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First Motorcycle Trip from Grand Rapids, MI to Missoula, MT

Discussion in 'Hangout Lounge' started by RevRider, Apr 9, 2014.

  1. RevRider

    RevRider New Member

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    Grand Rapids, MI (Ionia)
    Newbie motorcyclist here,

    Planning a trip with a buddy to Montnana for a friends wedding in late May. We have 2 1/2 days to get from Grand Rapids, MI to Missoula, MT. So far all we know about our route is that we want to ride through the Upper Peninsula on the way there but not on the way back since we'll only have 2 days then. We plan on camping every night except the very first night since we have a place in the U.P. to lodge at.

    If anyone has route, camping, or sight recommendations, I'd love to hear them. Any other advice for a beginner motorcyclist on his first long trip is also welcomed.

    I figured I'll need to bring basic tools, extra oil, service manual, and warm clothes. I want to make sure I'm prepared for the trip and have a good time doing it, and I want to hear what you guys think.
  2. pjk_xj700

    pjk_xj700 Member

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    Welcome, Rev.

    Be sure maintenance is good, brakes are good, tires are good, etc. on your bike. no fun trying to find a shop on the road.

    I posted some pix on another thread, regarding michigan recommendations. I would direct your travel to M119 between Harbor Springs and Mackinaw. Also referred to as the tunnel of trees, but it's hardly a straight tunnel. Many twists and curves are a true joy to travel.

    dis one -> http://www.xjbikes.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=45799.html

    The pix of M119 don't show much of the curves, but there are lots.

    You prob already know, but the M22 section is quite known as well, though I have not been on it yet.

    Sounds like a fun time.
  3. Gunbunny

    Gunbunny Member

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    Re: First Motorcycle Trip from Grand Rapids, MI to Missoula,

    Welcome aboard RevRider,

    How long have you been riding for? If you're new to motorcycles (no shame in admitting it), I'd advise against a long-distance trip for the time being.

    Just my four half pennies.
  4. Wirehairs

    Wirehairs Member

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    Have a smartphone to be able to locate emergency help/parts nearby. Also have a person you can call 24/7 for assistance (again, parts locating, hospital locating, bail bondsman (if you like to pick bar fights), etc. Have a spare masterlink for your chain.
  5. konigralph

    konigralph New Member

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    Smart phone is definitely one of the best items to have handy. I always use mine to google any issue i might be having to see if it's a quick fix or not.
  6. RevRider

    RevRider New Member

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    Grand Rapids, MI (Ionia)
    Thanks pjk_xj700 for the tunnel of trees recommendation, nice pics, and should be a quick detour. Hopefully in a couple of days I'll map out an rough sketch of the trip and post it.

    I used to ride a 750 Shadow Ace for a couple months back when I lived in Florida about 3 years ago and I just started riding again this past week. Still have a good 2 months until the trip and, without trying to sound stubborn, I don't think there's anything you guys are gonna be able to say to that will prevent me from making the trip.

    Got the smartphone and my XJ650 is shaft driven :D
  7. Polock

    Polock Well-Known Member

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    Beaver Falls, PA
    your talking about 850 miles a day. If you can average 65, thats a 13 hour day.
    not impossible but very ambitious, maybe leave the side trips for another weekend
  8. RevRider

    RevRider New Member

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    Grand Rapids, MI (Ionia)
    Yea that does sound a little too ambitious for my first long ride doesn't it? I don't want to feel rushed and it'd be nice to do a small amount of sight seeing too, so I think I'm gonna take another 2 days off so I'll have 3.5 days to make it there and 3 to get back.

    This means I would need to average about 520 miles a day there and 600 on the way back. Should leave me about 3-4 hours a day for sightseeing/detours. Sounds a little more doable right?
  9. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Rural SE Michigan 60 miles N of Motown
    If this is your first trip, you may find that excessive still. It's been my experience that anything more than 300 ~400 miles a day takes some serious effort.

    The other thing to give serious consideration to is your machine. If your maintenance isn't 100% up to snuff, things like valve clearances and carb sync, float levels, etc., then you might have reliability issues enroute.

    How old are your tires?

