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downloadible repair manual

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by rudedogxj550, Sep 7, 2010.

  1. Brockzila

    Brockzila New Member

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    Have looked and all the torrant links all go back to the same file and its not being seeded.

    if any one wants to email me a copy of the PDF i would say thank you very much.

    PM me if any one can help out.
  2. adrian1

    adrian1 Active Member

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    Now that IS funny Brocky! :lol: :lol:
  3. Robert

    Robert Active Member

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    Ventura CA
    That is where you would be mistaken. You are right that this behavior occurs on other sites and is tolerated there but we have a responsibility to do the right thing even if our neighbors aren't. It is called integrity, grownups have it.

    I can't speak about this but we don't care to be the first example, ergo part of our forum rules forbid this. If you don't like the rules, there's the door.

    On this you and I agree.

    On this we do not agree. I spent years ensuring that the rights of others were not infringed upon (including yours) and I’m not about to give up a principled existence simply to go with the flow. It takes courage to face unpopular decisions, the weak give in.
    I assure you I watch VERY little programming, most of what is available is useless drivel. I spend the bulk of my time in school, with my family and my bikes. I choose not to fill my head with nonsense watching some other humans parading about trying to influence my outlook on life. Bah! There are far better things to fill my life with. I encourage others to do the same. Perhaps your opinion is a bit presumptuous but I do see the “grain of truth” in your statement. Armchair quarterbacks aren’t my favorite bunch of people either.
    Well good for them, I’m still not convinced this is the right thing to do here. We are generally a responsible bunch here, we tend to encourage walking on the straight and narrow and I don’t see that changing.
    I’ll take that ride thank you very much.
    I won’t pretend that I don’t have pirated stuff (in-laws think it’s ok too, it’s a very Brazilian thing apparently) but anything we get that we like, we buy legally. What we don’t we chuck. I’d love for a free sample period be offered just to try things out and see if they fit/work. All major software companies do this since control is easily programmed in. I hope we will see similar options for printed materials in the future. I will comment that the perceived “cost” of legal materials seems high but the practical knowledge and cost savings in not breaking parts or ruining things more than pays the offset.
  4. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    Massachusetts, Billerica
    Just because you have the technology does not make it right.
    Downloading a Copyrighted work (the whole work) is a crime.

    Brokzila: You seem to want your way no matter what. But, your a crook.
    This site tries not to promote activity which is Illegal.
    There are some, like you, who think they can do as they please ... even if its outside the Law.

    For the most part, this Site remains "Honorable".

    As folks come-in and encourage others to dismiss the rights of Copyright Holder, I usually raise hell and remind them that wholesale violations of copying someones protected literature is a Crime.

    We can do without Criminals.

    If you do not hold a License to distribute material protected by Law; you're a Felon.

    Quit trying to attach innocent-sounding rationale to the issue.
  5. parts

    parts Member

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    prescott valley az
    This is really a silly and quite funny thread.

    The same people upset over someone violating Copyright laws
    will happily advise the members to violate fed EPA imissions laws
    and tell you to go ahead and drill off the pilot screw caps on their
    carbs! what a joke.

    If your going to stand the high moral ground-then stand with honor,
    not hypocrisy.

    The caps were placed there for the one and only reason of keeping
    us,as private owners from tampering with the fatory settings.


    So get over the XJCD!
  6. jonrms

    jonrms Member

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    England Uk
    its no illegal to tamper with them over here in england! :D
  7. parts

    parts Member

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    prescott valley az
    Really? Well, I guess thats because we may have a couple
    more vehicals overall on our roads then you guys across the
    pond (lol).

    Not only that, but, the very famous and idiotic gov of california
    has desided (I beleave on the same day) to drop the fine
    for marijauna to a traffic ticket-then outlawing after market
    mufflers on 2013 and newer bikes-not cars or trucks-only bikes
    unless they have a EPA approved stamp (it's been on the fed. books
    since the 1970's but unenforcible by local cops being a federal matter).

    So go ahead and drive stoned!! just do it on a quiet bike!
  8. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    Massachusetts, Billerica
    Hey, Parts;

    You are WAY off base.

    Number 1. It is NOT against the Law to remove the Anti-tamper Plugs. Those Plugs are there to prevent inexperienced people from making adjustments without knowing what they are doing.

    Having the Plugs IN means you Bike probably did NOT get the Dealership's Customer Satisfaction Tuning at 5,000 Miles.

    It's NOT against the Law to remove them. It's Stupid; NOT too.

    And then you say: "Get-off the XJ-CD"

    The work of Organized Criminals. The most flagrant example of Copyright Infringement that there is in circulation.
    Those Felons didn't stop at Violating the Copyright of a single published work which they reproduced and distributed.
    No. They kept-on violating the Copyrights of MULTIPLE Volumes and reproduced as many complete work as they could assemble. Along with accompanying material form books and magazines that hold All Rights Reserved. And, they charge money and use the Mails for their Criminal enterprise.

