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Another xj650 bobber build

Discussion in 'XJ Modifications' started by staySPOOLIN, Feb 18, 2014.

  1. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    Pennsburg, Pa
    Well after using these forums for some guidance, ideas and of course some problem solving, here's to show some progress for my build. Its a '82 XJ650 I got for a few hundred bucks from a friend of mine that built my motor on my gsxr750. So when I received it the motor was freshened up and everything checked and was in good running order. So yay for not having that headache.


    As soon as I got the bike to my garage and went to start it, the starter..well just kept on cranking and cranking (even with the key was out). With some checking, seemed the circuit was staying closed because of a 20+ year old solenoid. So that's when the stripping starting and the wiring harness came out completely to get redone.

    The goal for this is pretty simple. Have a bike that's dependable, starts and stops(as in brakes). To be simplified to just run the engine and head/tail light. No turn signals or anything like that. Only gauge will be the speedometer.

    I wanted to hard tail it..but was thinking of ....do I really want to have a nice sunday ride on something so uncomfortable (or more uncomfortable). So I got a set of shocks off of a 2000 (I believe it was) Suzuki savage. Which gave it a nice 2" (ish) drop. Which lead to a quick taking an inch out of the stock kickstand and welding that up and throwing some black paint on there.

    Got rid of the awful stock bars for a nice set of drag bars. A new throttle assemble (minus all the built in wiring) went on the new bars.


    I received a decent solo seat off eBay for cheap...which of course lead to the mounting studs to fit no where at all. I hacked off the back ones and welded in a little bracket the back of the seat will rest on to lift the back a little just so its not completely on the frame ( I'm 6'2" so this is mostly just for my comfort) and I thought it would look terrible with a springer seat on there. So chopped out the stock center tube and added in new rear and front mounts. Which I don't really like this idea so it will be changed along with most likely a fresh seat to start fresh.... eventually.



    I'm keeping this budget at $1000 or less. Which right now at approximately $850 bucks and a couple cases of beer and a few hours a week of my time (along with some buddies of course!). So with that being said I'm using the tank that came on it which had a few dents and what not.
    Pulled them out as best as I could and some sanding, a little bondo (well quite a bit actually -_- ) and some more sanding that will be ready for paint. Still have yet to decide on what to paint it. I like the idea of matte red. Just so its not flat black like everyone else. (no offense. That was my original plan).


    Today my 4-1 exhaust will be in. I'm a terrible electrician and quite frankly just don't want to deal with it.
    -So I placed my order with Sparck Moto for one of his simple wiring harnesses.[http://www.sparckmoto.com/Harnesses] (which wont be in till about the 2nd week into March).
    -I need to pick up paint yet for the tank.
    -Want to make a new battery tray to slim down behind the covers.
    -Need to make a bracket to hold the ignition switch and start button that will be hidden under the seat(ish) area.
    -paint the now ground up frame
    -my new head light that came with the bike got damaged laying around.. so need a new head light that will mount off the forks to hide some of the cables a little and brake line.
    -and thats about it off the top of my head with out looking at it. I'm sure a few little things.

    All in all this is a fun little project and this is something for my buddies and I to just kind of hangout and work on over this winter...which I bought the bike about 2 months ago..where it sat for the last month..waited like 2 weeks for some parts and spent probably the last 2 weeks hacking and welding stuff laying around the garage to make it work. I'm hoping to have everything buttoned up by the time the wiring harness comes in. Ill update some more as I go along. Any input is appreciated =]

    Well just got back from working a little on the bike.
    Did some more sanding and put some flat black on the tank to get a feel for low spots and what not. As im particularly not any good at painting and to save some time I threw the tank in my trunk and ill have the painter at my work do what he can and lay down primer.
    I got the exhaust fitted. Absolutely hate the look of it. So im going to make my own. I'll still use the headers. Im thinking of getting a section that will be to slip on, then will be basically two 90s welded up to that. The last 90 will be cut up for a "tear drop" look. So should be pretty cool...for the idea in my head anyway ha.
    Got the back half of the frame painted up. But obviously most of it will be ground off again for the caps or whatever i decide to do to cover up the back.
    While i was taking off the the suspension and some brackets i noticed how much i hate my license plate mount. (i used a seat bracket that i basically bent up to fit. )
    So i just simply took some flat bar laying around, drilled holes to mount to license plate holder and a hole for wiring to go through.

