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The XJ550 interactive colorized electrical diagram! Update 4

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by FrankBlack, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. FrankBlack

    FrankBlack Member

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    Sollentuna, Sweden
    UPDATED 2013-11-23


    I'm in the middle of replacing the instrument cluster on my XJ550 with a digital one and found that there were a LOT of wires to keep track of. The diagrams found here were definitely helpful, but it was still a lot of tracing to find where all the cables actually went.
    So I went ahead and made a better diagram. And since I think others would benefit from this as well I made it much more user friendly than my own needs.

    I present to you: The XJ550 interactive, colorized electrical diagram:

    Now open source:

    Copyright Mar 27, 2013 ©
    Frank Johansson
    ALL Rights Reserved ©

    Open it on your laptop, tablet or smartphone (requires flash) and bring it to the garage. :)

    Comments and feedback would be much appreciated!
  2. quebecois59

    quebecois59 Well-Known Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive, colorized electrical diagram!

    Wow! Very impressive!
  3. Polock

    Polock Well-Known Member

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    Beaver Falls, PA
    Re: The XJ550 interactive, colorized electrical diagram!

    That's real nice Frank, my old eyes like it but there's mistakes on some of the 750 diagrams, don't know about the 550 so be careful
  4. Polock

    Polock Well-Known Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive, colorized electrical diagram!

    That's real nice Frank, my old eyes like it but there's mistakes on some of the 750 diagrams, don't know about the 550 so be careful
  5. MiCarl

    MiCarl Active Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive, colorized electrical diagram!

    Very nice!

    Would you be ok with me hosting it with the other XJ diagrams?
  6. Orange-n-Black

    Orange-n-Black Well-Known Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive, colorized electrical diagram!

    That is nice, but where are the 700Max diagrams. See what you started. LOL
  7. shangovi

    shangovi Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive, colorized electrical diagram!

    and the 650 Maxim diagrams?..:) great work BTW n look forward to any more if possible
  8. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive, colorized electrical diagram!

    The XJ550 Seca factory wiring diagram is, surprisingly, 100% correct. Be aware that it is a different diagram from the XJ550 Maxim harness, though.

    It's the various XJ650 and XJ750 (especially the XJ750 Seca models) where the wiring diagrams are really sub-par, with either missing elements and/or mis-marked devices, wire colors, etc.

    Great job Frank! Sent you a PM............
  9. FrankBlack

    FrankBlack Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive, colorized electrical diagram!

    Thanks for the feedback guys!

    Thanks for the info, good to know. If anyone see any errors, please let me know and I will correct them.

    Sure, no problem. Do you need anything from me or can you just grab the files? (The actual flash file is http://frankjohansson.com/stuff/xj550/X ... iagram.swf)

    I spent about three days on that diagram (and learned a bunch of Flash while doing it), so it would be when I have a bunch of time over and no other projects to spend it on. In short: not right now, but not impossible in the future.
  10. MiCarl

    MiCarl Active Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive, colorized electrical diagram!

    I probably won't get into it for awhile. I assume I can just grab everything from your server. Will let you know if I have trouble when I get to it.

  11. hogfiddles

    hogfiddles XJ-Wizard, Host-Central NY Carb Clinic Moderator Premium Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive, colorized electrical diagram!

    No THAT is nice! I'd love to see the 900rk wiring done like that, too.

    I'd be willing to donate a few $ to the cause, too, if'when you're able to do more of them. I'd suggest that others probably would be willing to do so, too.

    dave Fox
  12. hogfiddles

    hogfiddles XJ-Wizard, Host-Central NY Carb Clinic Moderator Premium Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive, colorized electrical diagram!

    I saved it to my computer, but the computer says it can't open it since it doesn't know what program created it. What do set it for?

    dave F
  13. ecologito

    ecologito Well-Known Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive, colorized electrical diagram!

    If you are on a pc try internet explorer or any browser with the flash plugin installed.
  14. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive, colorized electrical diagram!

