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What is wrong with people? Sabotage!

Discussion in 'Hangout Lounge' started by maximike, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. maximike

    maximike Member

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    Portland, OR, USA
    I'm just gonna vent a little. I doubt anybody has any particular advice on this one, other than "never park on the street." But that's not really an option.

    This has happened to me at least three times, how about you? Over the course of my motorcycle riding life, on different bikes in different areas. With my bike parked in my driveway, (EDIT: the driveway one they CUT a bike cover to reach the plugs!) once in the school parking garage, and just this weekend on the street...some coward will come along and yank at least one spark wire off the plugs. Sometimes pulling the wire out of the cap!

    I also had some bum or something take my cargo net off the seat. This is NOT a "rough" neighborhood. I don't wanna broadcast my address, but suffice it to say, you don't get mugged here. Well, you don't get mugged in Portland in general, but especially not here where I live.

    I wish I caught them doing it. Not just for the obvious "beat the dog crap out of them" reason. But just to ask "what is your deal? Is it supposed to be a joke?" What's funny about a bike not starting? To me, it's like I'm a skydiver and I walked in to find somebody screwing around with my parachute. I take it that seriously. I don't know what else they might have done, is how I look at it.

    It doesn't help that I have, what might be called, a bad temper. I'm not trying to sound like a tough guy. It's a life-long problem. Some people might say: "oh, man, if I caught somebody messing with my bike, I'd ..." (fill in the blank with empty threats) I would say, "If I caught somebody messing with my bike, I hope like hell somebody can stop me once I see red." :evil:
  2. Erman

    Erman Member

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    Oslo, Norway
    Can't blame you for that, brother. I'd get pretty pissed myself if someone messed with my bike.
  3. adrian1

    adrian1 Active Member

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  4. BruceB

    BruceB Active Member

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    Isle of 8 Flags, Florida
  5. mwhite74

    mwhite74 Member

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    St John's Newfoundland, Canada
    The sad thing is that our bikes aren't typically the loud, obnoxious ones, but we're simply ones that have easiest access to plugs.

    My buddy had his plugs removed one time, but that was in his interest (he was drunk). I will remember the whole part about the parachute, driving a car and riding a bike is like a totally different risk level.

    Have a good one guys, come on spring!
  6. ElkHavenSeca

    ElkHavenSeca Active Member

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    Sedro woolley wa
    Well now that you mention portland , that is my home town . i bought a seca 750 brand new at the oregon city yamaha dealer in 1981. i rode all over portland , hung out at wilamette park , council crest, mt tabor . i rode that bike all over portland and surrounding areas for 15 years . one day i stopped in a shitty little store in s.e portland to grab some food from the deli and when i returned my beloved seca was gone . in like 6 min . gone I never got over loosing that bike and what it meant to me and my dad working on it together . he and the bike are gone forever . i recently bought another seca just like the one i owned back in the day . i also now live in a tiny town in northern wa state , and i am still affraid to turn my back and leave it unattended . It is in a huge garage with a security system and all beside all my other toys . i cannot even imagine parking it on the street . i hope the punks leave yours alone in the future .i have been known to put my seca in my livingroom back in the day ... just a thought . I have a photo of the old seca as well as the new one on my profile if you care to look . glad to be living in the country in stead of portland for sure !!
  7. Krafty

    Krafty Member

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    Point Clark ON
    I know how ya feel, Im used to living in the middle of nowhere, a place where you can leave your keys in a nice truck and you know its gonna be there every time you look out the window.
    always had nice bikes and sleds sitting in an unsecured shop never a problem.

    first winter in a city I had someone break into my bad a$$ (Rough and redneck Bad a$$) bronco and steal $500 worth of my sound system.
    now Ill be moving from the country to a different city for work and I'm claiming a spot in a garage to chain up my bike and carrying a chain and padlock if I ever have to park it out somewhere.

    it'll be an interesting experience for sure.
  8. mtnbikecrazy55

    mtnbikecrazy55 Active Member

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    Green Bay, Wisconsin
    some people are just assholes. its like people who key random cars for no reason. that guy/girl who cheated on their significant other? sure, somewhat justifiable, but to key a random persons car who you don't know - is just aggravating.
  9. bmarzka

    bmarzka Active Member

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    Northwesten PA on Lake Erie
    To me my bike is like my wife. Look at her, admire her, dream about her all you want. Don't touch her and don't even THINK about trying to straddle her.
  10. mtnbikecrazy55

    mtnbikecrazy55 Active Member

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    Green Bay, Wisconsin
    I like it :D
  11. MercuryMan

    MercuryMan Active Member

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    Springdale, NWA
    Calling them assholes is a compliment. Truth is they are miserable, pitiful people with little or no joy in their sad existence. So they do something they hope will bring someone else down. Why do it to random people? because they are also cowards-if you did catch one of them they would probably piss themselves.

    Different parts of the US and World for that matter seem to have more per capita than others, but sub-humans do exist everywhere. Best you can do is treat everyone you meet with respect. The reason? Well people aren't born that miserable, other people have helped them get that way-so don't pay that BS forward. It never hurts to keep a vigilant eye on what you value. I keep thinking about hooking up a shocking device of some kind!! But at least I live in a truly decent community. A poll recently showed that 93% of our local population is happy with their community-that ain't bad. Now about that 7%...

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