    Cut and bent a tab in a vise, drilled a hole in that.. welded it up, ground down the welds so its smooth and threw some black paint on there...

    not bad for 10 minutes and using the trusty "eye-crometer" haha.
    dont mind the washers as spacers...I need to find a shorter bolt and i need to cut the top flat so theres not that weird step up on the license plate side. But not bad. Im happy..its simple.

    Here you can see this actually moved it out a little further and up so you can see the tail light better then before i think.

    And a few more pics from today..
    Heres a little better shot of my handle bars. I need shorter cables and want to run a single front brake line. I read on here you can use a seca throttle cable that is like 47in total length or something like that. So need to do some eBaying for a few small things. Also i think i want to change out the master cylinder and find a smaller clutch perch to clean that up a bit. Didnt get around to the battery box..im thinking about going with pods...my step-dads neighbor builds race bikes...i think he could get it tuned pretty well for me some im going to talk with him and see what he thinks.
    Ive learned its great to know people!!
    Im waiting on my paint to come in
    waiting on headlight and bracket to come in..
    Put a bid on a speedo on ebay...I think i will make a bracket that mounts to the stock ignition location and have the speedo close to the handle bars. So off to eBay!!

    Some progress of the tank. Really turning out great I think for what it was.
    Apparently we have some paint here (at my work) that is left over from some work for the military they did. Paint says its olive drab. After a quick google search that's basically the color I bought. So sucks I had already bought the paint but im sure I can find some other use for it. Anyway, heres how the tanks looking. That should be done by tomorrow, maybe even today!





    Still needs wet sanding and another coat of primer.

    Yesterday I went in the garage to get some measurements for the exhaust and went over a few things. Well I realized I ordered the wrong length brake line for the front. So I have to get another one about a foot shorter. -_- I think I misread my own hand writing ha. oh well.
    here's how the bike is looking with everything sitting on it basically.
    - I'm still waiting on the wiring harness to come in
    - make the exhaust
    - make battery box
    - make the ignition switch - start button bracket
    are the biggest items to do.

    basically everything will be getting torn down a bit to finish up painting and try to clean up everything.

    the clutch perch I ordered off a 50cc pit bike broke. -_- I was trying to widen the area the cable slides through (because the diameter of the cable is bigger then a xr50 obviously) and I broke it. ha oh well. But here are pics of how everything is looking right now.








    I cant wait to get this thing finally done. My other bikes need work and ive been spending my free time on this -_-
  2. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    Pennsburg, Pa
    Im having a hard time with resizing since im on my work computer...but hopefully the links work??
  3. FtUp

    FtUp Well-Known Member

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    pacific northwest
    welcome and sweet bike!

    if you copy and paste bb code, the pics will show in the post. most of your pics come up marked as private.

  4. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    Pennsburg, Pa
    Got it thanks!!!
    Of course because of the weather going on around the country my exhaust is set to be in tomorrow. So this weekend I want to get that on finish up the tank and get that painted. And maybe just mount the old light for now..the broke part is outside trim is oval instead of a nice circle. But anyways. i'll update this as I go along.
  5. Ted

    Ted Member

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    Sioux Falls, SD
    Looking good man! I'm looking forward to your progess pics! :D

    I'm getting the itch to put a different color on mine, too.

    ...googling "Sparack Moto simple wiring harnesses" 8)
  6. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    Pennsburg, Pa
    Thanks !
    and heres the link http://www.sparckmoto.com/Harnesses
    I realized I spelled it wrong.
  7. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    Got my exhaust in finally. This weekend I will get that fitted and finish up the tank. A few minutes ago I ordered some red oxide III primer for the tank. I like the idea of leaving the tank like that. I got the paint from a Army Jeep Parts website that a friend of mine doing a Honda build got his paint from and his looks pretty sweet. So ill try this out. Worst case I just paint over it. But well see how it looks. I also ordered a new black housing headlight and fork mounts. Im hoping to have this thing all back together and finished up mid march.
  8. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    Pennsburg, Pa
    Oh and that exhaust isn't bad for $100 off eBay !
  9. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    Pennsburg, Pa
    does anyone have any ideas for the back of the bike where I cut after the shock mounts? Its either weld some caps in. or...well that's all I got..i was thinking about building a little grab bar kind of that follows the lines of the seat...but where I cut the rear section off wouldn't really work for that...hmm
  10. BaldWonder

    BaldWonder Innocent Bystander

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    Oberlin, OH
    Brake lights?
    Conner808 likes this.
  11. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    The license plate bracket is the tail light and brake light. I like the look of that because its like your looking at a double barrel shot gun! ha but open frame like that would be terrible since moisture could easily get down the frame.
  12. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    Just got a email that my paint is back ordered 4 weeks. Swapping the order for WW2 Army paint code 319. Basically a flat green closer to grey...if that makes sense. I think it will be interesting.
  13. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    But maybe I should just remove the license plate brake and go with them...hm Oh and your bike is awesome by the way!
  14. BaldWonder

    BaldWonder Innocent Bystander

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    Oberlin, OH
    Maybe you could weld plates recessed into the tube, just enough that you don't see it unless it's 6 inches from your face, then it'd be sealed and you could paint it.