    I would strongly recommend a couple of 200 ~300-mile "weekenders" to shake down not only the bike but yourself as well.
  10. RevRider

    RevRider New Member

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    Grand Rapids, MI (Ionia)
    Re: First Motorcycle Trip from Grand Rapids, MI to Missoula,

    Yea Fitz I see what your saying. A weekend ride up to Traverse City via M22 should be a good warm up for both myself and the bike.

    I definitely don't want to run into any major mechanical issues on the ride, so i've been doing a lot of reading in the Haynes manual. I recently cleaned the carbs, changed the engine and final drive oil, changed oil and air filters, new battery and good tires. My front break has a light sqeeking every now and so I'm going to check that out soon. This weekend I'm checking the valve clearances and I'd like the sync the carbs and floats this weekend as well but I'm uneducated in that process as of now.

    And if anyone is wondering about my health and or age, in order to know if my body can handle the long ride, I'm 23 with an athletic build and absoulutely no health conditions :)

    I'm pumped to really start digging into the motorcycle world.
  11. Polock

    Polock Well-Known Member

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    Beaver Falls, PA
    last trip i did was Pittsburgh to Lake Placid about 600 miles, did 400/200 up and was very doable. coming back did all 600 in one day, not fun. 400 is about my limit. granted i'am not 23 but i was on a BMW and had perfect weather. The key here is weather, if your on a schedule it can throw a wrench in the works.

    it's better to be down here wishing you were up there, than to be up there wishing you were down here.........i always liked that one :)
  12. RevRider

    RevRider New Member

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    Grand Rapids, MI (Ionia)
    Re: First Motorcycle Trip from Grand Rapids, MI to Missoula,

    Yea Polock your definitely right about the weather aspect. I don't know how I let that slip my mind. As most pilots would tell you we're always waiting around for weather, and I don't really have that luxury when I'm trying to make it to a wedding. I have pretty good rain gear but my fellow rider might not be as readily equipped.

    One thing I forgot to mention is that I have a friend driving a large passenger van leaving for the wedding 2 days after us. Best part about it is he's willing to tow a trailer just incase one of us breaks down on the way. But I'm preparing to make sure it's not going to be me hah
  13. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Rural SE Michigan 60 miles N of Motown
    "Good tires" HOW OLD? Check sidewall date codes. These bikes run tubeless tires; anything over 6 ~8 years old is dangerous and SHOULD NOT be trusted for long-distance high-speed running.

    If you haven't fully rebuilt the brakes you really shouldn't ride the thing even 200 miles. The original caliper and master cylinder seals as well as the brake lines had a FOUR YEAR recommended lifespan. Brake lines have date codes too; check them. http://xjbikes.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=41400.html

    You have visually inspected the rear shoes, right? http://xjbikes.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=15874.html
  14. Metal_Bob

    Metal_Bob Active Member

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    Bourbonnais, IL
    Why do I foresee a post "I hate these damn bikes - it broke down on my first real trip a few weeks after I bought it used from this really honest looking person - So I only did a few visual checks and changed the oil before the trip"
  15. RevRider

    RevRider New Member

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    Grand Rapids, MI (Ionia)
    Re: First Motorcycle Trip from Grand Rapids, MI to Missoula,

    Relax Bob, obviously I don't know much about XJ's or motorcycles in general but that's why I joined this forum to gain more insight and to talk to professionals like you, Fitz, and Polock.

    The rear is an early 01 and the front a late 07. I also have a spare tire/wheel assembly in basement that's a 12.

    I haven't checked the rear shoes yet, but I'll do it tonight. I'm sure my brake lines haven't been replaced yet so I'll order new ones ASAP.
  16. Kilted_to_the_Max(im)

    Kilted_to_the_Max(im) Member

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    Re: First Motorcycle Trip from Grand Rapids, MI to Missoula,

    Get steel wrapped lines.

    We're not going to be the most enthusiastic crowd here because most of us think you're going way to fast thinking you can grab a 30+ year old bike as a new rider and take it on a jaunt like that in a month.

    I'm not saying you can't do it, I'm saying it's against the odds and dangerous, and we've seen great enthusiasm crash and burn because they want to jump right in without waiting.

