it... we've got 2 more months still worthy of riding..so i wanted to get some info so i can order stuff now...like a hardtail and pods etc...while they take a couple weeks to come in i can still ride... i know there wont be one answer for sure... but if something works then i might as well try it...i've read a lot of the threds but a lot don't finish with a final solution to try... so i just wanted to hear from you guys and your experiences... just need a little guidance to get a head start on things and places to check out online... this is my first bike..and my first build..so where do i begin haha!...

    but ultimately i'd like this thred can be more helpful to others like me..who don't wanna read a hundred messages about that cool colour on the bike and how it's gonna be wicked in the end.. but more helpful info and insight to possible problems and offer solutions... i'm sure there are hundreds of people that'll have 2 cents on any of the topics here... so really there's no order to this chaos.. randomness!

    thanks !
  5. ZaGhost

    ZaGhost Member

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    Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    Also, update your profile with a location and put your bike in your signature..

    Helps with the little details :)

    Not may areas got the XJ400, is it the 4 cyl XJ or the twin XS?

    There are peeps with both on here :)
  6. schooter

    schooter Active Member

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    Elkton, Michigan (its in the thumb)
    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    thechopperunderground.com has some cool xs400s
  7. KennyNapalm

    KennyNapalm Member

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    Calgary AB
    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    hey man, welcome to the forums,

    i did/doing a xs400 chop right now. got the springer seat and a temp battery mount latley. its hard tailed by removing the monoshock as well.
    i dont have an updated pic, cause ive been on vacation, and havent had a chance to sand and repaint the bare steel that i have on there. gettin mild rust that i'll take care of, then post,
    Do a author search for my posts, you'll find it if your lookin for ideas.
  8. BAREfoot

    BAREfoot Member

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    Kelowna, BC - Canada
    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    hey kenny.. i read your whole thred.. looks like it's gonna be a rad bike... i was thinking about doing what you did to hard tail it.. simple solution for sure... and convenient if you wanna put the shock back on later on... the only issue i have is that i'm pretty tall (6'3) and the foot pegs seem at an awkward angle sometimes.. i haven't done much to the bike yet since i just wanna ride it till november and then park it and mod it when i have time... i will post pics on here when i get my computer back since it's getting warrentied right now(last 4 weeks :( )

    did you find any difficulties put'n on the seat and springs... and what did you end up doing with the battery...i've been checking out hardware stores and parts stores for random things i can use for cheap... might even check out a wrecking yard sometime to pull parts off other bikes and fab them onto this one... i went to a thrift shop and found some wicked tins that i think i might paint and use as the battery box (if the fit the battery) simple and cheap ($1.00) haha... did you end up chopping out some of the wiring on yours? i'm no electrician and wiring diagrams sometimes confuse the hell outta me.. but my dad's an electrician so i might send him an e-mail to help me out with it so it's down to like 5 wires...

    what did you paint your frame with?...i was hoping to powdercoat it if i had some extra cash.. that wat it wont get scratched so easily.. i've used a lot of paint since i'm an artist so i've got a couple in mind...

    so much to do..and i've got a little time to pull it all together before i get to work on it.. a good game plan means that i can get it done by spring and ride all summer... plus i fly out to work next week so i'm at a stand still for now...

    keep me posted with your updates... i'll be sure to read your thred when you update it again... great job so far!

    i'll be sure to update my profile and add pics and stuff when i get a chance... (come back from work in a week or two)...

    just another quick quection... notice on the gas tank that it's got a lip all around the bottom of it that looks like it was joined there... has anyone done anything about it..like grided it down to the tank.. or bent it into the frame.. i think it looks like poop..so i wanted to cut it off and either run a weld where it was or something..

  9. KennyNapalm

    KennyNapalm Member

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    Calgary AB
    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    i left my tank actually.

    i'll take the much needed updated pictures tonight. bear with me on the unclean 'surface' rust, and theyre all yours :p hah.

    i'll take a pictures of where i hid the wiring (hah i left it all - will attempt minimal wiring in the winter maybe)

    the frame i didnt paint yet, but im just using tremclad flat black rust paint,

    the lip itself, barley fit with the way i have the seat sitting, but it works, and didnt have to remove the lip.

    its cool seein someone with the samebike man :) i look forward to your project also.

    after work, ill take the bike out for a rip and get someshots for ya.
  10. BAREfoot