    Also, I think most state's DOTs require the brake lights to be either centered relative to the bike as a whole, or balanced i.e. two on either side. I think most cops wouldn't bother you about it, but "most" isn't 100%, and it only takes one to pull you over and give you a ticket. Just my line of reasoning.

    Thanks! I've got a long way to go for all the stuff I have in my head, but I'm pleased with what's done thus far.
  15. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    hm didn't think to really put plates in the inside. wouldn't look that bad with a nice TIG job on that would look pretty darn good.
    While I do understand the legal concerns, its not exactly a high item for me to worry about. Just because where I live I wont really be hassled about it, and this isn't a primary bike to ride around for me anyway. I guess that's something I would "cross that bridge when the time comes".

    And cant wait to see what else you do to it!
  16. Maxim-X

    Maxim-X Well-Known Member

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    London Ontario Canada
    ...not sure what the inside tube diameter is, but for a quick, finished look you could put a set of "bar end" weights in there sealed with a dab of silicone to keep the moisture out. Just thinking outside the box.
    Here's a link to a bunch of images, you could put any of them in to suit your liking.
    https://www.google.ca/search?q=bar+ends ... 64&bih=896
  17. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    Pennsburg, Pa
    hm thats not a bad idea. thanks!
  18. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    Well just got back from working a little on the bike.
    Did some more sanding and put some flat black on the tank to get a feel for low spots and what not. As im particularly not any good at painting and to save some time I threw the tank in my trunk and ill have the painter at my work do what he can and lay down primer.
    I got the exhaust fitted. Absolutely hate the look of it. So im going to make my own. I'll still use the headers. Im thinking of getting a section that will be to slip on, then will be basically two 90s welded up to that. The last 90 will be cut up for a "tear drop" look. So should be pretty cool...for the idea in my head anyway ha.
    Got the back half of the frame painted up. But obviously most of it will be ground off again for the caps or whatever i decide to do to cover up the back.
    While i was taking off the the suspension and some brackets i noticed how much i hate my license plate mount. (i used a seat bracket that i basically bent up to fit. )
    So i just simply took some flat bar laying around, drilled holes to mount to license plate holder and a hole for wiring to go through.

    Cut and bent a tab in a vise, drilled a hole in that.. welded it up, ground down the welds so its smooth and threw some black paint on there...

    not bad for 10 minutes and using the trusty "eye-crometer" haha.
    dont mind the washers as spacers...I need to find a shorter bolt and i need to cut the top flat so theres not that weird step up on the license plate side. But not bad. Im happy..its simple.

    Here you can see this actually moved it out a little further and up so you can see the tail light better then before i think.

    And a few more pics from today..
    Heres a little better shot of my handle bars. I need shorter cables and want to run a single front brake line. I read on here you can use a seca throttle cable that is like 47in total length or something like that. So need to do some eBaying for a few small things. Also i think i want to change out the master cylinder and find a smaller clutch perch to clean that up a bit. Didnt get around to the battery box..im thinking about going with pods...my step-dads neighbor builds race bikes...i think he could get it tuned pretty well for me some im going to talk with him and see what he thinks.
    Ive learned its great to know people!!
    Im waiting on my paint to come in
    waiting on headlight and bracket to come in..
    Put a bid on a speedo on ebay...I think i will make a bracket that mounts to the stock ignition location and have the speedo close to the handle bars. So off to eBay!!
  19. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    Pennsburg, Pa
    Just ordered master cylinder off a 550.
    clutch perch off a xr50 dirtbike.
    new clutch and throttle cables off a xj550(should work alright guess ill find out).
    Guy on eBay accepted my offer on a speedo.
    And got a new brake line to delete the elbow. Should clean up the front quite a bit. Im excited. Guess ill be waiting a bit now for more parts to come in..I think im like right at my budget of $1000... so hopefully I can stay off eBay haha. oh well. ill update once I get some more done!
  20. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    I received my headlight in the mail and got paint in. I took my tank into work to have our painter take a look at it. Just walked back there he's sanding it down and giving his professional touch and should be primed today. Tomorrow im picking up material for the exhaust. So hopefully this weekend everything should be basically done besides waiting on my wiring harness to come in.
  21. Ted

    Ted Member

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    Sioux Falls, SD
    Bike's coming along nicely man!

