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82 XJ 1100 "Naked Boy" project - Finished

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by thecamelman79, Dec 17, 2010.

  1. cutlass79500

    cutlass79500 Well-Known Member

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    lawrenceville georgia
    Re: 82 XJ 1100 "Naked Boy" project -

    I agree that's been 1 heck of a father son project. I would almost be afraid to ride it wouldn't want to get it dirty Once again great job guys
  2. Orange-n-Black

    Orange-n-Black Well-Known Member

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    Re: 82 XJ 1100 "Naked Boy" project -

    look almost new.
  3. Alive

    Alive Active Member

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    Queensland, Australia
    Re: 82 XJ 1100 "Naked Boy" project -

    This thread inspired me to look in the supermarket for washing soda... And much to my surprise, I found a box.

    Will be giving the electrolysis a go when I get some room in my garage :)

    Nice work on the restore by the way.... Coming together nicely
  4. thecamelman79

    thecamelman79 Member

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    Havelock, NC
    Fixing a punched out baffle

    Alright guys,

    This week on Salty Camel's garage we will learn how to fix the damage done by a wanna be “Harley” rider PO that has punched the rear baffles out of a perfectly good set of pipes.

    This is all and Salty and Wingnut's brain child all I did was took pictures.

    First they took some measurements and got some 16 gauge SS plate cut.

    They took and and cut one new baffle 4 1/8” circle with another hole cut in the center 1 1/8” wide.


    Then they needed something for this to bear on at the right distance out from the pipe, So the cut another piece 14” long by 1 ¾ “ wide and rolled it by hand to fit the inside of the pipe snugly under it's own spring tension allowing it to over lap its own end by about an inch.


    Then we needed a tube of some sort to connect the new outside baffle to the inner one. Salty picked up a 12”x 3/4” threaded nipple, cut it into two pieces 4 1/2” long and tapered and ground one end down a little.


    Next it was time for some clean up. Using a grinding stone and a dremel we ground out all the little burs and some spot welds smooth on the inside so the 14” rolled back up collar would fit snugly against the side walls of the pipe, and installed in the pipe.


    Salty took his nipple and some conduit nuts and attached it to his new exterior baffle.


    He then took and slid it into the pipe using a punch to tap it snugly against his back up collar. It was tight any bigger and it might not of worked.


    At this point the new baffle was in there tight enough that it probably would of stayed in on its own for quite a while before eventually vibrating loose, but why chance that and leave it half a$$. So Salty applying some of his electrical and plumbing skills procedure to solder it into the pipe nice and secure. (We talked about brazzing it in there but we were worried about getting the pipe too hot an ruining the chrome that clean up so nicely)


    And before any of you start saying the pipes will melt the solder, take a look, We took this picture the minute the pipe was hot enough to melt the solder. I don’t know about your pipes but I sure as heck don’t think mine will ever get this hot on there own :)


    Finally we took and painted the inside with 1200 degree flat Bar-b-cue paint and hung the pipes one the bike.


    Till next time guys, See ya'll on the Tarmac!
  5. thecamelman79

    thecamelman79 Member

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    Havelock, NC
    Re: 82 XJ 1100 "Naked Boy" project -

    Hey Fellas
    So as you can see from the previous post we have gotten the pipes fixed up and put back on the bike (still need a right hand heat shield though, might try and make one out of SS and polish it up)

    We also have gotten the forks polished and front end mounted up, and breaks bled.



    Salty also decided that the existing pinch bolt we had was far to nasty to put on these forks, so he got a “Chrome” plated allen socket bolt to put it in there :) . Although as he pointed out it is now the only SAE bolt on the bike :p


    The rear end is also on now and ready to go.



    Head light bucket all wired up.


    Repainted the black on the Yamaha cover plate.


    Handle bars polished and the controls finished up.


    Salty took and made a new horn bracket out of 1/4” steel plate angles and all, painted gloss black, and re-installed, because the old one was cracked and had already been welded twice by the PO.


    Gas tank may one day see a paint job in the future , but we have 6 other tanks between us on other bikes that need it also (gonna try and get a group rate on painting the tanks and side covers one day) so for right now it just gets a good cleaning and waxing.


    The Octopus has been re-plumbed with new Tygon and 2 fuel filters, and the carbs got another parade rest cleaning, polishing, and checking before they went back on.


    Today we Started him up with the fixed pipes on a Lord do they sound good! :D This little guy is going to be a monster on the road.