    BAREfoot Member

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    Kelowna, BC - Canada
    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    yeah man sounds good... i just picked this bike up about a month ago..and just waiting to get at er... i'm in kelowna..so maybe i'll have to make a trip out to calgary on it... i'm sure after my ass and back will feel just great haha...

    as for pics.. yeah man.. for sure post them when you get a chance... did you end up keeping all the lighting (signals and stuff)... i'm hoping on changing all of mine to make them a little less prominant..but hoping on keeping as much as i can.. maybe change the guages to one single one that does it all except the tach.. no need for it when you can hear it right!...
    are you still running stock exhaust or straight... so many questions i have! haha...
  11. KennyNapalm

    KennyNapalm Member

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    Calgary AB
    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    dude ask all you want. i dont care myself :p PM me if you feel your spamming your thread, but last i checked - its your thread :p

    dont classify me as a guru tho - im actually a computer tech, and that build is the first mechanical project ive really ever done. turned out ok so far, and the pics ill upload after work will be nice for your reference,

    i stripped the signals off mine. i bought some from here
    http://www.d2moto.com/p-6770-universal- ... isers.aspx

    they look nice dont get me wrong, but i just got a bit lazy trying to mount them to the back of the bike to complete the circut (to make them flash)

    im runnin straight pipes right now too. the guy i bought the bike from a few years back put on 'custom' pipes, but they were garbage. not to mention (i didnt notice) he bashed in the pipe inside to make it fit around the bike's center stand. poor pipes never had a chance. Its a loud bastard for a 400cc, but its not overkill on your ears. if you like loud metal music... your gonna be ok.

    the seat and springs that youll see in the pic was interesting. i hired a welder to weld a bent peice of steal (i bent and cut it) to the frame. it goes up and over the fender so no weight is put on the back end. the springs setup is easier to see in the pic.

    the battery is held on with a little box bolted to the bike frame and a bungie cable ;) heh

    i'll say one thing. i was at odd's end wondering where to start with the project. couldnt get any kind of 'idea' on what to do. that was until i rented (should have bought.. but eventually did) an Angle Grinder, and cut the frame. its a no turning back situation, but liberating. its a good start, and you actually 'see' the bike your looking for now.

    Best bet - keep askin questions, dont get frustrated, post tons of pics, that keeps everyone here happy. Take the advise they give here (DWCopple is gonna lecture ya on minimal wiring - hes the guru in that regard)

    Everyone has spare parts, or knows where to find them :) - and really i owe any credit to my build to the folks here for their help.

    i'll get those pics to ya, lemme know if you need anythign
  12. BAREfoot

    BAREfoot Member

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    Kelowna, BC - Canada
    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build.

    ok so here's where i started from... the stock pic of this bike... it also had a windshild on it...
    but so far i've stripped off:
    front fender
    rear foot pegs
    chain guard
    handle bars
    front guard over the horn
    other chrome guards
    center stand

    so if anyone wants to buy any of that stuff..let me know..


    and here's the after so far..not too many changes oviously..once it gets too cold i'll start stripping it apart...

  13. ZaGhost

    ZaGhost Member

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    Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    Wow, you have a Right side panel.... don't see many of those :)
  14. BAREfoot

    BAREfoot Member

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    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    yeah it covers my battery..i think on most bikes it was black..for some reason it's red.... i would swear that the person that designed this bike wasn't very talented... i would have never bought this in the 80's..

    i wanna pic up a pod air filter for this thing... does anyone know what size it it in diameter..
  15. KennyNapalm

    KennyNapalm Member

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    Calgary AB
    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    sorry im late on this post guys,

    i lost my keys on the road somewhere.. think they jumped out of the ignition, and didnt notice till i made it all the way up to the rib house...
    so i had to disconnect the battery and stall it to shut it off. came back and push started it, but then ran outta gas on the way home.. heh cause i have no key to fill the tank.

    here she is stranded, but shows how i chopped mine. still got some work but ya. all good. ill figure out somethin ;)

  16. Cmccully04

    Cmccully04 Member

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    State College, PA
    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    wow, that sucks about the keys. Talk about having some bad luck, sheesh.....Good looking bike though I must say.
  17. BAREfoot

    BAREfoot Member

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    Kelowna, BC - Canada
    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    yeah man it's super sick!...so looks like you put in square tubing in place on the mon shock right... did you end up stretching or lowering it... ..i'm surprised you still kept the center stand on there...super shitty that you lost your key.. i only had one when i bought mine..but the next week i got 3 made..they're super thin and feel like they easily break...so i needed extras for sure!...but. i'm more motivated than ever come'n home tomorrow from work.. and i just picked up a seat...an old rusted one but it's got a lot of potential for comfort..... it's gonna be awesome.. i'm gonna start working on the bike come november i think...so i might be late to post new updates... it still might be nice out till then so i wanna get in as much riding as i can before i switch to riding my snowboard haha....

    since i'm an artist i've had so many ideas on how to paint it.. man it's gonna be fun!
  18. parts

    parts Member

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    prescott valley az
    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    Welcome Barefoot, can't wait for pics.

