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85 xj 700 maxim X (california model)

Discussion in 'Hangout Lounge' started by donovan, May 4, 2014.

  1. donovan

    donovan Member

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    I recently picked up this neglected, used to be glorious machine, and will be glorious again, will even be better! I can not wait !!!!!! ( as I have a thing for mid late 80's, was an important time and technical evolution really fun to watch and still is) any how I had purchased this bike for 200.00 never layer down, and he was original owner makes me the second. In 2006 it started giving engine trouble ( ie: rough running like 3cyl off on 4th) he had service records sales receipt, even included original 1985 service manuel, now keep in mind older now a lot this apply to issues to follow : now the bike was religiously taken care of service wise, has been in the garage non op sense April 06 did not see day light till April 14 , now when he parked it he parked it didn't drain fuel, oil, etc, etc. He went on the assumption that there is an electrical issue, and didn't put much effort into repairing, has 4 others. Now I ruled out this being an issue for the most part. Tested wires sensors per manual, all test good or with in ranges. Now I seem to have carb issues, these are a pain in the ass, #1 taking off the bike # 2 there are 4 of these demonic fuel delivering device/ apparatus, but fuel left was lacquer I mean worst I've ever seen, now what ive done , i cleaned tank, pulled fuel bowls cleaned thoughley lot of junk, I freed up couple stuck float needles, floats were and are intact, removed gummed and plugged jets, all ports primary and secondary, on throttle body face side that attaches to air box, cleaned those jets, the jets are clear freed up throttle/choke linkage was stiff, gold looking pistons in carbs were stuck cleaned and freed as well and should operate under vacuum, now this bike is desperately trying to start but its starving fuel not getting it for some reason still I feel the spark plugs after cranking it and making sure the bowls do you have fuel in it which they do and the plugs are dry and I don't smell any first you're up there but every now and then I get a wants to start kind of starts then dies out after I have a limited the gas tank and put up a bottle which basically gravity feeds into the fuel line but still seems like its not getting the fuel is should to run adequately any tips Clues an easy fixes I hope on a budget of course in need all the help I can get ultimately I know I will need a carburetor rebuild kit but I can't even find one locally I live in Los Angeles California and nobody even has parts for this thing that's all order them I'm the kind of guy would like to go in and buy it so I can get it done and not wait 3 to 5 days to get the product in the mail any help greatly appreciated thanks I'm a newcomer to the site but I think I will be using it a lot here in the future with forward to chatting.
  2. schmuckaholic

    schmuckaholic Well-Known Member

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    Holy run-on sentences, Batman!

    Okay, let's break this down. I too have a California X, albeit without a California tank, so the emissions canister isn't being used.

    Possible carb issue, I'm guessing -- needed cleaning.

    You have the factory manual? That's one big plus right there. You two are going to become very close.

    ...feeling of dread...


    Ain't that the truth. If you remember how much fun you had getting them off, think of how much more fun it will be not only putting them back in, but seating them in the intake manifolds. You did slide the airbox back as far as you could and push the airbox boots partway into the airbox, yes?

    Should, but best to be absolutely certain. More on those in a bit.

    Had that after I let mine sit too long without cranking it over. My needles were stuck in the seats, and fuel wasn't getting into the bowls. You sound like you might have some clogged passages.

    That's what we're here for. Clues, perhaps, but easy fixes? Not so sure about that one.

    Long story short, here's what I'd do: You're going to have to pull the carbs again, tear them completely down -- removing every single piece, including the throttle shafts, butterflies, and all the seals -- and soak EVERYTHING in a gallon-size can of carb dip.

    You just ran into the same problem we all face. It's rather unlikely you're going to find readily available parts for a thirty year old machine sitting on the shelf.

    That's where Len comes in.

    He runs a little enterprise called XJ4Ever (you can see the gif at the top of the page). Send him a PM (private message) at the username Chacal, or email info@xj4ever.com. Tell him you need to completely overhaul a set of Mikuni BS33 carbs.

    He also has a site (xj4ever.com) where there are a bunch of PDF writeups to walk the reader through a given task. The ones you'll be interested in:

    Replacing the Hitachi throttle shaft seals (different make, but same principles apply)

    Cleaning your Mikuni Carbs (Ignore the bit about setting the float heights with a toothpick. I really should go back in and redo that one... the method in this next file is much better. Which file, you ask?)

    Setting the fuel levels This one right here.

