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Thinking of getting my first motorcycle...hows the maxim?

Discussion in 'Hangout Lounge' started by coolbreeze, May 28, 2012.

  1. coolbreeze

    coolbreeze New Member

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    Well I've got the bug to buy something on two wheels. With gas prices and the great summer weather seems like the way to go. I don't have much to spend so been looking at the older bikes which is how i stumbled onto the maxims.

    Personally don't care for the sound of a v-twin and not sure if i want a crotch rocket yet. Def don't want a big ole cruiser either. So looked up some vids on these and just think they're tits!

    What do i need to look for in buying one?
    I searched for a buying faq but didn't come up with anything...

    Is there a big difference in the years or the engine sizes?

  2. Sabre

    Sabre Member

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    Read about brake delamination, first of all. When you buy one you'll want to replace the brake shoes to make sure they aren't the original ones. A valve adjustment is probably in order, too, from what I gather here.

    That's after-purchase preventative maintenance, though. As far as buying one just see about getting a clean-looking one that runs well. If it's not running well, it could be a number of different things, some of them simple, some really complex (like out-of-synch carbs).

    And yes, Maxims are the tits, I'm finding. Not really a crotch-rocket, although it's a lot faster and more maneuverable than a cruiser, while still looking kinda cruiser-like. I liken it to the Harley Davidson Sportster, but faster than all but the biggest ones.
  3. pearlteeth

    pearlteeth Member

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    I've been told you should check the compression before you buy.

    Also, a good rule with all bikes: feel the engine when you go to see it. if it's warm (or hot), then the seller prepped the bike for you. It might be really hard to start cold, which is not an attractive selling point. if it's warm, come back in half an hour or so and ask them to start it cold.
  4. LVSteve2011

    LVSteve2011 Member

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    Howdy "CB", this is your first bike, I recommend that you pass by the XJ's over 650cc as they can be a handful to an inexperienced rider. Buy something small like a 125cc dirt bike and practice learning the controls before going to something bigger. The trickiest part to controlling a bike is coordinating between the throttle and the clutch. After you have mastered the controls, then you need to take a motorcycle training safety course. To just jump on a powerful bike such as any Maxim over 650cc without the proper training is very foolish.
  5. fintip

    fintip Member

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    Yeah, great as these bikes are, steve is right. 650 is a lot of bike for a beginner. A new member recently wrecked his...

    Thing is they're heavy--400 to 500 lbs--and they're powerful--12.6 seconds and you're at 110mph. That's a dangerous combination that's pretty unforgiving of mistakes, and you are bound to make them when you're new.

    125 is awfully small, I'd be looking at more like 250 to 400--but it's a comfort level thing. What you should really do is have a friend with a 125cc dirtbike, ride it around for a while and get comfortable on it, and learn your limits.

    Around here, the motorcycle training safety course teaches you the basic controls, and expects you not to have mastered it, so I would recommend you take the course before ever getting on the road (though a dirtbike introduction is an ideal learning environment prior to that).

    When you get to it though, and if you won't be deterred by us, the Maxim is a pretty great bike that has aged well. It's a great combination of speed/style/pragmatism/comfort/reliability.

    As far as buying guides go, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND, no matter what bike you buy, that you go check out the "How to buy a motorcycle" videos (3 part series) by youtube user mrmaxstorey. They're fantastic, and will make you an informed buyer and go a long ways to keeping you from buying a dud of any bike.

    Engine sizes do make a big difference; 650 seems to be the most common for Maxims, and is a lot of bike. If I'm not mistaken, the XJ550's were all secas, weren't they? Smaller than that were only available in a few small countries throughout the world. There's also a 750 and an 1100, which you absolutely shouldn't be looking at if you're the beginner you seem to be. Then there's a Maxim X, which is a bit more difficult to maintain from what I've seen, as it's watercooled and has some other 'upgrades' that can be a headache for the new owner unacquainted with restoring old bikes...

    As far as the years, I think there aren't many huge differences. In 1982 they introduced YICS, which is a minor upgrade to the system (and introduces a subtle complication to tuning the carbs, but it's just a single tool purchase).

    There will probably be some other people coming in a bit more knowledgeable than I that will give further info soon.
  6. Orange-n-Black

    Orange-n-Black Well-Known Member

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    Re: Thinking of getting my first motorcycle...hows the maxim

    There is a 550 Max and a 400, but expect to do your own maintenance on older bikes. If you don't want to do much work before you ride, buy a used 250 Virago or Rebel to learn on. Then you'll want something bigger after building the confidence you need. Just like tits, start small and work your way up. :lol:
  7. MiCarl

    MiCarl Active Member

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    Re: Thinking of getting my first motorcycle...hows the maxim

    My wife recently started to ride so we went through the process you are working on.