    Kenny-I.m sure by now you've already got one. The minute I
    realised that my key would come out while the ign was on, I went to
    the hardware store for a flat spare to keep in my wallet.
    The po gave two key's but both were too bulky.
    Then I took a plastic chrome skull shaped tire valve cap- shaved
    one key down to fit-now all the weight is on the tooth side of the
    key and stay's in under all condition. And the little skull smiling
    back at me is very cool IMHO lol.
  19. KennyNapalm

    KennyNapalm Member

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    Calgary AB
    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    thanks for the compliments. nah, no key yet. my brother is a locksmith so he's gonna take a look at what he can do for me.

    ya sure did.. used a .88 (i think - should be in my thread) gauge steel. wayyy overkill. i think i gave it an inch or so drop in the back by drilling hirer into the frame than the stock shock hole. just losin the side steel tubes for the original seat gave a ton more clearance.

    i kept the center stand cause is soooo handy for maintance. im sure ill need it for when i change the rubber - cause mannn these tires are old.

    glad to hear your motivated man. as i said, the real motivation came for me when i got my angle grinder and just went for it.

    also what do you ride board wise bro?
  20. BAREfoot

    BAREfoot Member

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    Kelowna, BC - Canada
    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build.

    so i got my new (used) seat .. super excited... it's old and rusty..but a lot of potential... gonna start collecting some parts before i get to building it..

    has anyone ordered any pods and/or jetting kit... just wondering where they got em from..
  21. Cmccully04

    Cmccully04 Member

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    State College, PA
    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    got my pods from ebay. they say are bikes are 52mm pods, that BS. order 48 or 46mm pods for a much better fitment.
  22. tfish400

    tfish400 Member

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    southeast GA
    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    We all have the same bike! I've completely chopped mine down and am about to hardtail it. eBay is king for finding all of the little things for these bikes. 7/8 handlebars, 49mm pods, stainless engine bolts, exhaust wrap, etc. I decided against hardening up the mono shock only because I love the way a hardtail looks. I'll post pics of my "progress" if you want?
  23. BAREfoot

    BAREfoot Member

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    Kelowna, BC - Canada
    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    yeah man post em up... you doing the hardtail yourself of get'n a kit?
  24. tfish400

    tfish400 Member

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    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    That's the decision I'm trying to make. The kit would make things a lot easier, but I'm a tall guy on a slim budget and I wouldn't be able to customize it the way I want. I'm thinking about using the stock axle plates and the swingarm as a template and building one from scratch. PSW Customs sells a weld-on hardtail, but of course the xs400 maxim is TOTALLY different from the xs400.
  25. BAREfoot

    BAREfoot Member

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    Kelowna, BC - Canada
    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    so it's been a little bit since i wrote anything... update thus far... i picked up a welder (i'm going to make it a real hard tail) and a couple other tools so i'll be working on it bit by bit.. it's been super hot out this late in the year so i'm hoping i'll keep riding till late october/early november... before really tearing it apart...to the frame

    but here' s what i'll be working on in the mean time... i got a seat off e-bay for 25 bucks.. a bit rusty and worn out... i'll post pics tomorrow when i have some time to work on cleaning it up.... so that's the project for the weekend... fiberglass the seat since it has a few cracks in it... remove the rust...paint it... foam it.. and look for a place that sells cheap fine leather..

    also in the works.. i'm gonna make some custom footpegs next week when they come in...

    also i was thinking of running it with straight pipes.. but with issues about backpressure i ordered up some short pipes... super cheap... also in next week...

    where's a good place to order some exhaust wrap?anyone order coil springs for their solo seats..who's got a good deal for em?
  26. BAREfoot

    BAREfoot Member

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    Kelowna, BC - Canada
    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build.

    so there has been some progress so far...finally!...

    i worked on the seat all day yesterday..and a bit today.. being so old i ran into issues with it.. bolts snapped off so i had to drill them out... the rubber is super soft and cracking on the seat itself..and it was rusted as F*&!...