    Wingnut came by bringing beer (you da man Bro) and was there for the first real full function start up. He did a little popping at first but Wingnut quickly dialed that in by ear.

    He starts sure and easy every time with just the slightest touch of the starter button, and idles like a purring kitten. I don't know if its just because all the work we have put into this bike or not but I think it by far the sweetest sounding bike we got. I'll have to post a you tube video one day of her running for ya'll to hear.

    It was opportune that Wingnut dropped by tonight with beer, because we had “The No Chain Gang” was there (sorry Doug ) for his resurrection. The Naked Boy has a little of all three of us in him, little ideas here and there that make him unique. So it was only appropriate that we were all there tonight for it.

    Still got some things to do before a test ride tomorrow, like the head light is not turning on (light is good) and the turn signals not working (but the 4 way flashers do), but they shouldn't take long to short out. It's going to be 60 degrees out tomorrow, and we will be sure to give ya'll up in the snow a good ride report for ya.

    Still got some work to be done, but we are almost there.

  6. Orange-n-Black

    Orange-n-Black Well-Known Member

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    Re: 82 XJ 1100 "Naked Boy" project -

    Nice work, now about the solder. I'm pretty sure it'll hold up to the heat but your real enemy will be vibration and shock. Try silver solder its a lot stronger, I used it all the time repairing stator leads. If that doesn't do it you could always tack weld in many small spots allowing cooling time in between tacks.
  7. schooter

    schooter Active Member

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    Elkton, Michigan (its in the thumb)
    Re: 82 XJ 1100 "Naked Boy" project -

    what?!?!!? you bike has 4 way hazards?

    try taking a clay bar to your tank, could bring some like back.

    this is an awesome build, you should be very proud
  8. cutlass79500

    cutlass79500 Well-Known Member

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    lawrenceville georgia
    Re: 82 XJ 1100 "Naked Boy" project -

    Its unbelievable how good its looking with all the polished parts back on good luck on the ride tomorrow
  9. bobberaha

    bobberaha Member

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    Kentland IN
    Re: 82 XJ 1100 "Naked Boy" project -

    What attention to detail very nicely done.
  10. thecamelman79

    thecamelman79 Member

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    Havelock, NC
    Re: 82 XJ 1100 "Naked Boy" project -

    Well Guys,

    Exactly 45 days ago I posted a link to you-tube showing me and Salty tearing down a fairly raged out 82 XJ 1100.

    Here is a before shot:


    After many hours of sanding, buffing, rubbing, painting, cussing, smokes, cups of coffee, finger pointing, laughs, and general good memories I can now say “Naked Boy” is 99% complete. I say 99% because they will always be something you want to do to make it your own. Fresh paint on the tank, maybe some new rubber boots on the levers, LED light conversion, etc.

    So here he is men: “Naked Boy”







    SaltyDog, WingNut, and myself, went on a nice 22 mile Ride up to Dunk'in Doughnut today for his first real maiden run. Salty couldn't help but lay into that throttle every chance he got and boy did it sound good. When we finally stopped and got our celebratory coffee and doughnut. Salty was grinning from eat to ear. :D

    We stood around for a few minutes talking about this and that admiring the 3 beautiful liter bikes, and so as never to miss a chance for a Photo Opp we lined them up for this shot.



    I really enjoyed rebuilding this with you. I will always appreciate and remember all the little things you taught me along the way. After everything you've given to me and taught me in my life I'm glad to give you something back.
    Enjoy your new ride!

    Here's a shot of WingNut (on left) and Salty (on right) monkeying around drinking their coffee today:


  11. Alive

    Alive Active Member

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    Queensland, Australia
    Dude... That's stunning... Nice work
  12. cutlass79500

    cutlass79500 Well-Known Member

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    lawrenceville georgia
    Couldnt ask for more great looking bike now. Now what are you gonna do for the rest of the winter? Ad least the weather was nice this past weekend for you. Great job
  13. thecamelman79

    thecamelman79 Member

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    Havelock, NC
    Gut and clean the Garage! did you see the floor? OMG
  14. cutlass79500

    cutlass79500 Well-Known Member

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    lawrenceville georgia
    lol i was going to say something about the pretty bike on that nasty floor but i did not want you to get the wrong idea. I bet the lady of the house wont let you in without taking your shoes off. I like the tile floor i would be afraid the grunge after a while would get under it and lift the tiles
  15. thecamelman79

    thecamelman79 Member

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    It's the buffing that does it! we've already talked about mounting the buffer and drill press in my 12' box trailer with a deep sink and power making a buffing shed. opening the back door and hose it down ocasionaly! Everthing will come out of the garage when the weather it good and warm (if we are not riding) we will rent a floor buffer and scrub the floor with a lots of water and degreaser and replace the neccasry tiles.