    Oh, and since you have an X, you've got a radiator. Which means you'll be wanting to Flush your coolant.

    Inside your carbs This will show you WHY you're going to be soaking the carb bodies.

    When you're done soaking them, you'll want to polish up the insides where the vacuum pistons go. The method I used was 600 grit sandpaper and WD-40. You won't need to take off much; you'll know you're onto something when you can tilt the carb body at a 45 degree angle and *still* have to pistons slide down to the bottom. That, my friend, is the time-honored "clunk test".
  3. donovan

    donovan Member

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    Confirming my worst fears, however very insightful tips on cleaning the carbs. I do appreciate the advise. I am following the instructions for removal of parts, being very careful Not to break other hard to find items. I'm going to gather pictures I take along the way l, and list of parts and costs and services to a final road ready again. Patience I must exercise with the added costs of kits I will need patience. Worth it as i plan on keeping riding alot. I hoped for quick flush and ride.........sorry about the all over the place sentences I've always wanted a mid 80's Yama Xj/ virago excited ! Lots of questions goin on information overload, kidding kid again is all. Oh quick question : can I eliminate the air box place crankcase breather is all I see but is there a 33mm air filter quad filter set up, my thought is this, breaths better more air for the battery maybe a bit more power more room in the end. Thanks, D
  4. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    The room where it happened
    Just Say No. Unless you want to deal with the monsters that live at the end of your dreams.
  5. hogfiddles

    hogfiddles XJ-Wizard, Host-Central NY Carb Clinic Moderator Premium Member

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    near utica, new york
    DON'T go with Pods. STAY with the original setup.....the engineers KNEW what they were doing.

    Take your time, go slow. We are here....we'll get you through it, and eventually you'll be giving the answers here, too, just like us. We ALL have been at the grasshopper stage as you currently are.

    ASK, READ, LISTEN, FOLLOW.........THAT is how you will learn about your bike.

    THese bikes are NOT techologically deep. THey are a simple bike, made by simple people people, with simple tools, but a GENIUS plan.

    That means YOU can lean to do it yourself. You'll be ok.

    Dave Fox
  6. schmuckaholic

    schmuckaholic Well-Known Member

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    If you're going to break the rack as I suggested, remember this: the retaining screws for the butterfly plates are peened/staked over on the back of the throttle shaft. You'll need to file those down before the screws can be removed.

    "Who... disturbs our meditation, as a pebble disturbs the stillness of the pond?"

    "ME. Ed Grubberman."

    "Ed... Ed... Grubberman..."

    "Yeah. Uh, no disrespect or nothin', but like, uh, how long is this gonna take?"

    "Ti Kwan Leep is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon."

    "So, like, what... an hour or so?"

    "No, no, we have not even begun upon the path. Ed Grubberman, you must learn patience."

    "Yeah, yeah, yeah, patience. How long will that take?"

    Indeed it is. Ran through the carbs on mine once. Took it out for a test ride, and on the way to the freeway, it seemed like it was chomping at the bit; it *wanted* to run.

    Got on the freeway and was zipping along. Oh, there's my exit, but I need to pass this car real quick. So I twist the throttle, get around the car, look down at the speedo... what the hell do you mean I'm doing *90*?!?

    As for the quad filter setup (aka pods); I've never tried them, but the general consensus here seems to be that they're extremely difficult to get tuned properly, so if you're not into pulling the carbs time and again to keep changing out jets, then best to leave it stock.

    Indeed we have. I started with nothing. Now look at me -- people seem to think I know stuff.
  7. donovan

    donovan Member

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    Can't thank all of you enough, learning is all part of the process and I am fortunate enough to have you all that have been where I am. If any one has up to date diagrams or links to them, on mikuni33s, if they are on this site I can't find them, not really computer literate but I manage. the service Manuel I have was printed in 86 I believe and pictures and instructions are vague in a sense. Thanks again.
  8. donovan

    donovan Member

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    Question.......where can I find or obtain a complete carb rebuild kit? Everything is in pieces as far as I can find. I need float needles, jets, gaskets of course then for the top I need diaphrams gaskets, if I'm missing something let me know please. I tried to clean just the carbs clear the jets , put carbs back on bike, it wants to run badly but after fuel got into the carbs, floats were stuck seemed like fuel would just leak out of the air inlet side. Any info greatly appreciated.
  9. donovan

    donovan Member

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    Can't thank all of you enough, learning is all part of the process and I am fortunate enough to have you all that have been where I am. If any one has up to date diagrams or links to them, on mikuni33s, if they are on this site I can't find them, not really computer literate but I manage. the service Manuel I have was printed in 86 I believe and pictures and instructions are vague in a sense. Thanks again.
  10. pjk_xj700

    pjk_xj700 Member

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    Chacal ( posted earlier ) is the place to go. PM or email ( noted in schmuchaholic's post ). He will have the kits you need.