    #1 - Take the Motorcycle Safety Foundation Beginning Rider Course. Best money you'll ever spend.

    In my wife's case we decided not to go with one of the 250s. I wanted her to have something she wouldn't outgrow right away. She didn't have any experience driving a manual transmission so I was concerned an XJ might be hard for her to learn on because it doesn't have a lot of low end torque.

    We bought her an 83 Honda 750 shadow because the low end is a bit friendlier to someone learning to use a clutch. I think that was a good decision for her. She also prefers the more forward foot position than having the peg under her hip like on the XJ.

    When you say you don't care for the sound of a V-twin do you mean the Harley "potato potato potato" sound? Metric V-twins don't sound like that.
  8. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Rural SE Michigan 60 miles N of Motown
    Sound advice.

    Also keep in mind that a 30-year old bike, no matter what brand, will be a DIY proposition. A low sale price is far from all the money you'll need to spend, and you'll need to be prepared to do the work yourself. In the case of the XJs, it means things like valve adjustment and the care and feeding of 4 finicky CV carbs.

    Unless you spend a high dollar to begin with and buy a fully recomissioned bike from an enthusiast, you're going to have to sink around $600~$800 into ANY old bike to get it back to being safe and reliable. There are plenty of old bikes around that LOOK great; but they still need their brakes rebuilt and the other ravages of time to be reversed.

    This applies to ANY motorcycle over about 8~10 years old.
  9. Beastie

    Beastie New Member

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    Re: Thinking of getting my first motorcycle...hows the maxim

    8) 8) /waves hand in front of face..."you dont want a crotch rocket...."

    No, really.... JK :p I prefer "straight bikes" personally, if my feet arent under me I.E. out in front ala cruiser, i just dont feel in control of the bike, the bike feels in control, But to me modern CR's n Cruisers are like belly buttons...Everyone's got one...I just cant figure out if the CR is any "innee" or an "outy"..Anyway,most bikes of the 80's were "sport" bikes ( pre CR plastic body parts) or cruisers... I just really like the old sport bikes. Lots of personality and they dont all look the same, to me...but then again im old,lol. Good luck and ride safe!! :D
  10. redsix

    redsix Member

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    Western Pennsylvania
    I'm a pretty new rider and my 550 Maxim is my first and only bike. LOVE it. It's definitely got power, and it's a great little packhorse when I need to transport a few extra things on the rack. Love it, take care of it, and it'll take care of you.
  11. ZaGhost

    ZaGhost Member

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    Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
    Baby Max's are a good to start on, ( Maxim 400's)
    About 38 HP and Under 400 lbs
  12. ericesch

    ericesch Member

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    St. Johns, MI
    Re: Thinking of getting my first motorcycle...hows the maxim

    As much as I love the Xj's the Rebel 250 is a great beginner bike. They are cheap (even the newer ones) as people ride them a season or two and then want to go bigger. They can still go fast enough to kill you though so TAKE THE SAFETY COURSE right away. When I did mine 20+ (not saying how many years the + stands for) years ago they loan you small enduros to learn on. Not sure if they still do that though.
  13. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Rural SE Michigan 60 miles N of Motown
    The local Community College here was using Buell Blasts the last time I checked...
  14. maverickbr77

    maverickbr77 Member

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    I have to say that a lot of people recommend getting a small bike to start on but I always recommend a bike that feels like it fits you. Should put you in a comfortable riding position and be sized appropriate to the size of the rider. I rode the 400 in my sig for a few months and a 250 rebel a couple times and it was horrible I was all scrunched up and I could barely lean the bike because I weigh nearly as much as the bike and the center of gravity was way off where as when I jump on the 650 it felt like I am just flowing down the road.
  15. H8Monday

    H8Monday New Member

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    Wow, this thread sounds like its full of advise my grandma might give out, rather than what true motorcycle enthusiests would say.

    Sorry a Maxim 650 is FAR from a powerful bike. It is a GREAT first bike that is very docile and comfortable to ride. It will also help you determine if you would like something more sporty, such as a modern sport bike ( I hate the term crotch rocket, it is very ignorant) or if you would like something more towards a cruiser or even a touring bike.

    When my 105 lb 25 year old girlfriend bought her first bike it was a 2009 Honda CBR600rr. It was capable of 0-100 in 7 seconds and had over 100 rear wheel horsepower. She respected those numbers and explored hers and her bikes abilities slowly. She never had an accident, not even a parking lot tip over to this day.

