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Hey guys.... chuckles and the Road Rash are still strong

Discussion in 'Hangout Lounge' started by chuckles_no, Jul 27, 2010.

  1. chuckles_no

    chuckles_no Member

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    Still here and kicking. Loving the new Magna and just got back from a cool road trip. Road Rash belongs to my dad now but I keep up on all of the maintenance and still ride it from time to time.

    It is still running awesome... it's such a good bike and I am always checking out other's xj bikes when I see them. Also had a buddy buy an 82 750 seca for $900... it was a 1 owner bike and flawlessly maintained so was a good deal. I plan on a new xj project when my finances permit. Want to make my own version of a street fighter using an old seca and what I think it would have been had the streetfighter style came about in the early 80s the way it is now with the sport bikes.

    Then I'll be on here every night.

    For now I have a broken computer so I am using someone else's. But just wanted to say hi to everybody.
  2. vintagerice

    vintagerice Member

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    New Hampshire
    Long time no hear chuckles. I was looking for you to ask you about the old mirror's you bought for Road Rash, actually they were new but I think the wind blew the bike over and busted them. Wondering where you got them from and possibly a part number?

    What are you driving these days? Since you passed you bike to your Father.

  3. schooter

    schooter Active Member

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    Elkton, Michigan (its in the thumb)
    get a max x

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