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No lights

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by Beastie, Jun 5, 2012.

  1. Beastie

    Beastie New Member

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    Howdy!! Were can i find a wiring diagram for my '82 xj 750...i got a new headlamp assembly with new bulbs but i still have no lights. And yes, the fuse box is O.E.M..any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks in advance.

    P.S Yes, i know i need a Haynes book :D
  2. maximike

    maximike Member

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    There is another thread on here:


    Which contains this link: http://xjdiagrams.thundervalleypower.com/

    That has the wiring diagrams. Now a warning: I found the one for the XJ 750 J to be incorrect in a couple key areas, especially the headlight relay. (which there isn't one) I have a different diagram, not as pretty but more correct, that shows that my bike doesn't have a headlight relay, which it doesn't. I think it's the one from the Haynes manual, I'd put a link to that from my dropbox or something, but copyright and all, maybe somebody on here has it already posted.

    Search around, anyway.
  3. maximike

    maximike Member

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    Here Chacal agrees, no headlight relay on Maxim 750: (scroll down to "relay locations")


    But it looks like your Seca would have one, so the wiring diagram above is probably correct for your bike. My theory is that <del>the diagrams on that Thunder valley site for the Seca 750 and the Maxim 750 are the same, like the Seca one got put up twice and there is no Maxim diagram.</del> Sucks for me, fine for you;)

    Edit: Nah, that ain't right, I looked closer, but the key shows a headlight relay and there sure isn't one, so something is wrong. But Chacal also says above that the relays are often mislabeled and mispositioned in those diagrams, so...
  4. Beastie

    Beastie New Member

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    sweet... TY TY!! U guys ROCK!!
  5. maximike

    maximike Member

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    oh, and one last thing. I had that problem once, no lights. That's how I found out there was no headlight relay, when I was trying to track it down;) Anyway, It was real hard to track down, and intermittent, whatever the problem was. So for a short time I just ran a hot wire to the lights from the battery, as an emergency measure, then bypassed the whole mess by running headlight relays. Which makes the light brighter anyway. I'm still using the original wiring to toggle the relays, just not to actually power the lights, search around on that if you want, might be your best bet for getting lights working, as it can be a bugger to figure out what the problem is with those lights. It's usually a bad connector somewhere...

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