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Suzuki A100

Discussion in 'Other Motorcycles' started by a100man, Jul 11, 2014.

  1. a100man

    a100man Well-Known Member

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    Bedford, UK
    Hi BigFitz and all

    As requested some pics from this years Isle of Man TT.. My brother on a CZ 250 and my A100 (some of teh only 2 strokes there..) Had to hand tow the CZ the last 1/2 mile then push it onto the ferry..

    Hope this link works out..

    A100 @ TT


  2. markie

    markie Member

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    Suffolk, England
    Hmm... I wonder if the A100 wasn't available in the US?

    I had an AP50 and thought it was the best thing since sliced bread until I bought a GT250M 3 weeks before my 17th birthday!

    Your 100 might be quite valuable as I haven't actually seen one since the 80's
  3. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Rural SE Michigan 60 miles N of Motown
    Dunno it they sold it here or not.

    My "first car" was a motorcycle, a 1968 Honda CB160 Sport! (the exclamation mark is part of the name.) Just barely more than a "tiddler" but I loved that bike and rode it every where until I blew it up. Then I fixed it and sold it for a profit (which went toward the purchase of my ex-D production racer '65 TR4A.)

    I have a soft spot for small-bore bikes, especially those that can keep up with the big ones.

    Neat bike and I'm completely jealous of the TT run. The Isle of Man is legend amongst us Brit-bike guys.
  4. a100man

    a100man Well-Known Member

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    I think the A100 was sold as the 'Go-fer' in USA. I had a go at tuning it as you can maybe tell by the whizzo pipe on it. Basically trimmed the rotary valve disc, bigged-up the exhaust port and up-jetted the carb so I'm maybe putting out 12 BHP which isn't bad for an 80 kg machine - will almost make 70 (almost..) Race kit versions will make 17+ horses !!

    TT is indeed legendary - been going on and off since 1991 and still in total awe of the spectacle and bravery.. apart from the racing it's a beautiful place too aside from the rainy days.. 2015 is still possible although taking a bike is unlikely as teh ferrries are booked up a year in advance (about 40% by Germans I would say). For old brit bike guys then the Manx GP (same place same circuit, different dates) is more accessible, in fact I'm hoping to have the 550/600 back together and debugged by August 2015 for teh MGP.. so I can meet you there !


  5. a100man

    a100man Well-Known Member

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    Bedford, UK
    Hi Markie,

    I've seen a few about since i got mine last year - even some mint ones up for 3000 !! Mine could be worth about 500 quid on a good day since it's got MOT and is 'learner legal'.


  6. RobbieRobot

    RobbieRobot Member

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    North Yorkshire, England
    I did the Manx GP in 2002 on my FireBlade. I actually got to do a few laps of the circuit albeit on 'open' roads. 150mph over the mountain is an experience I'll never forget. I loved the fact there are no speed limits (within reason). I went with a large group of mates mostly on Japanese Superbikes but nobody paid any attention to them. The only thing of interest to everyone including myself were the hundreds of pre-eighties British classic and vintage bikes and a fair few classic Japanese and European bikes. The atmosphere on the island during the Manx was absolutely buzzing with bike-friendly people of all nationalities. The racing was nostalgic with the sight, sound and smell of a bygone era. But by the same token the racing was genuine and death defying in it's own right. I'd love to return some day, maybe on my XJ Cafe Racer and pay homage, once again to the late, great Joey Dunlop.
  7. markie

    markie Member

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    Suffolk, England
    Some time ago I tried to explain the uk licensing laws with regard to motorcycles. At 16 I had an ap50 and 17 a gt250. When I passed my test it became a gt550 but its insurance was a months wages-3rd party!

    If Fitz likes lightweight bikes, I had lots of fun on my gt200x5 2 stroke.
    At the time, a 17 yr old could ride a 250 as a Lerner (it's now 125cc / 12bhp). And the 4 stroke super dream was very popular.

    One review at the time said " do not be fooled by its appearance, this 200 will dine on any 250cc 4 stroke"!

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