    Geez Dave and I thought I was old school still running Winders 2K at home.

    As above; it uses Flash player. Tell it to open in IE; and if it won't then download and install FireFox.

    It's way cool. Unfortunately, it's "only" a circuit diagram. The WIRING diagram is a whole different animal. Stuff that is in completely different circuits is located together, like in the diode block.

    To not drive yourself crazy, you need both a circuit and a wiring diagram.

    Nice work though.

    I don't see a separate headlight on/off switch. Frank, do you have a North American-market bike? Or does the diagram not completely match your bike?
  15. MercuryMan

    MercuryMan Active Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive, colorized electrical diagram!

    Love it! That makes it possible to visualize and trace each wire one time and not have to drag your finger over the diagram a hundred times. I'm sure I'll be seeing that in a dream now. Thanks for the great work and contribution.

    I haven't found any errors in my 550 Maxim diagram-seems like the 550's diagrams got transferred from Yamaha correctly.
  16. hogfiddles

    hogfiddles XJ-Wizard, Host-Central NY Carb Clinic Moderator Premium Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive, colorized electrical diagram!

    Well, I can see the lines change as supposed to when I'm online, but is it possible to use as a stand-alone file? That's what I'm trying to do.....

  17. FrankBlack

    FrankBlack Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive, colorized electrical diagram!

    Thanks again for the feedback, I'm happy that so many people like it. :D


    I'll be..!
    Not sure where it would be. I haven't actually compared it with my bike (European model 4V8), but is completely based on another diagram I found here a long time ago (can't find the thread now). But instead of trying to colorize the scewed, scanned document, I decided to redo it completely with vector graphics. That also has the benefit that no matter what screen resolution you have, it will look sharp. Everything from the coils to the spark plugs is custom made by me for this sole purpose.

    I am currently in discussions with chacal to expand this to include other bike models as well (with corrections for the currently available B/W diagrams). Nothing is decided yet, and if it goes through it will not happen overnight (or even overmonth). I have to redo/rewrite some parts for this to work, as many of them are "hard coded" specifically for the 550 diagram. This might also involve other people to do the grunt work and only use my parts as a template.

    You should be able to just save the .swf file (previously linked) locally by right-clicking the link and choose Save As..
    Then open the downloaded file directly in your browser.


    I have some ideas additional ideas that I might implement. Let me know if you would be interested and what function you would want the most.

    Clickable parts. A photo/drawing (and possibly some text) would appear when you click on a part (i.e. relays, switches etc.). This could also include how to locate the part on the bike. If one were to be extremely ambitious, this could also describe common problems (and solutions). Not hard to do technically, but as I don't have the bike knowledge for all of this, it would require that someone else gives me the pictures and text needed. Any volunteers?

    Other file formats (for offline use). It would be possible for me to export this to other formats such as a stand-alone exe file for Windows, and even as .apk (Android app). Possibly also as html5 for Apple machines without Flash support, but am unsure if everything would work there. I can also make a printable, no-fx image that can be printed on a color printer if anyone is interested (glossy photo paper would probably be the most garage-friendly).

    Any other ideas/requests?

    FYI, I'm currently away and can't work anymore on this for a few days at least.
  18. hogfiddles

    hogfiddles XJ-Wizard, Host-Central NY Carb Clinic Moderator Premium Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive, colorized electrical diagram!

    I think the best thing would be to:

    Make a complete CD-rom that can:

    -have active diagrams for all the different xj models'

    -be able to load all diagrams onto the hard drive and not need to have the cd-rom in after loading

    -be useable on Windows97 on up, be able to be on a stand-alone machine, not connected to the 'net

    - be able to print any highlighted circuit


    Next level:

    -Be able to work on Mac computers

    --be able to work on iTouch 2nd generation, on up.

    I think you have GREAT thing that you just did, and I believe it could be an incredible resource. WHATEVER route you go with it, just make sure that the route is forward, not 'well, I did just the one"................ THANK YOU for what you have already done!