    Conclusion: Buffing is nasty and dirty either do it outside, in a shed or make your self a visqueen room in the corner of the shop with a shop vac hooked up, and were a face shield and cloths you dont care about.
  16. cutlass79500

    cutlass79500 Well-Known Member

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    lawrenceville georgia
    you dont have to tell me about that. I have bench buffers along with all my air buffers. I dont worry about the cloths as much as the flying fibers up your nose and everywhere else even if you wear a mask your eyes itch and you have black snot for a day. Degreaser simple green purple cleaner take it right off a painted floor
  17. thecamelman79

    thecamelman79 Member

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    Havelock, NC
    Aluminum oxide nose goblins really hurt when you try to get them out dont they?!?!?!
  18. wamaxim

    wamaxim Active Member

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    Vancouver, USA
    Keep your snout happy!

    $15 will buy you a cartridge respirator at Harbor Freight. All you have to do then is FORCE yourself to put it on before you start work! They aren't very effective when they are hanging from the peg. They are WAY more comfortable than the cheesy paper filters.

    I bought mine at Home Depot to use when I sprayed my cherry trees (100 trees) for about $40. Great for allergies too!

  19. Orange-n-Black

    Orange-n-Black Well-Known Member

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    Memphis Area
    Great job, bike looks awesome. Got the wife to look at the pics and she said, Pretty bike but tell him to mop his floor! LOL
  20. wrxg33k

    wrxg33k Member

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    York, PA
    seriously great job guys!
  21. streetbrawler750

    streetbrawler750 Member

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    Very nice looking bike. Great Job.
  22. JameyP

    JameyP Member

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    Princeton, NC
    Absolutely stunning work! I need lessons on polishing and I'm fascinated by the electrolysis work. I agree with mlew, we need to meet so we can view the finished results firsthand. I'm in Princeton which is about half-way between Havelock and Apex. Let me know if you guys plan a ride this way.
  23. thecamelman79

    thecamelman79 Member

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    Havelock, NC
    WILL Do! If nothing else we will head to the vintage bike show in the fall up in Raliegh. Although a full seasons of rideing later and i doubt Naked Boy will look anything like he does now :)
  24. mlew

    mlew Well-Known Member

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    Apex, NC
    I'm impressed Camel, outstanding job. Can't wait to see all these bikes together someday. I think a Springtime meeting is in order.
  25. wingnut325

    wingnut325 Member

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    Havelock North Carolina
    I agree we need a spring meeting here in NC. With all the neat roads around Apex I bet mlew could lead us around until we got tired. How about end of April beginning of May?
  26. mlew

    mlew Well-Known Member

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    Apex, NC
    End of April would be good, Me and my wife are going on a two week cruise in the first two weeks in May.
  27. BillB

    BillB Active Member

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    Tulsa Oklahoma
    Great remodel on this monster.
  28. thecamelman79

    thecamelman79 Member

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    Havelock, NC
    Thanks for all the compliments guys.

    On a side note:
    The Fat girl got a bath today. Next to Naked Boy she just looked like a big old over weight dirty Hog.

    So last night I stripped her down to her panties so I could give here a proper going through. (fairing, bags, seat, side covers, battery on charger, and tank off)
    This after noon armed with a fox tail brush and some simple green I scrubbed down everything I could get my paws on. Then I went after it with steaming hot water (from the deep sink)and degreaser in the electric 2000 psi pressure washer.
    I blew her dry with the leaf blower and air compressor and proceeded to rub chrome polish, Back to Black, and Turtle wax into all her nooks and crannies with a tooth brush. Then went around the bike wiping the haze off.
    I next attacked the bags and faring getting into a clean, wax, clean, wax, install, buff rhythm with all the clothes that came off her.
    Along the way I did some plastic surgery on her saddle bag thighs and bent the droopy bag supports back up to give her an arse that looked my like and 18 year old's rather then a 50 year old's
    I re-tied up wires and put everything back were it belonged because during the Naked boys resurrection, we were autopsying the Fat Girl for examples. I also applied some makeup on the old girl and touched up a lot of frame, caliper and rotor paint with an artist brush and paint from an aerosol can sprayed into a baby food jar.

    A clean Fat Girl is a Happy fat girl.



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