    The original poster asked about what to look for in a Maxim, not a recommendation for a smaller less interesting bike. Some folks here offered some solid advice based on the Maxims history ie; rear brakes, valves etc. Thank you.

    Coolbreeze, common sense is the most important thing to use when buying AND riding a new/used bike. If it looks clean, tires are in good shape and appears well taken care of, it probably has been. If its dirty, and looks abused, you can guarantee there will be unwelcome maintanence issues lurking.

    As far as riding it and "a 650 being too powerful to learn on" Hogwash. A Zuma scooter goes fast enough to kill you and offers the same protection as a Maxim when some idiot turns left in front of you, or pulls out from a driveway.

    There is no prize money to win, or trophy girl to kiss in street riding. Ride smart. Ride sharp. Ride in control. Be aware of your surroundings at all times.

    Find a Maxim that looks clean, have a pro look it over and get riding with the rest of us. You'll never be sorry that you did.

  16. ericesch

    ericesch Member

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    Re: Thinking of getting my first motorcycle...hows the maxim

    OK H8Monday I get where you are coming from but my recommendation for the Reb250 was not that they are better than an XJ for new riders but that you can get a new one very cheap so you won't have to deal with the steep learning curve of wrenching on a 30 year old machine. That is something you will have to learn if you buy an old XJ. Even modern day "professionals" tend to screw these bikes up because the technology is older than they are. My local Yamaha dealer didn't even know what a YICS tool was when I went to buy one. These bikes are also very heavy, just read my post "sad day for me" to find out what can happen when inexperienced riders try one for the first time. As for power and speed I have been riding for 34 years and the speed of my XJ750 is more than enough for my taste. If you want to go faster more power to you. See you at your funeral, I'll put some flowers on your grave. My main advice was TAKE THE SAFETY RIDING COURSE!
  17. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    Massachusetts, Billerica
    I really like my 750 Maxim.
    This Bike will take me cross-town or cross-country.
    I don't beat on it very much.

    With the Front-end all 21st Century; it goes down the road real nice.
    I'm running a SlipStreamer HellFire Sport Fairing.
    It keeps the wind right off you as you roll down the boulevard.

    My chief complaint comes from riding to my sisters in NY.
    When I stop for gas; I like to make-up the time spent at the gas pump.
    So, I show her the whip when the tank's full of high-test and we're on the entrance ramp. (Which I pretend is a Carrier Flight-deck and need to be launched back into traffic,)

    She's got a lot of git.
    So, I let the needle wander way-over to the right getting airborne, again.
    That's when everything on the panel is lit-up green and the Speedo has run-out of numbers telling me how fast were going.

    So, for some reason, ... you THINK there's another gear in the tranny to shift-up too.
    But, there ain't.

    The Max's 5th gear ought to offer you some more honk or maintain speed and bring the rpm's down some.

    Instead, just disappoints you and fools you into doing phantom shifting; looking for what would be nice if there was something else every time you raise the shifter trying to find it.
  18. ericesch

    ericesch Member

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    St. Johns, MI
    A more poetic description of the XJ experience has never been written. Again you astound me Rickomatic.
  19. RookieRider

    RookieRider Member

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    Gatineau, QC
    I love my 82 XS400j, also a maxim. I bought it because it was inexpensive.

    Now i have a second bike, 82 XJ550j, a maxim, also got that for very little.

    Do i still want bigger, darn tootin i do...

    Why?? Why not.... you'll see it's an addiction.

    But as some other members have mentioned, take the Motorcycle safety course, it will introduce you to proper riding techniques and you most likely will get to try out different size bikes.

    When i took my motorcycle course (it's mandatory in my province),
    i drove honda rebels (250CC), suzuki savages (650CC) and Virago (750CC).

    As for the difference in years and engine size...
    the XJ550 is the only one that is chain drive the others are shaft drive and there are a few liquid cooled ones as well.
    And the Maxim model parts don't swap over easily to the Seca model parts depending on what it is you are looking for, so if you get an XJ ask the experts here to help you ID it if you have to, so when you ask questions they can better answer them.
  20. jmilliken

    jmilliken Well-Known Member

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    [sarcasm]Go for a Suzuki GSX-R Hayabusa - that's a beginner's bike... [/sarcasm]

    This dude is RIGHT ON, you are going to quickly outgrow a 550 or smaller, I don't have the balls to take anything smaller on a highway. Depending on the year, a Maxim 650, 700 (airhead, not the Maxim-X), or 750 is something I'd recommend to a beginner. Enough get-up-n-go not to be a traffic hazard and you're not gonna outgrow it, and not too much that you're risking yourself