    here is the seat.. something like a 1920-30's seat...





    so i got rid of all the rust pretty much by grinding it down and sanding.. a lot of work! i also cut off the lower brackets on it (it had a type of mono spring that was seized) painted it up..and glassed it..

    her's after i got it clean and fiberglassed the seat to make it stronger as a base for when i cover it with leather...



    so now i'm waiting for the resin to dry and in the mean time i worked on the broken fins.. the previous owner dropped it or hit something with it..and it cracked a lot of the fins and it looked terrible..


    so i took some nail cutters, and a metal chisle and kinda worked it to a better looking piece... (so for those that have the same issue..her's a solution for you) here's the cut'n of it...


    after i cut it and shaped it with the chisle i took a file to it and filed it down... took a bit of work but i'm happy with the result.. once i paint the whole thing you wont notice it really...


    so that's about it for today... gotta finish the fiberglass on the seat tomorrow and find some foam or cut the old seat and cover it..
  27. Cmccully04

    Cmccully04 Member

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    State College, PA
    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    wow, thats pretty nice work you did to clean up them fins. Now its definetly not the eyesore that it use to be.
  28. BAREfoot

    BAREfoot Member

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    Kelowna, BC - Canada
    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    i picked up some scrap metal...so i'll be slowly working on building a jig for the hardtail... tail light, turn signals and pipes should be in next week..so i'm excited about that..seats almost done.. just gotta find a place that sells leather in pieces to wrap this baby...then that'll be off my list.... soon enough this bike will be stripped down...can't wait...
  29. BAREfoot

    BAREfoot Member

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    Kelowna, BC - Canada
    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    Well my insurance is up for this year.. that means it's time to park the thing for the winter and start tearing apart and cleaning... i ended up getting a fiche for it..and i put it on my computer as well printed it out... so if anyone needs a copy of it just let me know i can e-mail you it (xj400)!...
    anyway.. it'll be a fun weekend..or possibly thursday when i'll be tearing it down.. so i'll post pics up when i do... then i'll be sync'n the valves and cleaning the carbs..so i'm sure i'll be asking a lot of questions about it...
  30. BAREfoot

    BAREfoot Member

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    Kelowna, BC - Canada
    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build.

    So i decided to tear it down today... here is how it went...
    first i took off the handle bars and light and stuff... funny how when you tear things down you find other things... so here's a pic of my clutch lever assembly... you can notice how it's bent away from the lever just above the bolt...the previous owner must have crashed this thing pretty good (not just like they told me "it just tipped over..") bullshit...

    when i was taking out the cable.. it snapped it pieces..


    all the electrical is unplugged and come'n off... i definitely want to do a minimum wiring on this.. this is ridiculous!..


    down to take'n out the engine... everything has been come'n off smoothly...nothin stuck or seized... i'm super stoked i picked up the motorcycle lift for 50 bucks... definitely helps with take'n out the motor

    taking out the motor wasn't as bad as i thought it was going to be... the only issue i had was taking off the chain since it was old and the chain link was a bitch to get off... after that it dropped right out!... pushed it off to the side and tackled the MOST challenging part of tearing it down... taking out the air box.. frig that thing does not come out without taking off the rear section... i just cut out one of the cross bars under the seat and tugged it out in one piece... DONE... now it's down to bare bones pretty much...


    as luck would have it... my headlight came in today.. i was super stoked!... so i put the tank back on and the seat which i'm waiting for the leather to come in still to finish it off... and placed the headlight on the front... it's gonna be sick!.. here are a couple of pics...


    I had to try it out...feels pretty good... i don't know what i'm going to do with the ass end yet.. hard tail for sure.. but don't know how much lower it's going to be and how much of a stretch i'm wanting to give it... the calculations will have to be figure out.. i'm no mathematician so this is gonna be the hardest part... it's good to have a mechanical engineer to help me out hopefully! haha..

    finally.. here's what i'm keeping off the bike...


    And here's the throw aways/sell pile... funny how one outweighs the other by a tonne. lol


    That's it... lots done.. but a lot more to do still.. the next 3 weeks are dedicated to welding up a jig for the hardtail. research a little about building a hard tail.. if anyone's done one.. let me know the important issues....figuring out measurements..i want it to be beefy..so i'm going to use 1 1/4" DOM tubing... i know it's overkill but it'll look rad... just wondering if there is an offset with the ass end to align the chain?? then just weld up the tail... finish the seat when the leather is in... going to find out if someone can CNC some axle plates for me .. does anyone know what the diameter is of the axle for the 400?..

    any input would be greatly appreciated guys...
  31. RookieRider

    RookieRider Member

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    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    Oddly enough my brother in-law keeps trying to convince me to sell him my bike to do the exact same thing.....

