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Rockerbox - August 6th, Fuel Cafe, Milwaukee, WI

Discussion in 'Central US and Canada' started by Oblivion, Jul 18, 2011.

  1. Oblivion

    Oblivion Active Member

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    Northeast Illinois
    Rockerbox is my favorite street bike event of the year:

    I'm going again this year. Organizing a small ride up from Zion or Gurnee, IL if any non-ass-hats want to join. Will be a leisurely 2 hour-ish non-slab route. Let me know if you want start point information or if you want to try to meet up there. Every year there are a couple XJs. Maybe this year I'll remember to bring some business cards for this forum.
  2. rustysavage

    rustysavage Member

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    I was there last year with a few guys ill deff try and make it again! a ton of awesome rides up there!
  3. Oblivion

    Oblivion Active Member

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    Northeast Illinois
    I FINALLY came up with a plan!!! Or as close to a plan as I get.

    [Edit: and now I've changed the plan!]

    8:30 - Meet up @ McDonald's 2008 Sheridan Rd., Zion, IL - easy to get to off I-94 or US-41
    8:50 - Head 10 minutes up Sheridan to Brady's (ChiVinMoto guy) to collect a couple other riders
    9:30-ish - Head to Fuel Cafe via Sheridan/Circle Route. If traffic gets too annoying, we'll improvise.
    11-ish - Arrive @ Fuel Cafe/Rockerbox with much pomp and circumstance, but NO BURNOUTS!

    Return times are left as an exercise for the reader (show officially goes until 6 - I've never stayed that late, but I think the party continues beyond that).

    If you want to join up before or after breakfast or even once up at Fuel, let me know either via e-mail or 847-forefifesix-4toothree4.
    It's about a 50 mile run from Emily's to Fuel, so make sure you have enough gas for the trip as I don't plan on stopping.

    A few words on ride style: I'm shotgunning a few different lists and friends for this ride with no real clue who will show up other then me. I've ridden with some of you before, others never, and yet others, it's been far too long. I'll be riding an '81 XJ750, my buddy Art will be riding my WR250R dual sport, rumor is one of the ChiVinMoto guys will be rockin' an old Indian, and there may be folks on modern sport bikes. In short, a wide variety of people of various skill levels who don't really know each other will be riding 'together.' If this makes you nervous, I understand and don't hold it against you, but I'm pretty sure it'll all work out OK. Just remember the basics: ride your own ride, give yourself enough space, communicate, and don't lose the guy/girl behind you. Pretty simple. We aren't slabbing up, won't be going really fast and there aren't really going to be many corners to carve. Keeping together at traffic lights may be our biggest concern. If you DO come along and you decide to bail for WHATEVER reason, let someone know so we aren't waiting/looking all day for you. Basically, follow these guidelines: http://www.compostriders.com/beta/index ... k=category§ionid=5&id=22&Itemid=40 We can brief more fully as needed based on turnout. I don't mean to beat this horse to death, but I'm all about safety, want all the cards on the table, and want everyone to get home without being pissed off at anyone.

    Hope to see/meet you this weekend!
  4. Oblivion

    Oblivion Active Member

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    Northeast Illinois
    Edited w/ a time change.
  5. Stumplifter

    Stumplifter Well-Known Member

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    near Irma, WI
    I never scrolled down this far before on the Forum page - DOH!
    I was at Rockerbox and it was great fun.
    Really short ride for me (5 miles or so) but would love to maybe intercept with you guys a bit further south next year and ride in in an XJ cloud of glory. :-D

    I will be sure to watch for postings in this section.
  6. mtnbikecrazy55

    mtnbikecrazy55 Active Member

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    Green Bay, Wisconsin
    I'm planning on going this year, but will be coming from the north, otherwise I would be down to ride together!

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