    Not sure about a good diagram, though he'll prob know if there's one about.
  11. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Rural SE Michigan 60 miles N of Motown
  12. donovan

    donovan Member

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    santa clarita ca
    No what I'm asking is if there is a complete kit available for the bs33s everything you need in 1 kit, not all separate? Few of the links I've found or have been given were not good thanks.
  13. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    Hey Donovan, send us an e-mail or a PM, we do have the carb rebuild kits available and in-stock for the HSC33 series carbs..........
  14. donovan

    donovan Member

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    santa clarita ca
    Thanks chacal gotten the information on carb kits will order this weekend, however quick question I can not find the answer. I know that the fuel from tank runs on vacuum, can you bypass tank hook up a bottle with fuel to fuel line to carb,with a breather of course on the bottle supply fuel will bike run this way at all, not to ride of course but to get it running I also need petcock kit, really a newer tank this 1 has seen better days, bone yard friday.
  15. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    The room where it happened
    Hey Donovan, yes you can use a separate fuel supply bottle as you described (hooked directly to the fuel inlet T-fitting on the carbs).

    We should have some good used tanks available, too, although I don't think we have a California version tank right now, but you can use a non-Cali tank on a Cali model bike (you just will lose the emissions system AND will need to use a non-Cali fuel cap, too).
  16. donovan

    donovan Member

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    Ok good to know friday ive got a goodie list of things to get, chacal is the pet cock kit you carry have all seals? Square diaphragm vaccum seal the 1 that sits between plate included and part number with cost would be great. Also tank info and cost color is burgendy, sorry not color of choice, rrscued from garage and now has some life again still in the icu but come saturday dr should release :) then 1 more question when bikes on centerstand, while running I pull clutch in, side note is new cable and adjusted properly, but when I clutch drop in first bike stalls tried kicking up rpms a bit still dies, is this a safetyswitch issue or possibly bigger issue I can start bike in gear with clutchin I know this is saftey but could be wrong. Thanks chacal, and whoever can add few cents in this subject. I do have to say with out this forum I wouldve thrown towel in long ago. But hangin in there, will be very rewarding experience none the less. Becoming less of thorn in my paw
  17. midnightmoose

    midnightmoose Member

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    York, PA
    Sounds like the sidestand switch. The sidestand has to be up before you can put it in gear. If the stand is up then perhaps the plunger to the switch is sticking. Spray some electronic contact cleaner in there and move the plunger in and out making sure it's not sticking.
  18. donovan

    donovan Member

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    santa clarita ca
    Center stand when bikes running on stand pull clutch in dropin first gear and dies.now I rev a little just a bit same thing is there a safety switch preventing it from running while in gear ? Rescued from garage, in tombed but in the icu now paddles have brought it to life, was about to give altogether but now ive got it going a little bit this has restored my faith will be on the road again, this sight has taught me a lot thanks to all who have responded to my questions. And thanks to all who have used this site wealth of information no manuel can give. Also for chacal on these used tanks I have a burgendy color scheme trust me not my ideal color but is what it is bought bike for 200 Couldnt be picky, also for other parts ill need chacal carb items im going to order parts friday payday of course would like an iea of used tank cost as well and is there online ordering? Or do I call and order and typicaly turn around in parts would be good to know, I'm an impatient guy however I did learn paitence with the carbs. And trust me people when zestfully clean means clean as whistle! I learned the hard way. Also how do we post pictures here id love to add some of pictures along the way. Not tech savoy by any means. If I can help others in any way Im more than happy to help, I have learned alot here and so will all newcomers, newcomers stop looking all you need is here online institute of backyard yamaha mechanics school of hardknocks.
  19. donovan

    donovan Member

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    santa clarita ca
    Can switch be bypassed altogether or is this not possible thanks midnight.
  20. donovan

    donovan Member

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    santa clarita ca
    Can switch be bypassed altogether or is this not possible thanks midnight.

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