  19. MercuryMan

    MercuryMan Active Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive, colorized electrical diagram!

    If it had all that, the creator would need some compensation for all the time and labor. I'm sure you could get people to shell out some $$ for such a useful CD.

    Hog seriously? Windows 20th century!! I know upgrading sucks but at this point it's a little like owning a steam powered car. XP pro is easy to get, easy to use and does things that 97,98, 2000, Me, etc. can only dream about. I'm still trying to get used to 7 but it's much more appealing visually. The newest one is a total joke. It has me seriously considering Apple, but then I read about how they are using Chinese slave labor to make $900 phones for $32 each and....
  20. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive, colorized electrical diagram!


    Exceeds the detail found in the Wiring Schematics offered by Don Olsen
    Engineering that Color Codes and enlarges Electrical Circuitry for Chevrolet Corvettes.

    (I added a Copyright Notice to you Post. You should add it to the Drawing)
  21. Orange-n-Black

    Orange-n-Black Well-Known Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive, colorized electrical diagram!

    Hello Frank, so glad that you don't hide Grandma's teeth. :lol:
    A member of this site has done some 3-D pics that would be helpful in your idea. The member was FLYGP, it was done on windows 7 I believe.
  22. hogfiddles

    hogfiddles XJ-Wizard, Host-Central NY Carb Clinic Moderator Premium Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive, colorized electrical diagram!

    I run XP on most of my machines, but I have one that still runs on '97. I suggested 97 simply as away to make a program that would be compatible with a LOT of machines, not JUST the 'latest and greatest" stuff.

    .If it had all that, the creator would need some compensation....
    That's exactly whi I said early on that I would be willing to contribute some $, and am sure others would be willing to do so, too.

    Also, I put together that list as the developer was asking for ideas. So, as more ideas are put forth, he can pick and choose from them.

    ......and yes, I'm still on dial-up. I can't justify paying a couple hundred a month just for faster service when I am only paying 180/yr for unlimited use.

    Sorry. :)

  23. MercuryMan

    MercuryMan Active Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive, colorized electrical diagram!

    It's cool. If it works, it works. I had dial-up until 2006 when I got DSL. It's not blazing fast but I only pay $35/month. I think it is about 10 times faster than dial-up. I do kind of miss the whole 'dial-up connection sounds.'

    I didn't like having to upgrade my OS but I must collaborate and utilize software at my University that requires me to do so-It's like Facebook for me and Twitter, Even though I'm tech savy and enjoy using it I'm not really into all that social media-but now they're even saying you must use it to get a job!! That's BS.

    I think your list and ideas are right on with this-Especially for any Yamaha enthusiast, multiple XJ owner, or an old-school bike mechanic. I would pony up some dough for such a CD.
  24. hogfiddles

    hogfiddles XJ-Wizard, Host-Central NY Carb Clinic Moderator Premium Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive, colorized electrical diagram!

    Heck, I still run some DOS programs that I have , and some old DOS games, too. :)

    I haven't done THIS for awhile....but I had gotten pretty good at re-formatting/booting/diagnosing computers when the screen wouldn't even work.....via DOS and F-controls by memory. A bunch of keystrokes and POOF--the screen comes back on!

    Ah.......the old 3.1 stuff. LOL

    Remember when the 386sx became the 486 Dx and was even "upgradeable" !?!?!?! LOL

    Dave F
  25. Orange-n-Black

    Orange-n-Black Well-Known Member

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    Memphis Area
    Re: The XJ550 interactive, colorized electrical diagram!

    Remember the TRS80?
  26. quebecois59

    quebecois59 Well-Known Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive, colorized electrical diagram!

    I remember when I was at the University in '78, the first time I uploaded informations on the computer was with a big file of perforated cards I fed the computer with. Later, we used perforated ribbons and found this was a huge improvement , lol!
  27. hogfiddles

    hogfiddles XJ-Wizard, Host-Central NY Carb Clinic Moderator Premium Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive, colorized electrical diagram!

