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Freshened it up on thanksgiving. some Paint!!!

Discussion in 'XJ Modifications' started by kentownsend, Nov 27, 2010.

  1. kentownsend

    kentownsend Member

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    portland, or
    so i have some before and after pictures. i wanted to go a little crazy with it being that i work at a body shop, but decided to just do a small home paint job. i did it with rattle can, so i could decide if i liked it before i spent real money on real paint. so far i love it. there are some other things i need to do, but for now, i think this will do.

    the total cost? just under $20.00 and a few hours.

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  2. Ravenz07

    Ravenz07 Member

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    your not going to want to keep the rattle can paint.
  3. BillB

    BillB Active Member

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    Tulsa Oklahoma
    I'll take those old bars off your hands.
  4. kentownsend

    kentownsend Member

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    raven- why wouldnt i want to keep the spray paint? i think it will do fine for now, as i did clear coat over it. i know it would never hold up to the elements if i didnt. i am going to wait until i start on a custom seat and some other "light" bobber mods then work on body work.

    Billb- i would let you have those old bars all day long, free! the problem is that i dont much care for the shipping thing, but i would be open to the idea if you really need them. i know it sucks when i need something and someone just has it sitting around collecting dust.
  5. Ravenz07

    Ravenz07 Member

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    If you work at a body shop, you should know that a rattle can job is never a good idea. Have you spilled any gas on it?
  6. thecamelman79

    thecamelman79 Member

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    Havelock, NC
    I am envious of your rattle can skills. In alot of ways that can be a hard skill to master. Great looking job. maybee you could do a write up with pics and product remendation and techniquies for us guys who just cant seem to get it right!
  7. Joel07

    Joel07 Member

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    Durham, NC, USA
    Looks very similar to my old '81 650. I painted most everything black except for the headlight ring (bucket was black) and the taillight housing. Turned out great. I also had the Seca bars like yours, and it made a big difference look wise to lower the headlight with a universal bracket, and mounted the gauges underneath the mounting tabs instead of on top. I'll try to dig up some pics.

    I didn't rattle can the tank, since it was already black, but as far as holding up, it held up fine for the 2 years I had the bike. I mean, it wasn't show quality, but neither was the rest of the bike.
  8. kentownsend

    kentownsend Member

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    portland, or
    raven - actually, now that you just HAD to ask, yes i did spill gas on the tank, a few drops from the tape for taping off the hole..... lol. the clear wasnt dry yet, so it put a "stain" in it. oh well. i do agree that rattle can isnt a great idea, but it works good with the clear coat for now, at least until i decide what i really want for a paint scheme.

    camelman - i could do something like a write up on how to do this, it will vary depending on what paint you use, but its all the same technique. i will think about it though!

    joel - i would love to see some pics of another bike all blacked out. i would also be interested in how it looks with the headlight lowered a bit too, there is definately a lot of things needed to clean up the old 80's styling to make it took more modern, but still keep some of the jive that makes these bikes great!

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