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Multi-purpose tool

Discussion in 'XJ DIY How-To Instructions' started by Super, Apr 29, 2011.

  1. Super

    Super Member

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    I fabricated this can with two soldered fittings to make "smoke" to track down an emission hose leak that kept triggering the CEL in a friends van. I wet a chunk of rag in atf, light it, seal it in the can and when you apply very low air pressure to one fitting, clouds of smoke pours from the other...Great for finding vacuum leaks. Since I just installed new SS hoses, rebuilt the calipers, anti-dive and m/c kits, I used the can with the small vacuum tester to speed up the bleeding process. Works like a charm and the fluid is collected in the can. I also have an old dehumidifier compressor that I use as a vacuum pump to really speed up the process. The can came from Carquest, the fittings were a couple dollars, some solder and thats it![​IMG]
  2. BillB

    BillB Active Member

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    Tulsa Oklahoma
    necessity is the mother of invention... good work dude

    TIMEtoRIDE Active Member

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    Clermont FL near Orlando
    I use JB-Weld and a pickle jar, because I can't chew gum and solder !!

    Nicely done and solid looking ! but how do you see inside the can??
  4. Super

    Super Member

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    And someone wanted to see the electrode I used to zap my tank with. Its a 1/4" mild steel rod, poked through a "Folgers" lid. The vise grips keep everything in place. I used a car battery with an old 2 amp charger to cook the tank for a day. Despite the tank looking fine, I had to clean the electrode several times, and I changed the electrolyte (washing soda) twice.

    The local Yamaha dealer sells "Kreem", I went with the Caswell stuff, it seems hard as nails.


    83 900
  5. Super

    Super Member

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    When its in the suck or blow mode?? The can is plenty big enough to catch the brake fluid need to bleed the brakes. Just have to keep it upright so the fluid collects in the bottom of the can and doesn't get sucked into the vacuum pump. Its easy enough to cave in the sides of the can, it makes that much vacuum. In the smoke mode, it will smolder forever, just open the can when done and extinguish the rag or dump out the brake fluid.

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