    The venerable Trash-80! Some of the guys I went to high school with had one of them.....I had a Commodore C64 first. Then I upgraded and had a Commodore C128 for a short time (burned it out). Most of the work got done on an Apple IIc. My first job supplied me with an Apple IIe....the business version. The thing that amazes me MOST is that I actually did my Master's Degree on that same Apple IIe. My biggest problem is that all the documentation is still on the IIe floppies, and is probably forever gone. I did have ONE floppy that a later Mac was able to read for awhile. I got SOME of info transferred to a newer machine but then that one floppy went bad. That was the end of it. Oh well.................

    Dave F
  28. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive, colorized electrical diagram!

    I'm a child of the '50's.
    A living eyewitness to the Birth of Rock-'n-roll.

    I did my High School and College homework papers rolling carbon paper, sandwiched between two sheets of Eaton's Corrasable Bond typing paper, into a portable Smith~Corona typewriter. My paperback American Century Dictionary and Roget's Thesaurus acting as coasters keeping coffee cup rings off the antique wooden desk.

    I am amazed at how many High School students, today, still submit written work, with spelling and grammar errors, despite having word processing software that does the proof reading and correcting for you.
  29. 750E-II_29Rbloke

    750E-II_29Rbloke Active Member

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    South Cheshire, UK
    Re: The XJ550 interactive, colorized electrical diagram!

    Haha forget your overcomplex, modern 3.1, only a few years ago I used to use an Olivetti 086 (with 087 math co-pro of course and a full 512K of RAM!), complete with "MS Works", Kinda Windows 1 in a way, it did use "windows" and for the computer's capabilities was a fairly complete OS...

    But back on topic, that diagram is brilliant & I'd buy a CD with the complete range on (as long as it included the E-II of course lol)
  30. Orange-n-Black

    Orange-n-Black Well-Known Member

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    Memphis Area
    Re: The XJ550 interactive, colorized electrical diagram!

    Hogfiddles Wrote:
    The venerable Trash-80! Some of the guys I went to high school with had one of them.....I had a Commodore C64 first. Then I upgraded and had a Commodore C128 for a short time (burned it out). Most of the work got done on an Apple IIc. My first job supplied me with an Apple IIe....the business version. The thing that amazes me MOST is that I actually did my Master's Degree on that same Apple IIe. My biggest problem is that all the documentation is still on the IIe floppies, and is probably forever gone. I did have ONE floppy that a later Mac was able to read for awhile. I got SOME of info transferred to a newer machine but then that one floppy went bad. That was the end of it. Oh well.................

    I know the Apple writes data backwards from a PC and you can't just transfer to disc, but what about a serial or parallel cable link between the Apple and your PC?
  31. hogfiddles

    hogfiddles XJ-Wizard, Host-Central NY Carb Clinic Moderator Premium Member

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    near utica, new york
    Re: The XJ550 interactive, colorized electrical diagram!

    I don't even have the apple computer anymore, and I think all of my discs are probably gone, now, too.

    Meh......not losing sleep over it.

    Happy Easter to everyone.

    Dave F
  32. billrocks45

    billrocks45 New Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive, colorized electrical diagram!

    Great job, Frank! Quite the wiring diagram you have there!
  33. MercuryMan

    MercuryMan Active Member

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    Springdale, NWA
    Re: The XJ550 interactive, colorized electrical diagram!

    The memories are more important than the actual data anyway. I get a kick out of thinking about the old computers and all the experiences we've all had as technology has changed. I never wanted a cell phone and now I can't imagine living without one--but NO WAY i'm even 1/10 as addicted as most people are. I put it away or turn it off every chance I get.

    Happy Easter indeed! May life spring eternal for us all!!!

    Thanks again Frank for lighting up the 550!
  34. FrankBlack

    FrankBlack Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive, colorized electrical diagram!

