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Just another new xj owner

Discussion in 'Hangout Lounge' started by SomekindofGhost, Jul 23, 2012.

  1. SomekindofGhost

    SomekindofGhost New Member

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    Atwater, CA
    I recently acquired my very first "on-highway" motorcycle! It just so happened to be a 1981 xj650 which i payed a total of $200 dollars for. It isn't beautiful, but it runs and i didn't have to pay any dmv fees! I found this website and would love to become part of the group. I ride with 3 co-workers who all own more performance minded machines and i am somewhat an outcast with my oldschool "cruiser" bike. I would like to hear ideas on how to make it handle a little better and maybe look more aggressive.

    Oh, and hello everyone, my name is Travis or "Ghost". I tend to stalk forums for information and acquired that nickname. I'm always up for a ride and would like to meet other xj owners and maybe get some ideas for my bike from you!

    oh, and here is the bike, a work in progress including new tires tomorrow. and a few other flaws and kinks i will be working out over time. but for $200 dollars. can't beat it!
  2. Wirehairs

    Wirehairs Member

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    Welcome to the group, Travis. As this is your first bike, please that these older bikes need a through going threw to ensure that they are road safe. All those rubber gaskets, retainers, brake pads, brake cables, etc. need to be carefully inspected before you drive the bike. I think the average person on this site invest $5-600 in just getting one of these bikes both reliable, and safe!

    So, please make sure you take the time to do so, and go an owner's manual and go through all the maintenance they recommend before you put any significant miles on your new machine.

    Again, welcome!
  3. SomekindofGhost

    SomekindofGhost New Member

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    Thank you for the heads up! I already have a pretty large order coming in to the yamaha shop this wednesday with my new tachometer seals on the head (which i owe these forums a thank you for showing me the hidden one inside.).

    I have the hats off the carbs and i've already cleaned out the float area. changed the oil (but will be changing it again since i learned of a second drain plug near the back of the engine).

    It has new brakes all around and new hoses on the front, I am in need of new aluminum for the front brakes (the caliper holder?) the zerk stripped and i just jb welded the interior and tapped it out again... its sketchy but it holds.

    The electrical is a mess and i am stuck on highbeams (-_-), starter button is missing (along with the spring... does chacal have just the buttons?!)...

    It's new for me, and much easier than a car, I love that i don't have to be upside down in the bonnet of a car to work... Much nicer having a stool and the bike on a stand.

    and much appreciated for the reply!
  4. ktp1598

    ktp1598 Member

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    Mount Washington
    Clean it up and maybe paint it. I tore mine down over the winter and painted the frame and engine. Makes it look a lot better. Polish the chrome too. If chacal doesn't have the button or spring, get an old switch off of eBay and use those. If your exhaust is bad, consider a replacement set. MAC has so-so chrome (can be had in black) but sounds meaner than stock. Don't know if you'll have to re-jet.
  5. redsix

    redsix Member

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    Hey, welcome! Most of my friends have burly Hondas or some sportbike or another, so I'm in the same boat.

    Just so you know, our Member Chacal sells every part imaginable for our beloved XJs. Click the XJ Forever in the top right corner of the page and check out what he has. Well worth it in quality, pricing and honesty.
  6. Sabre

    Sabre Member

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    Lansing, MI
    Ouch! Use Chacal next time. Click on the banner in the upper-right of the screen that says XJ4Ever. He has everything you need and his service is very quick. He'll save you a ton over the dealership.
  7. SomekindofGhost

    SomekindofGhost New Member

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    ^ good to know, i was leary for a moment cause of the stigma "if its local its fastest" so i was saving the more rare parts for chacal, and nice to know you all swear by him. I'll say hello soon enough (wednesday when the paycheck comes in.... ^_-) I tore into the bike a little more since i was off work early today. It seems decent beside that tach oil leak, and the fact i have no idea about mileage. Reading up on valve maintenance now also.

    do the rear springs have the ability to be rebuilt? or do i have to buy new?

