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Pumping gas...

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by phoenixlives, Jul 17, 2012.

  1. phoenixlives

    phoenixlives New Member

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    I put my '81 XJ650 in the garage a few weeks ago, before going on vacation. This morning when I went to ride it, it started, ran for about 15 seconds, then died. I tried cranking it a few times but wasn't getting anywhere.

    I pulled the seat and the air filter, planning to put a shot of starter fluid in it, and noticed a small puddle of what smelled like gas in the air basket. On a hunch, I cranked it again and - sure enough! - a jet of foamy gasoline was being sprayed from the carbs to the air basket.

    I turned it off and let it sit all day, open, to let the gas evaporate. A little bit ago I tried again and almost immediately the foamy gas came spraying back again. And I want to be clear - these are Super Soaker-sized streams of gas. Whatever is going on, my engine is now pumping gas out of the tank...

    I expect our heat wave here may have something to do with this (only because that's the only thing I can think of - it ran fine when I put it up last), but don't know where to begin.

    I'm not a mechanic, but am not afraid to get my hands dirty. Are there any simple things I can look at to troubleshoot or fix this problem?

    Thanks in advance,
  2. mlew

    mlew Well-Known Member

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    Nothing simple, your carb float needles are not sealing and the engine if full of gas. Open the oil fill cap and smell, also look at the level window.
    Did you happen to leave the petcock in the PRI position?
    You'll most likley need to puul the carbs for service and change the oil.
  3. phoenixlives

    phoenixlives New Member

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    The petcock was pointed to the rear - I'm not sure what setting that is, but that's where it's always been.

    Thanks for the heads-up. The oil change is easy and I know I can handle that. I'll probably farm out the carb work. Will anything need to be done to the engine itself, or will the carb work seal the deal?

    Thanks again for the advice!
  4. tskaz

    tskaz Active Member

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    Change oil, clean carbs, probably new needles and seats for the carbs.

    Rear on the petcock is PRI, fuel flows freely. Down is on, normal vacuum operation. Forward is RES.

    engine should be fine since you didn't run it that way.

    May also need new plugs and air filter.
  5. mlew

    mlew Well-Known Member

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    Since you have to tear into the carbs you might as well clean and inspect the petcock at the same time and get it to work properly.

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