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This is why I keep/love my XJ

Discussion in 'Hangout Lounge' started by jgb1503, Jun 15, 2012.

  1. jgb1503

    jgb1503 Member

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    Near Utica, NY
    Hello all, its been a while ;-)

    Due to some family and health reasons (not relevant/important) I had to put up my '81 XJ750 Seca for the last two years and not drive a cycle at all. About a year ago I had a friend move and he put his 2008 Harley up for about the last year.

    I've had the pleasure of busting my XJ out of my garage this last few weeks; and after replacing the battery, draining the carb bowls, and putting in some fresh gas - she started RIGHT up! On the flip side, my friend came back to town about a month ago to get his cycle and ride it home - however it wouldn't start at all (even with new battery and clean gas). All said and done he spend several 100$'s at the local Harley dealer getting it running - let alone the few hundred more he needed to spend to get her cleared for inspection (tires, a electrical issue, and misc odd's/ends).

    Whereas I was able to take the several hundred I didn't spend and throw some new tires on my XJ, flush out (and check) the brakes, give her a good oil change and once over and get her fully inspected and back on the road and still end up spending less then he did.

    Mind you - this is the guy that always asks me when I am going to get rid of the 'clunker' and get a 'real bike'. He wasn't laughing so hard when we compared costs and the fact that I was able to get my girl up and running myself and he was at the mercy of the dealer ;-)

    That being said; I've poked my head back in here a few times over the last 2 years - and spent the last week or so trolling through everything again and its great to see that the people, and enthusiasm, is still here (which is another reason why I keep/love my XJ) ;-)

  2. hogfiddles

    hogfiddles XJ-Wizard, Host-Central NY Carb Clinic Moderator Premium Member

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    Good to see you again, Josh. I've sent a few emails, hadn't got a reply so I figured you either got rid of the xj, or moved away.

    If you need help with the bike, contact me, as I still have lots of parts as usual. If you don't have my contact info anymore, let me know and I"ll get it to you again.

    Hey, if your bike started right up you must have drained the carbs right. Oh, wait.......you drained the carbs on the ride after the carb clinic! LOL

    Talk to you soon.....

    Dave Fox......still just down the road from you--only there are many more xj's in the stable now ;)
  3. retread83

    retread83 Member

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    Another reason I will never own another Harley.Owners that don't know a thing about their scoots.Went for a short ride this morning,passed several Harleys,not one waved.But the 2 Deputies on their Harleys did.Guess THEY don,t need to act like bada**es.
  4. jgb1503

    jgb1503 Member

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    Dave - good to hear from you again!

    yeah, I wish it was something as simple as me moving or selling the bike ;-). It was a 'perfect storm' of circumstances between family, health, and career fires that bum-rushed me and occupied pretty much all of my time.

    Most of its irrelevant and boring - however, do you remember Carl (my father in law), the guy that came w/ me to your #2 card clinic? he and his wife got in a really bad bike accident last year (easter weekend) - he was in the hospital for like 2 weeks and his wife was in the hospital for over 3 months - and had about 4 months of therapy. Some jack!@#$ ran a stop sign and cut them off. The 'good news' on this is everyone is now ok - and they actually just took their 'first' bike ride last weekend and are easing back into it.

    I see you have several more bikes on your list ;-) I'm running through my bike and have a good list of things I have to do on it, some I know how to do (or can fake it pretty good) - some I may very well take you up on the offer ;-) (my forks could use some work, lol). I'm actually planning on trying to check my valves this week and see what I can see - I have 'some' shims, but have to pull apart anyways as my head-gasket is leaking oil, I have a replacement so hopefully will be cut/dry ;-)

  5. jgb1503

    jgb1503 Member

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    I've seen the same with a lot of younger riders - not sure if its just me or not ;-)

    re: working on them - thats why I like the XJ's - while the newer bikes are really nice; you have to have all sorts of custom/proprietary tools/gear - not to mention the electronics/computer controls etc.. For the most part; if my bike breaks I can more then likely fix it up or know enough about it so I have an idea of whats wrong with it and what needs to be done. i'd honestly be scared to work on a newer Harley ;-)

  6. hogfiddles

    hogfiddles XJ-Wizard, Host-Central NY Carb Clinic Moderator Premium Member

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    near utica, new york
    Josh, I have loads of parts here, so if you need something, ask me first. As always, if you need some help, you know where I am at. If you need my phone # again, pm me and I"ll send it to you.

    Yes, I remember him! I didn't know about the accident, please pass on my well wishes, etc...... and am glad they are both up and getting back in the saddle.

    Dave Fox

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