    I bought a set of these to plug my frame holes:

    http://www.ebay.com/itm/RUTTMAN-MINIBIK ... 29&vxp=mtr

    They just pop right in, hold themselves in place, and give it a nice finished look. I think I've got a rear-view pic of mine towards the end of my build thread if you want to check it out.

    EDIT: Just noticed they want $3 a piece for those now!! Still not terrible but when I bought mine I got a pack of 6 for like $3. Crazy.

    Also, I noticed you chopped your frame pretty close to the schock mounts like I did.. if you get those chrome plugs you may have to trim some of the tabs to get them to snap in because of the material inside the frame tube.
  22. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    Pennsburg, Pa
    I think that might be perfect! thanks man!
  23. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    Just ordered :thumbsup:
  24. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    Some progress of the tank. Really turning out great I think for what it was.
    Apparently we have some paint here (at my work) that is left over from some work for the military they did. Paint says its olive drab. After a quick google search that's basically the color I bought. So sucks I had already bought the paint but im sure I can find some other use for it. Anyway, heres how the tanks looking. That should be done by tomorrow, maybe even today!





    Still needs wet sanding and another coat of primer.

    Yesterday I went in the garage to get some measurements for the exhaust and went over a few things. Well I realized I ordered the wrong length brake line for the front. So I have to get another one about a foot shorter. -_- I think I misread my own hand writing ha. oh well.
  25. bobbytheblack

    bobbytheblack Member

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    You saved me sooooo many headaches.
  26. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    Pennsburg, Pa
    Your welcome!! For the price and not to have to worry about the head ache its not bad. Plus waiting for the lead time on getting it I can get everything else ready!
  27. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    Im very happy with the tank! I think were going to wet sand it and throw another coat on. I think its going to look pretty clean with everything flat black and that color. Everything that's on the bike that's chrome now will have a bronze / brass color to it. Im excited =]
  28. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    Pennsburg, Pa
    here's how the bike is looking with everything sitting on it basically.
    - I'm still waiting on the wiring harness to come in
    - make the exhaust
    - make battery box
    - make the ignition switch - start button bracket
    are the biggest items to do.

    basically everything will be getting torn down a bit to finish up painting and try to clean up everything.

    the clutch perch I ordered off a 50cc pit bike broke. -_- I was trying to widen the area the cable slides through (because the diameter of the cable is bigger then a xr50 obviously) and I broke it. ha oh well. But here are pics of how everything is looking right now.








    I cant wait to get this thing finally done. My other bikes need work and ive been spending my free time on this -_-
  29. burger

    burger Member

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    Wow, This looks awesome!
  30. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    Pennsburg, Pa
    Thanks man !
  31. BrandyJ101

    BrandyJ101 New Member

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    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Hey! Bike looks great!! Def gave me some ideas for my bobber build. Like those frame caps. Def thinkin of getting those!!
  32. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    Thanks ! Glad I can be the one finely to give off some sort of inspiration for a build like I had received from so many others!
    And yeah those caps are great! I the top ones fit right in, but the bottom ones have to be trimmed to fit in because of the tab for the shock mount.
  33. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    Pennsburg, Pa
    For anyone wondering using a 550 seca throttle and clutch cable do work alright with these bars. Could be maybe and inch shorter but I don't think its nothing a little cable rerouting cant fix up.

    Oh and don't buy cheap ebay throttle tube...Its junk and wont let the cable release naturally. Due to the fact once you clamp it down, it just collapses on itself. However, I think trimming off some plastic from the end of the throttle tube would work.

    Still have to get some time to work on remaining items.. I think ill take one of the days this weekend to work all day and get it finished up.

    As soon as my wiring gets in and is installed im going to be taking the bike to a neighbor for re-jetting and I think his input on putting pods on.

