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I went racing on the weekend

Discussion in 'Hangout Lounge' started by Kickaha, Oct 23, 2012.

  1. Kickaha

    Kickaha Active Member Premium Member

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    New Zealand
    I'm the passenger with Gordy riding(and looking for the camera)
    Ran fifths and sixths at a track Gordy hadn't ridden before on a bike I hadn't passengered before and out of a 17-18 bike field and starting from the back as we had qualifying problems

    photo by Craig Dawson
  2. MarcLeese

    MarcLeese New Member

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    wow. nice ride and awesome motorcycle. 8)
  3. ken007

    ken007 Member

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    Brisbane, Australia
    good one, would have been a real buzz,
  4. Maxim-X

    Maxim-X Well-Known Member

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    London Ontario Canada
    Great pic Kick, looks like you had a good outing. I got my "monkey" cert a couple of years back, but work got in the way of fun and never got to compete.
    This is a shot of me doing my qualification for my licence.
  5. Kickaha

    Kickaha Active Member Premium Member

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    New Zealand
    We dont have any qualififcation, buy a licence and go racing, turns out we ran 4th for the weekend

    Well happy with that for a couple of new guys into classics
  6. Kickaha

    Kickaha Active Member Premium Member

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    New Zealand
    Barry Sheene Trans Tasman, Hampton Downs meeting race report

    Originally I’d only planned on going up to watch but after seeing a post of sidecar bobs saying they need a swinger for the BMW classic sidecar put my name forward and scored a ride on the side with Gordy

    I got some flights; Motel and rental booked as soon as I confirmed my spot on the side

    In the meantime Team AGIP (Kai and Phil) book the same flight so they could get a ride with me to the track

    Arriving at the track we run into Chris Lawrance at the gate who tells us we’re late and need a special riders briefing and we wander off to find the garage

    Strolling into shed 11 I meet up with Gordy who if he was a bit darker in skin tone could be the world vision poster child for famine relief
    We sign in, get our special briefing and we’re good to go

    Lining up for practice one we make it the length of pit lane before it dies because Gordy is so hard on gear, sidecar bob diagnoses a dropped valve seat and after pulling the head and Gordy trying to maim himself while he does it sidecar bob is proved right, at that point the weekend isn’t looking good so I wander off to find a guy who I know is racing a BMW solo

    As I wander into his pits to introduce myself I spot Max Headroom who I know lives a little bit down the road and has the odd BMW spare or two and I immediately lose interest in talking to Voltaire in favour of trying to score a spare head off Max, he comes back over to our pit shed and before long we’re in the rental heading back to his place and he’s digging half the world’s supply of BMW heads out of his shed to sort a good one out

    After swapping springs and retainers into another head we‘re back to the track and get it bolted up in time to do last practice

    We roll down pit lane and do an easy lap, Gordy gives me the thumbs up and dials it up a bit harder, as we crest the little hill at turn two and Gordy changes gear (or something) I get pitched forward in the chair until I’m further forward than he is and I can just about hear him thinking “what kind of dickhead, unco, retard munter have I been saddled with”
    A lap later and it dies coming up the hill and we pull in to find the right carbs fallen off and it’s starting to spew oil as well

    Head comes off again and we pull the barrel to find the all three rings jammed in their grooves as a result of the dropped valve seat and we’re back to thinking the weekends over

    Back to Max’s place again to see if he’s able to do anything with it, luckily enough it turns out he used to do automotive machining and is well qualified to fix our problem and after working between our piston and Voltaire’s “leaking rear main seal” gets the rings free and after a little bit of lathe work on the piston gets it sorted and we’re back on our way to the track

    It’s about 90% reassembled before we head off for tea, where after seeing I get extra food dished out starts a few complaints at the table but little do they realise maintaining such a svelte figure as mine takes a bit of effort and eating the correct diet

    After I drop off the sleep some munter sets off the fire alarm and wakes me up, I stay in bed for a bit wondering whether to get up as the chances of it being a real fire are pretty slim but eventually get up and go check to make sure it’s not my room burning down

    Race 1, grid 16, 4 laps
    First it started raining and then as we went out it really started pissing down

    We line up somewhere down the back and Gordy nails the start passing about 5 outfits before Turn one and at least one other by turn 2 we end up having a bit of a battle with the Harley outfit of Keith/Carl for the last couple of laps but as they slow coming out of Turn one on the last lap we scoot past and beat them to the line

