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@$&*^@!!! CRAP!

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by Captainkirk, May 29, 2013.

  1. Captainkirk

    Captainkirk Member

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    Northeast Illinois
    Missed out an an '82 Seca 750 on Craigslist yesterday by minutes.....for $250.00!!!!! Clear title, but stuck in 1st gear (would not go to neutral or others) Probably just a bent shifter fork. This bike was only a few minutes from my house.... :oops:
    I was busy at work when I got a heads-up on the link, but by the time I called the bike, somebody else had dibs.... :cry:
  2. MercuryMan

    MercuryMan Active Member

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    Springdale, NWA
    Ouch. Never get's any cheaper than that! Unless they just give it to you.

    Could be a simple shifter fix since so many little parts in there can cause that-broken springs, etc., but could be a case splitter too. Either way $250 is a steel if it's good otherwise.

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