    So bold are the distributors of the XJ-CD that they have reproduced entire volumes, ... including Cover Art and Company Logos.

    But, examine their work very closely and you will discover that they cannot claim "Fair Use" or "For Educational Purpose" or state they did NOT intend to break the Law, ... Because they purposefully DELETED PAGE-2 from their
    Illegally Copied Manuals.

    Page-2 is the page which contains NO OTHER TEXT or ILLUSTRATIONS above the Stand-Alone Notice of Copyright and Reservations of ALL Rights Reserved by the Publisher!!

    The Collection of Yamaha Workshop Service Manuals available for purchase on a Set of CD's, known as the XJ-CD, is the willful, multiple violation of Yamaha Motors Corp. Copyright, distributed by Lawbreaking Frauds who have committed a Federal Offense for which they deserve to be prosecuted and punished.
  9. Robert

    Robert Active Member

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    Ventura CA
    ^^Here here Parts!
    Incidently, it isn't illegal for the owner/mechanic of a bike to remove the caps and tweak their carbs to correct an air/fuel deficiency. It does get dirty in there and require appropriate cleaning (this is why the replacement caps are in the rebuild kit). It is illegal to modify the intended settings (i.e. richen up the mixture for power). The devil is in the details and intent is the basis of prosecution. I, however have never heard of anyone being nailed for this (I think it has something to do with the federal/local issue you mentioned).
  10. parts

    parts Member

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    prescott valley az
    When I researched this point the EPA only states the illegality
    of tampering. However I'm just as sure you must be right reguarding a qualified mechanics right to remove and adjust to factory spec's.
    My thinking is that the caps are included because the pilot ass'y may need replacement.

    But thank you for your support in the gen issue at hand. I guess I'm one of those anal retentive types that beleave if you tell some one that what their doing in illegal-don't at the same time advise them to do something that is also illegal.

    Don't get my wrong, I have the highest respect and admiration for the guru's on this site. they have great knowlege and skill on these xj's.
    Far more then I.
    But,hypocrisy is hypocrisy and I'll call it out when I see it.

    I'm a board member of a state wide motorcycle safety and rights org,and have to deal with the state gov's hypocrisy every week and can get carried away at times.

  11. parts

    parts Member

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    prescott valley az
    Rick- sorry ,your wrong it is in fact illegal for any one but a qualified mechanic to tamper with factory settings. You have often adivesed our members to adjust their settings. All for the benefit of the owners to be sure.
    The EPA does NOT agree with the fact that it's stupid. I agree,it's stupid.
    The caps sit flush for a reason and it's not for looks-it's to keep us out of the circuit so we cannot make our own adj. as we see fit.

    Perhaps your desire to help the members achive the best running bikes they can has clouded your thinking or understanding at the desire of the EPA to keep owners from changing the EPA pre-set requirements for each and every bike that has rolled off the floor since the late '70's.

    But lets be at peace. As I stated to Robert , I have the highest respect for you and all the other masters of the xj. But I fight day and night for the rights of motorcycle owners right to modify their bikes as they see fit and know what I'm talking about in that respect.

  12. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    Massachusetts, Billerica
    If it were against the Law ... Motorcycle Inspections would be Mandatory in ALL 50 States and Certificates of Passing Inspection's denied to those without the Plugs or found with the Replacement Plugs provided in Carb Kits found instead of Factory Plugs.

    An easy way for you to prove that Drilling-out the Plugs and Fine Tuning is Illegal, ... would be to find the Law and it's Reference Notation and Post it for us to read.

    I think you will find that that the Law clearly states that it is ILLEGAL to Tamper with Emissions Devices in a Manner that:
    >>/ REMOVES an Element of an Exhaust Gas Recirculation System
    >>/ BYPASSES a Device.
    >>/ RENDERS a Device Inoperative.
    >>/ SUBSTITUTES Parts Mandated by EPA with Performance Parts.

    You know the Old saying: "I'm from Missouri, ... show me."

    Your attention is directed to:

    The Federal Register.
    Volume - 69 (2004)
    Pages: 2402 ~ 2405
  13. Robert

    Robert Active Member

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    Ventura CA
    Ok, I think the point is well made Rick. Let's get on with our regularly scheduled program. Thanks for looking that up by the way, nice to see you do the footwork to back it all up.
  14. snowwy66

    snowwy66 Member

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    Salt Lake City, Utah
    the air fuel mixture cap is not a emissions device. emissions devices are EGR, CAT CONVERTERS, SMOG PUMPS, COMPUTER SENSORS,.