    I head over to the hairpin to watch the modern sidecars and first see a swinger keen to shout some piss by falling off after a spin then Scrivy in a fit of total incompetence going into the gravel trap while Team AGIP don’t even make it off the line

    I bump into Rodger96 in pit lane and he explains he wasn’t even coming up but ended up flying up with a couple of RG500 crankshafts in is luggage

    The days racing is canned due to the rain just before we’re due out again so I piss off back to the motel and grab some food

    The weather is looking better and as the program starts from where it left off the day before we’re second up

    Race 1, grid 16, 4 laps
    Carbon copy of the start from the day before with making up several places before turn one and some more before turn 2, just to make sure I haven’t gone to sleep Gordy tries an inside pass up over the ripple strip on turn 4

    We’ve got past Keith/Carl on the Harley when they slam it up the inside into turn 4 and practically come to halt in the middle of the corner, Gordy is hard on the brakes and taking avoiding action and stalls

    Showing total disregard for the comfort of his swinger he drops it into 1st crash starts it and nails the throttle and pulls a wheelstand nearly pitching me off the back, and then gives Keith/Carl a friendly wave to show there’s no hard feelings

    I thought we’d get them back but the bikes developed a miss and losing power heading up the hill

    Sunday, Race2, grid 8, 6 laps
    By this time of the day I’m normally having a nap so the prospect of a couple of extra laps doesn’t do much for me

    We get moved up to grid 8 which means we have less people to pass before turn 1 when the lights go out and for a little bit until they come sliding around the outside in turn one I think we’re going to beat Will/Julie on the Triumph

    Hard out behind them and I notice where we’re picking up the chair through the hairpin and trying to get the power down they’re already sliding it sideways and got it pinned and taking a few metres off us
    Gordy finally works out on the last lap he needs to pull his knee out of the carb bellmouth if we want warp factor 9 and we’re pulling them in up over the hill as the chequered flag comes out and doing our fastest lap of the weekend

    Race over and I’d have to say it’s been one of the best weekends racing I’ve ever had and the fact our fastest lap of the weekend was the last one we did makes me wonder how we’d go if we’d had the full power model all weekend

    Big thanks to Gordy for taking me on for the weekend when the closest I’ve got to swinging on a classic before is tripping over one in the pits
    Nick for giving up his own time lending us bits and sorting out our engine

    Steve Bryan for trusting us with his outfit for the weekend and all those individuals, clubs, marshals etc who gave up their time so we could all go racing at a fantastic meeting
  7. Maxim-X

    Maxim-X Well-Known Member

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    London Ontario Canada
    Sounds like you are hooked, when's the next race?
    Any pictures or vids from the race?
    Great write up, thanks.
  8. Kickaha

    Kickaha Active Member Premium Member

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    New Zealand
    I've been racing them 12 years just not classic stuff

    Next race will most likely be Wanganui street race on boxing day

    Pictures here if you have facebook
    http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set= ... 552&type=1
    http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set= ... 552&type=1
    http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set= ... 552&type=1
    Apart from modern sidecars there was nothing later than 1989 racing at this event
    Photo by Craig Dawson
  9. ryancdossey

    ryancdossey Member

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    Indianapolis, IN
    That looks like so much freaking fun!!!!
  10. raptor8

    raptor8 Member

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    Bend OR
    So you're the monkey, eh? Are you really FLAT on one side? LOL
    It says so in 'OnAnySunday'

    AWESOME pictures!
  11. Kickaha

    Kickaha Active Member Premium Member

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    New Zealand
    We call them "swingers" over here, monkey seems to be a USA thing

    Although swingers does have some unfortunate connotations
  12. MarcLeese

    MarcLeese New Member

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    this pics are amazing. hah! wish I could the race live! Lol
  13. drsmoke

    drsmoke New Member

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    Ontario, Canada
    That looks wicked!! I would love to try that. Excellent photos. Thanks for sharing, I've never seen this before.
  14. drsmoke

    drsmoke New Member

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    Ontario, Canada
    That looks wicked!! I would love to try that. Excellent photos. Thanks for sharing, I've never seen this before.
  15. Kickaha

    Kickaha Active Member Premium Member

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    New Zealand
    Not sure about classics but they race moderns in Canada
  16. Maxim-X

    Maxim-X Well-Known Member

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    London Ontario Canada

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