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Hometown XJ sighting

Discussion in 'Hangout Lounge' started by gitbox, Oct 31, 2010.

  1. gitbox

    gitbox Member

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    I was making a dump run in my pickup the other day when I noticed a familiar looking rear end in front of me. <insert dirty thought here> An old bike with a shaft drive and the name "Yamaha" in the middle of the grab bar. I followed the guy home and found out it was an '82 XJ650. Wow! I thought I was the only one around these parts with that model. I made a quick pitch for this site so maybe we'll see him on soon.
  2. vintagerice

    vintagerice Member

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    New Hampshire
    I was vacationing in MD this summer and brought the XJ along and I got a lot of comments and looks when stopped. One old timer even asked if it was for sale. He said he could not believe it was in such good condition.

    I didn't have the heart to show him the before picture. We will just let him think this bike has been kept pristine since day one. LOL


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