    Until I find another reliable bike i ain't giving in....

    By the way I like where you are going with this.....
  32. BAREfoot

    BAREfoot Member

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    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    thanks man.. yeha it's a great bike for sure... easy to rip around in town..i mean it doesn't boast a lot of power but it's fun and just wait till the end.. i've already got it mapped out in my head what it's going to look like.. being an artist i'm a perfectionist..so it's gonna be a long road ahead haha... it's funny cuz even though this one isn't done i'm already looking for donor bikes (under $500) to create for the next project... lol

    If anyone's got pointers on the geometry of the tail and axle plates..or websites to help guide me i'm all ears!
  33. Orange-n-Black

    Orange-n-Black Well-Known Member

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    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build.

    I didn't notice before that the frame is simular to a Virago frame. Maybe you could adapt a 750 Vtwin Virago motor. :)
  34. BAREfoot

    BAREfoot Member

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    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    yeah it's something to consider... but the one i've got is working pretty good and i don't have a lot of desposable income for this thing... hopefully keeping the build relitively close to a $500 budget...
  35. Orange-n-Black

    Orange-n-Black Well-Known Member

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    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    I can relate.
  36. cutlass79500

    cutlass79500 Well-Known Member

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    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build.

    not gonna happen nothing even close the key might interchange but nothing else
  37. BAREfoot

    BAREfoot Member

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    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    Anyone know where i can get a nice shorty clutch perch and lever.. since mine bunked out?

    second question... would i have an issue with using a different clutch perch and lever for a different bike.. saying this i'm hoping that most bikes have the same sized end piece on the cable but i'm not sure???
  38. Orange-n-Black

    Orange-n-Black Well-Known Member

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    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

  39. BAREfoot

    BAREfoot Member

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    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    So there's been a little more movement with my project... first i finished padding the seat... if you remembered this is what it looked like when i bought it... it's 80 years old so it was a little worn out and falling apart...


    and here's the after...

    after i fiberglassed it and painted it..i then used some paper to trace out the top.


    with the paper i traced out the foam to use for the seat..i cut it out


    it and used gorilla glue to adhere the foam...the foam was just lining that you'd find in a tool box... after i glued it and pressed it for the night..i then grabbed my palm sander and sanded the edges of the foam so that it was fairly flush with the seat... now i'm just waiting for the leather and it's all done...


    now on to the tank..this thing was brutal... the paint was a home job i believe cuz it was all chipped and scratched and easily flaked... i put on some paint stripper and let it sit for about 15-20 minutes...


    it stripped off most of the paint and i reapplied the stripper to take the rest off... i also used a wire brush to take off the rest... looks so good all bare...


    i then decided that i wanted to changed the tank a bit cuz i didn't like how it went flat and all weird...plus i was going to fill in where the tank logo was.. so i used short strand fiberglass to build up the body to match up with the tank...

    for those who wanna give it a try here's what i did..

    ¬- short strand fill , which was super easy and dried quick (both the bottom or the tank and the emblem holes - the pic only shows a bit at the bottom with the short strand)


    - filed it down with a basic file (before it completely hardens you can start working it down to make it easier!
    - reapplied more to get a smoother alignment with the tank.
    - filed some more to get it just right on both sides (the short strand is good to fill holes because it provides a hard enough coverage with limited breakage)
    - after i got it to where i wanted it, i then used mastic fill (this stuff is thinner and more like gum) this is great to fill the smaller imperfections and to run it along the tank in a larger surface area to blend the two together. you can see that even though the area where the logo was is small..i went far beyond it with this stuff to make sure there wasn't a huge bump.


    - let it cure and use a 100grit sandpaper to star sanding it smooth. i used a palm sander to get it down to a thinner base. then switch to 150grit and to the same... then i used 220grit..then 380 grit sanding foam block..this is good to used because your fingers might make uneven irregularities in the fill. you might have to fill it in more than once..which i did just to get it perfect...


    i cleaned it down with mineral spirits and started to wet sand with 600grit. i did a onceover with the 600 and then i did another with 1000grit. at this point i used just my hand to sand it down since it requires a soft touch so that you don't take too much off. just smoothly and softly sand the edges until you can't feel that there is a ridge.

    the second mastic layer is dry in this pic and the other layer has been sanded...