    @redsix but our bikes have history! (or at least all fun info i dug up when i was wondering where it came from)

    @ktp I know our bikes are heavy, but i would like to toy around with it and get it setup for a kind of autocross style of riding. you can set up cones wherever a parking lot allows. would make for a fun event. i don't like flat black so much, so flat "army" green it shall be! steve mcqueen style. oh and without changing headers is there any tricks to adding just a muffler to it?
  8. ktp1598

    ktp1598 Member

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    Mount Washington
    Sportster mufflers up to 2003.
  9. Sabre

    Sabre Member

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    I see you have an XJ650. That's the only model I'm aware of that has the muffles welded to the collectors. You'll have to cut them off. If your exhaust is in good shape it might be worth $200 or so, so think about it before you cut them.
  10. SomekindofGhost

    SomekindofGhost New Member

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    exhaust worth the bike? ... i was thinking of taking the cone off all the way back to the header and making a pipe with an open end and stretching it and using some kind of muffler on that pipe depending on where i need to go. Gotta figure out how to tuck it.... sportster muffler? not my style. i was thinking something like dirtbike style. ~MM--- if that makes any sense... pipe to can to lil pipe? haha. small though. If any one is interested the pipes are free of dents. and if i can get an aftermarket 4 to 1 setup (if its even made) for a trade id be more than happy :)
  11. ManBot13

    ManBot13 Well-Known Member

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    Don't bother draining the middle gear drain plug. It has a tendency to shear off and is very hard to get to with an easy out. Plus, the torque spec is wrong in the books. I tried tightening mine to spec, when the engine was out, and sheared it. It was VERY difficult to get a left hand drill bit in there, and my only saving grace was that what was left of the bolt turned easily (and that I could flip the engine over).

    Draining the oil from the front drain plug and topping off exchanges most of the old oil. New oil dilutes the old oil, but you don't have to get every drop out. Another oil change and you'll be fine.

    How do you know what the condition of the brakes are? What exactly is stripped? Is it the drain screw, caliper mounting bracket? I wouldn't really trust JB weld to hold anything on brakes when you're life depends on them.

    And yes, you read that statement correctly. You will easily spend 4 times your purchase price to adequately maintain that motorcycle. It looks like you got a heck of a deal for $200 through, and if you wanted to make money, you could easily part it out and triple that or more. Fix it perfectly, and you'll probably take a loss if you sold it. That's just how these bikes are.

    Chacal's service is second to none. If you're order is in stock, he'll ship it as soon as you pay. You have to PM him, but he's very responsive. How long it actually takes to receive your package will depend on USPS, and chacal will quote you the worst case timeline, but I've come to expect parts to arrive 2 days after I've ordered them. I think I've only been disappointed once out of more than a dozen orders, and the postmark date was when I paid (USPS took longer).
  12. mtnbikecrazy55

    mtnbikecrazy55 Active Member

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    Green Bay, Wisconsin
    weocome!! head to chacal! :D
  13. arby

    arby New Member

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    Chacal's starter button package includes the plastic button, metal insert and spring. It's amazing how much better the button works with the metal insert. My button was held in with electrical tape, and I didn't even know there was a metal part until I installed the replacement.
  14. SomekindofGhost

    SomekindofGhost New Member

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    S.O.S. post. today i took it to get the tire changed now that most of the nitty gritty is taken care of. (oh how does it purr and ride). and they gave me 140/90 for the rear tire. it was rubbing the swing arm so i pulled the axle back tightened the pinch, and tightened the shaft to move the tire away from the shaft. Is this okay? or do i need to have them replace the tire?
  15. Sabre

    Sabre Member

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    I think it's supposed to be a 130/90-16 tire. That's what mine is, and there is very little clearance between the tire and the left swingarm. I think they gave you a tire that's too wide.
  16. SomekindofGhost

    SomekindofGhost New Member

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    Atwater, CA
    so i assume the way i have it would be unsafe. I will stop by tomorrow and have them replace it. I thought they were being wonderful by staying late and changing out my tire for me. Although when i got home, the pinch bolt was loose, and they had not reinstalled the brakes correctly. I have yet to check the front tire but i guess i can assume the same mischief....

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