    Get that bike apart immediately, get it up to safety specs (see the link in my .sig, and get someone experienced with these bikes to check your work), get as many miles under your butt before the trip, and expect to not arrive on time. Then if you do it will be great! :lol:

    Smart thing is you're not traveling alone. Is your buddy experienced in long trips? What is he piloting?
  17. RevRider

    RevRider New Member

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    Grand Rapids, MI (Ionia)
    Re: First Motorcycle Trip from Grand Rapids, MI to Missoula,

    Seriously thanks for all the help you guys,

    I'm ordering a master cylinder rebuild kit from chacal now and then heading to the garage to check my rear shoes and hopefully change the wheel and tire if I have the time.

    I know I have a lot of work to do, and if it's not all ready by the end of May it's not the end of the world. I could catch a ride in a cage to the wedding if need be.

    The other guy's riding a 82 CB450. He's been riding it for about 3 years but still isn't fully caught up with all his maintenance. No 200+ trips under his belt either. I'll be hard on his case to get his bike up to spec now thanks to you guys.

    I'll treat my baby good (still don't have a name for my XJ yet, or is that not cool anymore? hah), but this definitely is much more work than I previously thought.
  18. painter

    painter Active Member

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    Re: First Motorcycle Trip from Grand Rapids, MI to Missoula,

    That many miles does not sound bad... really doing it, is something else. I've done many road trips, 600 miles was the most I done in one day, without a fairing. I was miserably sore for 3 days after that. It will be you to decide what your body can stand, by take several hundred mile trips in one day.
    I will be taking a road trip from Tn. to Co and Utah. in aug. We plan on 300 mile days. Just because we are getting old and in no hurry! :D
  19. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Rural SE Michigan 60 miles N of Motown
    Good man. I'd have no problem riding my '83 on that trip, but I'd give myself a week each way and also not have to worry about the bike.

    BUT it took me a full year to properly and fully recommission the bike; and it's had 11,000 miles of trouble-free shakedown since.

    It IS much more work than you originally thought. It turned out to be more work than I originally thought, and I'd had 40 years experience under my belt coming in. It was well worth it in the long run (sorry to admit these little Japanese gems are WAY more "turn-key" than all the British bikes I've ever owned, including my beloved Norton.)

    You're wise not to destroy your bike if it's not truly ready for this.

    Your friend is asking for trouble in the middle of nowhere.

    Oh, and one more note: speaking from 45+ years worth of "road trip" experience (and yeah, I still "tour" on my bike) on both two wheels and four, your mileage per day goals are aggressive, even in a car. It's nearly impossible to AVERAGE even 50mph, even if you're running 80 all day and only stop for gas or to pee.

    I'm not trying to dash your dreams here, but taking a long trip on a motorcycle is quite an adventure to begin with; made even more daunting if you're riding an OLD motorcycle. I've traveled a lot on the Norton; but (mostly) when it was new ~10 years old. I've taken ~800 mile weekend trips on my XJ; but again, it's fully recommissioned. What you want to do can be done with a seriously (over 25 years) old bike; but it has to have been brought up to spec first or it won't make it.

    And if YOU have no experience with distance riding first, well...

    Work up to it.
  20. RonWagner

    RonWagner Member

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    Lots of good advise here. I would take as much time off as possible, it will make the experience much more fun. When a bike is not a heavy road bike with windshield and faring you will fatigue from the wind and noise. This means a lot of short stops to get blood to your butt and legs. I think you should take Highway 2 rather than I94 through ND and MT. The speedlimit is nearly as high and the road is good with a lot of pull off options. You will see just how big the planes are out west, some say it is desolate and boreing but I see a lot of beauty in the openess. The sky goes on for ever and you can see the thunderstorms 100 miles away. You won't be able to get a hotel room on Highway 2 in western ND or eastern MT due to the oil boom. Also you will be close to Glacer National Park. It would cost some time but riding the Highway to the Sun would be unforgetable. Camping one night in the park would also be great. You could take a more southern route through SD on I90 and see the Badlands and the Black Hills but you really won't have time for it. Get your bike ready and have fun.

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