    Also, listen to what BigFitz52 had to say.... he's one of the resident know-it-all's. He's right, Plan on adding 6-800 on your purchase price to be sure everything's kosher. As a new rider, the last thing you need to worry about is the mechanical condition of the bike

    2 last things for you... Take a Motorcycle safety course - it's worth it (i take it every year - free in PA) You learn a LOT. (also, search for a thread "Be the Bunny" on here) also, remember ATGATT - ALL the gear ALL the time. There's nothing like the feeling of cruising down the road at 65 in shorts + a t-shirt on a hot summer day. Now picture sliding into the pavement at 65 in shorts + a t-shirt... enough said. Don't want to scare you away, riding is life. Once you get on a bike, you'll understand. We like our forum members, and we like to see them stick around too.
  21. Ground-Hugger

    Ground-Hugger Member

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    Near Port Dover Ontario
    Coolbreeze if you like the bike and if it feels good go for it. No disrespect to those who recommend a smaller bike, such as dirt bikes, pass on them. I found after getting back into riding that the dirt bikes where a new way to commit suicide. They are very touchy on the gas and like to take off. I saw a lot of newbies quit taking motorcycle training due to this and getting hurt.
    With the heavier bikes they do not shoot out from under you like a dirt bike will. And the heavier bike will be a more enjoyable ride.
  22. H8Monday

    H8Monday New Member

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    Re: Thinking of getting my first motorcycle...hows the maxim

    Well it looks like cool breeze might have just been passin' through.

    I hope I didn't come off to course on my first post here. There was a lot of good advice given, and a lot of knowledge on this forum. Some of you guys take this model of bike (XJ) as a serious hobby and I respect that.

    This is a bike that I always wanted when I was younger but never got around to owning one. The one I own now was given to me by my inlaws after my father inlaw had a few too many beers and took off on his XJ650. The result was a single bike crash, and some broken bones and a bent up xj650.

    I support the idea that everyone needs proper training before getting involved in riding on the unsafe streets of the world. I've lived in the US and Europe both. People in cars are the same no matter where you live. They will nearly kill you, and be completely oblivious to their actions.

    I also stand by my reply that the 650 maxim is a great first street bike, and far from powerful. Its a good solid ride. Not too twitchy in the steering department, and a confident solid motor under seat.

    Here is my 16 year old daughter with her '82 650 maxim that we restored.

    Attached Files:

  23. H8Monday

    H8Monday New Member

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    Re: Thinking of getting my first motorcycle...hows the maxim

    ... but before a few of you get too uptight, This is her at 14 years old:




    She was the 2007 points champion in the boys 85cc class.


    We had covered the 'proper training' part early on. The MSF course was the first thing I had her do before going street riding.

    I think anyone can ride ANY size bike they want on the street. Its up to them to take responsibility for their actions and ride safe. One of you made the comment that if I wanted to go faster then a 750cc, then they would bring flowers to my grave. I'll remind you that the cc of the motor of a bike has ZERO bearing on weather or not you'll leave flowers on a grave. Its the thing between your ears that determine if and when you'll get hurt.

    Ride on gentlemen.

  24. tcoop

    tcoop Active Member

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    South Weber, Utah
    Training is the key. I got a Suzuki 125GN for my wife to learn on. She kept sayint that it would be the biggist bike she would ever ride...that lasted about two months she now owns a XJ750 and XJ1100.
    My son started with a Nighthawk 450SC mostly because it was $100
    and we gave it to him as a Christmas present that he had to get it to run and make it safe. (He was 15 and could not ride it until he got his licence 6 months later)
    Then painted it. (He did all the work him self)

    He traided it plus $100 for XS1100.
    (And yes he does always ware gear when he rides )

    They didn't trade up to go faster, it was for comfort. The cc size is not the only thing to consider when buying a bike how you fit on the bike is just as important. If it's not comfortable you’re not going to control it as well.

    The nice thing about the smaller bikes was they were cheep (yes they did get droped...in the parking lot) which is why we got them.
  25. mtnbikecrazy55

    mtnbikecrazy55 Active Member

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    Green Bay, Wisconsin
    My 750 maxim was the first bike I ever rode other than friends bikes Around the block a few times.

    Don't be afraid of a 650 or 750. Just learn how to control the weight, and respect their abilities. Don't ride outside your comfort zone, and after you have some miles under your belt, you'll be glad you diddnt get a 100cc moped.

    I was going to get a 400-500, but since would have regretted it, as I love cruising 200 miles up to visit my sister, or 2 miles to the grocery store.

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