    Wow, nice nostalgia thread this turned into! But then again, aren't we all working on 30+ years old machines with a lot of wires? Though I doubt a tread regarding putting pods on the TRS-80 would stay alive for long. ;)

    I just wanted to let you know that the project is far from dead. I'm currently in the process of preparing the addition of more models than the 550! By that I mean that I'm rewriting all quick-n-dirty hacks I did specifically for the 550 diagram to be reusable with additional bikes.
    Note that for this to actually happen, I will need additional help. I will discuss this with chacal when I'm closer to completing the rewrite.

    I'm also rewriting the code to be compatible with more devices. That means that if all goes as planned, I will be able to make dedicated versions specifically for several platforms. Aside from the web-flash-thingy you have already seen, I should be able to turn this into an app for both Android and iOS devices, as well as stand-alone programs for both Windows and Mac (which could be put on a CD as requested). But I stress, this is in the best-case scenario. I still have lots to learn and have a number of obstacles I still don't know how to get around for this to happen.

    I'm also adding some additional features to the diagram that I think will be helpful when locating both the wires, connectors and the electrical parts on your bikes. I will soon need some help with this as well to verify some points.

    Unfortunately, due to a nasty bug in Flash CS5.5, my project file got corrupted and I recently lost about 10 hours of work and have had to redo a whole lot (good thing I had any backup at all!). So I learned it's not enough to save often, you should save often with different names.

    I hope to have an early beta release of the next version up for review within the next week or so.

    Keep the suggestions and feedback coming!
  35. SecaRob

    SecaRob Member

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    Cincinnati, Ohio
    Re: The XJ550 interactive, colorized electrical diagram!

    Very nice work!
  36. 750E-II_29Rbloke

    750E-II_29Rbloke Active Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive, colorized electrical diagram!

    Ipods? :roll: sorry I know it was tandy but they were at least in the same "big 3", maybe I should have made a pun about RF suppressed plug caps instead?

    Sorry to hear about the glitch, glad to hear all wasn't lost. People like you make these forums THE goto place for anything related to the XJ, if I knew anything about modern PC's I'd offer some help but my knowledge only extends up to Win95 era :roll:
  37. FrankBlack

    FrankBlack Member

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    Sollentuna, Sweden
    Re: The XJ550 interactive colorized electrical diagram! Update 1

    Update 2013-04-14

    As promised, an updated version with a lot of improvements is here.
    Still not complete, but a big step forward.

    It's a bit larger now (still only 250kB), but once loaded it should be faster and have a few new features that I think may be very useful.

    Multiple versions

    I have created three different versions for different circumstances.
    1. Flash. This is the same format as before, can be opened in a browser.
    2. Standalone version for Windows. Should work on any windows machine from at least XP and up. Possibly on older versions such as Windows 2000 as well.
    3. High-resolution image. This is a "clean" version intended for printing.

    New features

    Visual connector guide

    Move the mouse pointer over a connector and you will see how the connector looks and which wire color is arranged to which pin.

    Part placement guide

    Move the mouse pointer over a part like a relay or switch to see where on the bike it is located. This is currently incomplete and I would appreciate some help on pointing out where the missing parts like the diode block, pick-up coil etc. are actually located.

    Selling CDs

    Since several people have written about selling CDs etc, I want to address this.
    I will not charge anyone anything. What I will do is let anyone download it for free, and add a PayPal button for those who really want to show their appreciation by buying me a beer or such (or to my fiancee who has to stand me working on and talking about this all the time).
    Many people don't have the resources, time or patience to order a CD from Sweden where I live, and I just want to help as many as I can and make this a better place. Pay it forward. Or with Paypal if you absolutely insist. ;)

    Next step

    First, I need to fill in the blanks. If you see something missing or wrong, please let me know.

    The code rewrite is almost done and once I get all the missing pieces in place I will look into expanding the diagram to cover other bikes as well. I first want to do some tests with a diagram from another bike. Which XJ model is the most common one or has the most need for a diagram like this?