    But im also debating on if I want to mold in a thinner filter, basically cutting the airbox in half. ( I seen on here someone do that)
  34. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    Well its been a little since an update on this. My wiring harness shipped out on Monday. Should be here today or tomorrow. I got a rear fender from my buddy who's building a Honda bobber now. (its a universal fender). Basically he cut it in half for his. And I will cut that half into a half for mine.
    Once the wiring is in, Ill have to test all the lines and make sure everything runs fine. Also have to bleed the front brakes since I put on a new line and master cylinder. Still working on the exhaust...its basically tacked up and ready for some TIG welds.
    More pics soon hopefully =]
  35. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    Pennsburg, Pa
    Well I haven't updated this in quite some time.
    Hmm where did I leave off with this...

    Well the bike is for the most part done...but of course issues have risen.

    Carbs were taken out and torn down per some great "how to" on here.
    Jetted per a "how to" for a good starting point.

    Bike idles fine and everything...but dies when throttle is applied to it..
    So im going to recheck (as in me physically doing it and not referring to my engine builder...who might of had a memory lapse..) Since everything is cleaned out I feel as if it is a mix of a few things...
    -possible leak around intake boots/manifold boots
    -out of spec valves contributing
    -need to vacuum sync carbs
    -possible crack in fuel lines?

    basically I need to sit down undistracted and just really go over everything systematically. But as mentioned on here time and time again..start with valve spec so im not chasing my tail.

    Visual things for the bike haven't really changed.

    I broke down and bought a shiney new master cylinder because two I received off ebay were junk. Im right at my $1000 cap for this thing. Luckily I have a gift card laying around for my local power sports dealer. So a trip to them for the shims when I figure out which I need (if any) will be used ha.
  36. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    Pennsburg, Pa
    Last night I was in my garage. Just staring at her.. Took the carbs out to disassemble and clean (again).. Started tearing everything down the more I sat back and looked at her.

    Basically going to hit the restart button.
    -motor is coming out (which pretty much is as of last night)

    -its going to be hard tailed now. (not your typical looking hard tail.) Think of it with struts. But the mounting points to connect swing arm to frame will be a few inches forward, closer to the seat.

    -I started redoing my simplified wiring harness. A lot of it was way to long already and ill need it much shorter for the picture in my head.

    -While the motor is out I will personally tear it down and freshen everything up ( I saw personally since I think the work that was supposedly done to this...was not)

    -a few plates here and there..new throttle assembly and grips. Ill powder coat a few things. Thinking maybe forward controls..don't know yet.

    -Last major thing...and yes I have read countless accounts of failures and fewer success stories. I will be running pods. I suppose mine will be running "well enough" to ride.

    -This isn't a bike for me to ride to work and back everyday. No long trips. Just the occasional cruise around the block. Maybe to my local pub for a beer and some wings.

    my '14 KTM super duke 1290 R is for everything else =]

    So to be continued. I'm starting after work today on the frame. I have to take her from the garage at my house to my other garage, where all my fab equipment is.

    I'll be sure to document everything.

    Oh and of course taking the intake boots off...I snapped one bolt head off. So .....uhm....yeah.. cant wait for that..
  37. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    Pennsburg, Pa
    Here are a few before right before I started ripping the carbs out and got the bright idea to redo the back half.
    Here you can see how the back half was with the seat on there. Im not to fond of my original decision..
    I don't like the gap between the seat and rails..so I think I will start the center "thin" and widen it. Basically the top rail is going to follow the contour of the seat.





    Started cutting up a little last night. The last picture is approximately how low it will be in the rear. After work today I'm going to go pick up some pipe. Of course the stock I thought I had was all the wrong size.
    So after work today I should have most of the frame welded up. I have to cut the top rail on the back side off yet, just left it there to eyeball about how much pipe I would need. Then my wife was complaining she wanted to go home...of course... Also before I go any further I will take the motor out so I can get in there really well and clean everything up.
    More pics to follow.

  38. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    Pennsburg, Pa
    made a little bit of progress last night. Had some trouble getting some material after work and got to my garage kind of late.

    I removed the upper rail, a few tabs, welded in a pipe that will be the "base" for the pipe that will run for the swing arm up to. Had to stop there though since I forgot my gas tank at my other garage.

    Im pretty excited and hopefully my hands can create whats in my head. I'll have to get some more pipe this weekend since the shop where I get it from only had left over from a previous job. So 3 foot total I think I have...

    My flickr account I use to share pics with isn't letting me share for some reason ?? hmm
  39. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    Pennsburg, Pa
    Alright, got my sharing to work. Still didn't take the motor out yet..Like I said I got there late and really wanted to start on the frame. good thing I have all afternoon/evening/night Saturday to get moving on this.

