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no highbeam

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by TFD56, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. TFD56

    TFD56 Member

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    Tiverton, RI
    I searched the forum for a solution to my problem with no luck. I have a 1980 XJ650 with 9000 miles on it. It is in great shape with the exception of the headlight. The bulb works great...I tested it and the highbeam works great as well as the lowbeam. When I switch to highbeam it doesn't work. The indicator light doesn't come on and the headlight doesn't respond. I tried several things, pulled the bulb and checked for continuity. That was good. I ran 12 volts to the bulb and both the low and high beams worked great. I ruled out the bulb. I also looked for any obvious corrosion or broken wires in the headlight housing and behind the airbox under the seat. I found nothing. I removed the switch from the handlebars and checked for continuity. Quite honestly by the time I had it pulled apart I was pretty frustrated and I lost my train of thought. The switch seemed to be pretty good. (If I checked it correctly) Any ideas? Thanks in advance
  2. TFD56

    TFD56 Member

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    ok, could this be a possibility?.....if the dash indicator light for the highbeam is out, would that not allow for a complete circuit to the headlight? Could it simply be that the indicator light for the highbeam is blown? I'm going to check that bulb. I will let everybody know how I makeout. Thanks
  3. TFD56

    TFD56 Member

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    well, that wasn't it...but it gave me an oppertunity to blow out the cobwebs and clean up inside the cluster a little bit. I also greased the speedo and tach cable while I was in there. Please XJ wizards.....somebody has to have an answer.
  4. day7a1

    day7a1 Member

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    Use a multimeter to methodically check for voltage starting from the headlight back through all the components.

    For example, if you have voltage on one side of the switch but not on the other, you have a bad switch.

    Don't try resistance, it's a lot harder to keep your mind right. Keep the black lead on the negative battery cable.
  5. SecaSuca

    SecaSuca Member

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    NW Oregon
    Just did some re wiring on my 650 seca.
    The hi beam switch has its own wire that has to be grounded.
    You have probably already checked this, but wiring can get to your head!
    Stay persistent and logical as possible.
    I use beer to help.
  6. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Rural SE Michigan 60 miles N of Motown
    Remember also that there's a headlight relay involved.
  7. SQLGuy

    SQLGuy Well-Known Member

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    Colorado Springs, Colorado USA
    The relay is not part of the equation here. The fact that the low beam works means the relay is OK... or entirely bypassed by a PO.

    If the wiring has not been modified, 12V from the headlight relay should go to the common terminal of the high beam switch, and from there to either the high or low beam wiring to the headlight. The high beam indicator is wired in parallel to the high beam filament of the headlight.

    I would start by taking a meter and measuring between chassis or battery ground and the terminals of the high beam switch. With the low beam on, you should see about 12V at two of the terminals. When switching to high beam, you should then see the 12V still on one of the terminals that had it on low beam (the common terminal) and the 12V should switch from the other terminal to the third one.

    Let us know what you find.

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