    As always, your comments are highly appreciated.
  38. 750E-II_29Rbloke

    750E-II_29Rbloke Active Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive colorized electrical diagram! Update 1

    just FYI, pick-up coils are located on the left end of the crankshaft, behind the ignition cover (the one with Yamaha & *sometimes* YICS on it).

    Excellent work :)

    Personally I'd say 1982 750 maxim seems to be the bike most people have, whether it's the most in need of a diagram though I'm not sure...
  39. FrankBlack

    FrankBlack Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive colorized electrical diagram! Update 1

    Thanks x3!

    Damn, I just noticed that I have lost the yellow part on one of the Red & Yellow cables. Will fix it tomorrow or so. It's 5 in the morning here and I have to get some sleep now.
  40. hogfiddles

    hogfiddles XJ-Wizard, Host-Central NY Carb Clinic Moderator Premium Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive colorized electrical diagram! Update 1

    I'm going to have to download that windows file when we get back to work after spring break!

    Dave Fox
  41. 750E-II_29Rbloke

    750E-II_29Rbloke Active Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive colorized electrical diagram! Update 1

    Wow yeah you're in Sweden & are up even later than me at GMT+2! kind of weird, I'm replying to you but will already be in bed by the time I replied in your time zone! (I know it isn't really, just freaky what timezones on computers can do...) the other night the last post showing on my screen was apparently at 1 minute prior to POSIX Epoch (11.59pm 31/12/69) 8O
  42. FrankBlack

    FrankBlack Member

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    Sollentuna, Sweden
    Re: The XJ550 interactive colorized electrical diagram! Update 1

    I just uploaded a minor update. This fixes the red & yellow cable and added a popup for the pick-up coil (thanks to 750E-II_29Rbloke).

    Time to answer some previous feedback.

    Active diagrams for all different xj models is the final goal with this project. But I first want to mature and stabilize the 550 diagram as it will serve as a template for the other models.

    You can now save the .exe file on your harddrive, USB stick or memory card and run it from wherever you want. Since it is a 32-bit application it is possible that it can even run on Windows 98 (was there even a win97?), but I haven't tried it.

    Mac and iOS is on the road map. I have no such devices to test on myself though.
    Thank you so much for your kind words, they made all warm and cozy on the inside. :)

    Thank you, your words made me really glad! I've added a copyright thingy in the Help/About popup.

    You saw that, did you? ;)

    I've seen some of his work and it's absolutely amazing! It would really cool incorporate his work with mine (and others) in a one-stop program or site. That would have to be a much later project though, at least if I would coordinate it, and I don't think I'm the right man for the job since I lack so much technical knowledge about these bikes. But it would no doubt be nice to have. :)

    Thank you, all of you! It feels good to be appreciated. :)

    Thank you for your sympathies. I'm now saving with a new version number every time I do a major change; It's kind of discouraging to loose so much work when it's due to a bug. But the feedback from people like you makes it worthwhile to keep going forward!

    Yeah, it's strange. At my job I'm working with people in Canada, Germany, Romania, Tunisia, Egypt, France and more, and sometime you also have to keep track of the weekdays. Fridays are for example weekly holidays in Egypt, and they are instead working on Sundays. It took a few badly timed meetings in the beginning before everyone got that. ;)
  43. b-ryanm

    b-ryanm New Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive colorized electrical diagram! Update 1

    Dude! Thank you! lll be downloading this to my flash drive and testing out in a bit. Very nice!
  44. hogfiddles

    hogfiddles XJ-Wizard, Host-Central NY Carb Clinic Moderator Premium Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive colorized electrical diagram! Update 1

    I use my iTouch mostly for work (band director, so am taking attendance, metronomes, fingering charts, tuners, dynamic levels, etc......) I have a few videos and tunes on it, but not too much. It's a tool for me, not an entertainment gizmo.