    BUT, the air fuel mixture does control emissions at an idle. which is why the caps were put on. to keep people from tampering. it's NOT illegal to take them off however. it just discourages people from screwing around where they shouldn't. as most of the times the carbs had to come off to drill those caps off.

    back in them days people had a tendency to cut the belt off there smog pump. and adjust the carb to run full rich. they had a disbeleif that there engines were running better and had more power.

    towards the end of the carburetor years on cars. there were caps. but after a few thousand miles were put on the motor. it would eventually fail emissions. drill the caps off. and adjust. plain and simple.

    i don't do mechanics anymore. but i still maintain my emissions certificate. in case i decide to go back to doing emissions tests part time. those caps are not a requirement for emissions.

    as for doing emissions on motorcycles. they don't have the proper equipment to even THINK about passing. that's why they are exempt. just like lawnmowers. cars built in the 60's have the highest cutpoints for emissions. even those babies run cleaner then our motorcycles.

    i can't vouch for the newer bikes though. specially the later fuel injected models.
  15. snowwy66

    snowwy66 Member

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    Salt Lake City, Utah
    as for the email of a pdf manual. FORGET IT. email can only handle files up to 16 megs in size. the manual is 175 megs.

    the only way your getting that manual is 5 pages at a time. and i don't know if anyone is even tech savy to do that. OR will even devote the time to do that.

    i'm not that savy and i certainly don't have the time.
  16. Brockzila

    Brockzila New Member

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    tomorrow im off to my local yamaha dealer to see if the factory manual is still avalable.

    I dont take to well to being called a crook. i am not, nor am i a felon.

    im sure you are a saint rick and have never broken any any laws.

    I am no angel.but i have my own morals and have my own views on things.

    I am not promoting the copy and down load of books and music. they are the property of the creator and they deserve the rewards of their hard work. there is a individual that created it and will be losing out.

    But a manual has no author the guy that wrote it was on a wage and will not see more money if i buy one. all i will be doing by buying one will be to put more money in to a already wealthy bank account.

    i hate large money making international companies. and any law that is in place that enables them to make more wealth. (oil companies, mining, and phone compaines all need to be regulated)

    i beleive in education and the freedom of knowledge and infomation. and the manual is infomation, the manual is knowledge. I should not have to pay for it.

    and if i do pay for it how can i be sure that the guy selling it has a right to sell it??

    and rick If you feel SOOOOOOOOOOO strongly about holding the moral high ground and standing by the law then remove all trace of the XJ cd from the site. and ban the creators. allowing the creators to post info then this site is just as bad as the guys buying and selling it
    http://xjbikes.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=1 ... =xjcd.html

    having this as a sticky is just as bad as having a copy. by having it there you are infact aiding in the crime.

    robert unlike rick you replied with arguements that showed logic and a realistic view of the situation. this i can respect.you are protecting the site and letting users know the rules and acceptable behaviour. all fine by me.

    but rick calling me a felon, crook and a criminal. NOT ON MATE.

    If wanting knowledge and infomation to educate myself and enable me to correctly maintain my bike so it is safer for not only me and other road users make me a crook then yes i am a crook.

    If wanting to keep a little extra money in my pocket so i can pay my rent put food on teh table or put gas in my car/bike so i can get to uni and work. than that makes me a criminal

    If not wanting to help the rich get richer makes me a felon then yes i am.


    yes sometimes i do like starting s*&t. sometimes it opens up peoples minds, but it can also show how closed others minds are.
  17. mrblackstock

    mrblackstock Member

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    I cannot believe people are arguing over copyright laws on motorcycle manuals.

    I have uploaded manuals onto the web for free download, I also buy manuals, I download free software, I buy software, I jaywalk, I speed, I lie about my tax deductions, I lie when I am pulled over by a traffic officer...et all!

    "People who live in glass houses should not throw stones"
    "He who has not sinned may cast the first stone"

    Who ever videoed a movie or t.v show while they were out?
    Who ever dubbed a cassette to another on a twin deck stereo? INFRINGEMENT!
    Who ever photocopied more than 10% of any book?

    Are people comparing file sharing networks with millions of members exchanging music with a couple of hundred who download a bike manual?!
    Courts cost money, all parties have to be sure of huge fines just to build a case, I think everyone here is safe...

    I technically break the law everyday, hell, even things that I say may in some countries be considered a massive offence, in most countries laws still exist that have been around for over 100 years, but no court would be stupid enough to act on those found to be commiting offences.

  18. BikeRanger

    BikeRanger Member

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    Dundas, Ontario
    for example here where i live (hamilton, ontario) its illegal to walk your giraf down the street at 9 pm. and your not allowed to play hockey on the road at any time.
  19. andrewlong

    andrewlong Member

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    Cumming, GA

    I think the simple truth is that when we are presented with two choices, we should pick the one we know is right.

    And it comes down to the 'inconvenience' of money and shipping times which make people choose wrongly.
  20. Artie(RT)

    Artie(RT) Member

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    Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
    These types of debates are one thing that keep me coming back to this sight. Even though the other things in my life force long absences.

    So many other sites I go to are for all practical purposes dormant (for example sites associated with the vehicles I own). On those sites there seems to have been a burst of activity at some time in the past, all important questions were answered, neatly indexed, and readily available, and user's use it to search on but there's really no new user activity.

    This type of thread, among others, is what keeps this site alive and kicking.

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