  40. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    Pennsburg, Pa
    For anyone curious...here is a rough idea of what's in my head.
    There will be a gusset connecting the top rail to the side rail. One side will have the ignition toggle switch and the other the push button.
    The new top rail follows the form of my seat, so you wont see any of the top rail until it exits the rear of the seat. The crappy picture I did in paint looks like its a straight shot down to the swing arm. The top rail will meet the swing arm pipe at an angle. Maybe 160* or so ??

    There will be a plate on top of the top rail to mount the seat.

    The gas tank will mount to a tab that will go in between the two top rails.

    The battery will tuck in there underneath. Attached to the battery will be a bracket with nuts tacked on the back to secure the rectifier and TCI box.

    I have a rear fender some where laying around that I will cut up and throw on there. Mostly to protect my butt from hitting the tire and the battery box.
    Should be pretty cool looking.
  41. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    Well got a little more done on the bike. slowly but surely.
    After taking a step back and looking at things.. decided to do this another way. Instead of mounting so far back on the swing arm, it will be more upright. There will be some gussets in the to help with reinforcement and distribute some of the force away from the welds. I think it will be perfectly fine for the occasional Tuesday afternoon trip to the pub.

    Had to cut the bottom part of the tank off...so I'll most likely be repainting the tank an off color.. I think i'm out of that paint at work and its not something used often..so whatever is laying around will be used once the tanks done.

    I have to get some more pipe..i had a section that was the perfect length for the other side...well was the perfect length ha. I was pretty bummed.

    Picked up a nice sheet of Stainless to do the battery box etc. Of course I was out of argon for the TIG welder -_-

    Once the left side is on there I will finally take the motor out...if not before then. I keep saying i'm taking it out..im taking it out..im taking it out.. but I get to excited to work on the frame and that doesn't happen. Ill most likely blast the frame at work and powder coat it. I'm pretty fortunate enough to have lots of resources and friends with equipment to do this stuff on the cheap.

    Hopefully by the end of this week ill have the frame done and battery box and TCI/Rectifier mount squared away.
  42. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    Here is some progress over the weekend. The bottom gusset will get a radius in it to match the gusset at the top frame rails
    Here is with plate to mount the seat pan
  43. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    here i finally am getting around to taking the motor out and everything off the frame for lots of grinding and cutting of unwanted tabs and center stand
  44. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    I took this after I got the motor out...I did quite a bit of work after this point and didn't get any pictures. Later on this week I will head back down to finish a few spots I have to grind down yet and lots of sanding smooth before prepping for paint.
    I have on the way new jets (since I already rejetted for the straight pipe..but not thinking I was going to end up going to pod filters). Pod filters are on the way, new throttle tube from dime city cycles that wont be crappy like this ebay one. Also so stuff to dress it up a little and clean up the wiring(new connectors and a all in one ignition that is "car like". I have the plates cut for the battery box, but need to make a mount for it..waiting for my buddy who has a bender to bend the plate that holds the R/R and ignition box.. that will go to the back side of the battery box.
    I expect the frame to be done this week and that damn bolt out the head haha. Tinkered with that a little bit but its a really P.I.T.A.
  45. Shanesajda

    Shanesajda Member

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    southbury ct
    Looks sweet. Can't wait to see it hard tailed
  46. rocs82650

    rocs82650 Well-Known Member

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    Middle Tennessee
    I like the originality and craftsmanship. You said it'll be a pub runner so hopefully the hard tail won't create back problems. I'm following this.

    Gary H.
  47. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    Thanks guys!
    This is most definitely taking me longer than I originally expected / wanted it to take. But its just something for me to mess around with that I enjoy doing.

    If the hardtail is really to much I might go with a springer seat. But most likely will just deal with it. Plus I don't plan on driving this much anyway ha. Just some garage decorations haha
  48. Shanesajda

    Shanesajda Member

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    southbury ct
    Hey you had talked a while ago about selling those Suzuki shocks to me. Crap came up and I couldn't buy them but if you still have them in a week or so I'm still interested
  49. Ted

    Ted Member

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    Also interested in the shocks if Shanesajda doesn't take them.. sent you a PM.
  50. staySPOOLIN

    staySPOOLIN Member

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    Got the frame painted and started putting it all back together.. Have not had anytime to really work on this thing..after work today I'm putting the engine back in and taking the bike back to my garage at my house. Since all the "hard work" is taken care of I can finish everything up there. Hopefully in the next couple weeks she will be running again..
    Josh phillips likes this.

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