    That all said, it's a 2nd generation unit, running iOS version 4.2.1

    If you're interested, I'm more than willing to be a beta tester for you with the iOS ....................

    Dave Fox
  45. pjk_xj700

    pjk_xj700 Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive colorized electrical diagram! Update 1

    I'm pretty interested in this, as I just worked through a GS1000 wiring diagram for a friend's bike. Having this tool would have made things easier.

    I am also interested in some assistance to your goal. I have programmed some flash and canvas ( works on ios ). I have an iPad 2 as well as an older imac I can test on.

    You can see my canvas work on the animation at www.vteworld.com. If you have an older and less robust browser, you will see the flash version of the animations. I put both in so iOS can see the canvas, non-canvas browsers see the flash.

    Just checked on my iPad, and no go as iOS is not flash compatible. I'm loosely thinking maybe a canvas version would satisfy the iOS crowd, but it would mean re-creating the whole thing ( erp ).

    you can pm me or post on here if you're interested in some help.

    PS: That's cool you're a band director Dave. I was heavy into school band, and now my daughter is as well. They are heading to MSU in Lansing for the state jazz band festival on Saturday. Unfortunately, I'm unable to attend ( double drat ).
  46. hogfiddles

    hogfiddles XJ-Wizard, Host-Central NY Carb Clinic Moderator Premium Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive colorized electrical diagram! Update 1

    Nice.....we have a festival the second weekend of May that we're going to down in the Hershey PA area. Please pass Best Wishes for a successful performance on to her for me!

    dave F
  47. FrankBlack

    FrankBlack Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive colorized electrical diagram! Update 1

    Thank you. It turns out that you need an Apple Developer Certificate to even test an app, and it costs money. It's possible that you can circumvent this on jailbraked iDevices, but I'm not going further on that branch (for now at least). As I understand it, there are also web browsers for iOS that actually support Flash (Photon, SkyFire), but I haven't tried them.

    Since we now have (1.) a web version, (2.) a stand-alone program that can be used on a laptop and (3.) a printable color diagram it should be enough for most. I have tried generating (4.) an Android app as well but ran into some incomatibility issues. Will perhaps see what can be done about it.

    It's also possible that all of the above is improved in Flash CS6. I currently run CS5.5 but are considering an upgrade.

    Thank you for the offer, I might take you up on that later on. From what I understand, Canvas (often?) requires JavaScript. And since many mobile browsers have that disabled, it might mean shutting off other users. Unless we do as you have already done with a compability detection. I have done similar things in the past, converting flash to HTML5 (via Swiffy) and serving both versions. Doesn't work for this diagram though and haven't had time to investigate further.
    Re-creating the current diagram with all popups and intelligence would require a lot of work, and I fear keeping both versions updated would be too much.

    I have a lot of work right now so I haven't been able to do anything more with the diagram, and will be quite busy for the next two weeks or so. I do hope to get some fixes done though.
  48. pjk_xj700

    pjk_xj700 Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive colorized electrical diagram! Update 1

    I cannot disagree with your points. multiple OS, multiple platform, and multiple device can make this a maintenance nightmare.

    Yes, canvas is a javascript component, I guess. You write the code in JS.

    Once the diagrams are complete, I wouldn't think there would be much updating, as they don't change anymore. But yes, it would be a lot of work building up a new model.

    Ok, thanks for the update and writing back.
  49. FrankBlack

    FrankBlack Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive colorized electrical diagram! Update 1

    Can someone point out the few missing items for me so I can complete the basic functionality?
    I need the physical location of the following:

    1. Diode Block
    2. Alternator
    3. Neutral Switch - Is this switch physically connected to the gear pedal? Or is it inside the motor house (if so, where do the wire come out)?

    And as always, if anyone see something wrong in the diagram I would appreciate if you would let me know - I'm doing this for you. :wink:
  50. adrian1

    adrian1 Active Member

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    Re: The XJ550 interactive colorized electrical diagram! Update 1

    Great work! I nominate it for "Sticky" status!

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