    - next i primed it with sandable primer. this is just to see what i missed and to get an even look at the smoothness of the fill.


    - after it dried i used spot putty and filled the tiny holes and any ridges i found. just like the filler you want to go beyond the area to get that smooth transition. so i didn't get a pic...
    -wet sand the putty with the 600g and then the 1000g paper. the best way to see if you are getting a smooth transition is if you so its transparency go from very transparent to the more of the solid color. don't worry if in some areas the mastic fill comes through. this just means there was a raised part in that area and you smoothened it out but the spot putty.
    - again prime the tank with a good primer (the more expensive it is usually means it's got more pigment in it which will cover nicely. (shake it well if you're using a can)
    - i primed it 3 times and wetsanded it once more after it was completely dry overnight (it was late)

    then i painted it today..this is only the first layer of what i'm planning to do.. i'm an artist (as you can see from the painted surfboards in the back) and do graffiti and stuff a bit so i like using spray cans. if you plan on using cans then do this; find a head shop or a skateboard shop to find MONTANA Spray paint. this stuff comes from Germany and is made for graffiti artist! this stuff never comes off!!..it's a high end paint running about $8 bucks a can.. they have 190 colours.. so you're bound to find the colour you want... also the do have a clear as well..all the paint is satin finish which is super nice... ***pick up extra CAPS at the store when you buy it!!! use the BEIGE ones which offer a smooth application** there are like 10 different caps to choose from, each giving you a different spray... big tip.. SHAKE THE HELL outta it... like for at least 3-5 minutes to get the pigment to mix.. makes a huge difference...don't be lazy ..you already put so much work into it thus far..don't ruin it now!


    so i'm let'n it dry and going to do some fun stuff to it later..can't wait!...

    anyway that's all i got for now...picking up some metal and scrap stuff in the next couple weeks to make my jig for the hardtail..then weld that up within a month or two.....

    more updates in a little a week probably...
  40. tfish400

    tfish400 Member

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    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    We are doing the same build! BTW, the axle is 17mm. Good luck!
    If you get someone to CNC the axle plates, mill the axle holes. If you don't, your axle will only make contact with a tiny bit of the plate.
  41. BAREfoot

    BAREfoot Member

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    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    wicked..thanks man.. yeah i talked to my buddy who's probably gonna make the axle plates for me... but that'll happen in a bit... do you have a build going on here somewhere?.. wouldn't mind see'n what you're planning to do to hard tail it...
  42. BAREfoot

    BAREfoot Member

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    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    I've finally got time to work on my bike again...wiring, carbs, valves I wanna do first i think... Maybe work on my hard tail too..

    I want to do a simple wiring for this thing... just wondering what i need for it parts wise (Chacal what do I need to order?) what guage of wiring is typical?

    I'm also going to take my carbs off and clean them.. I think there was a post up about how to rebuild them..anyone know the link? Anything i should be careful with when taking them apart?
  43. dwcopple

    dwcopple Active Member

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    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    look for my posts. I have simple wired a few 400's. Use all stock wires except for the starter and battery I used 10GA from an amp wiring kit. Also you can use a tiny gel battery if you dump all the worthless junk too!!!
  44. BAREfoot

    BAREfoot Member

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    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    do i need to change any of the fuse box and stuff to make it simple?
  45. dubyaohohdee

    dubyaohohdee Member

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    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    More tank Updates?
  46. BAREfoot

    BAREfoot Member

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    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    it'll be up soon... i'm just in the process of still painting it.. it's been in my art studio all winter try'n to keep the rust away..haha.. i'll have it done this month...
  47. dwcopple

    dwcopple Active Member

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    bay city, michigan
    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    why are you doing a hardtail the hard way? Just cut off the subframe and put some square tubing in where the shock was and voila' you are done.

    that is not my bike, just an example of what to do
  48. dwcopple

    dwcopple Active Member

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    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    also if you still have the airbox PM me. I want part of it...got a sawzall?
  49. BAREfoot

    BAREfoot Member

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    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    cuz i want a real hard tail.haha.. you'll be pretty impressed with my axle plates too...

    and it's not hard... just takes more time... i'm sure there'll be more guys on here with 400's wanting to do it my way when they see what I come up with... picked up some gas for my welder yesterday..so i'm in business lol...
  50. BAREfoot

    BAREfoot Member

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    Re: Artie's 82' XJ 400 bobber project...research then build...

    yeah i do have one... i'll sell everything off when i'm done in a month or so...

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