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Starter Problems

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by Bargomer, Sep 25, 2014.

  1. Bargomer

    Bargomer Member

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    So the bike was running fine two weeks ago. Problems started occurring when I cleaned the tank of rust. I had used too much washing soda during electrolysis and some got through the fuel filter into the carbs. So I took apart the carbs and cleaned them all the way through.

    After the carb cleaning, the bike started by having the bike turn over for about 3-5 secs. After the initial troubled start, it started with no problem. While, I tried riding it around the parking lot, and the bike would die on me. Later that night, I tried starting the bike, and it the starter was bogging down. Tried recharging the battery, no go. Tried, cleaning the starter, no go. Now the starter doesn't even engage. Here are some things that I've done since.

    - Crossed the negative and positive ends of the solenoid. Starter didn't engage, just sparks flying. There's also clicking coming from it, so don't think the solenoid is the problem.
    - Bought a new battery since my other one was about 3 years old. It has about 12.4 V right now. Haven't taken it to the auto store yet to get it load tested.
    - Ordered a starter rebuild kit from Ebay, cleaned the commutator with a rubber eraser. (ever since the rebuild the starter doesn't engage).
    - Connected Jumper cables from the installed battery directly to the starter. With the positive jumper on the thread sticking out the starter, and negative on the body of the starter. Just sparks were flying, and the starter didn't engage.

    That's all I can think of. Thanks for reading.
  2. Rooster53

    Rooster53 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Make sure that the positive side of the starter (threaded stud) is insulated from ground. There should be a plastic bushing that provides the insulation. Just in case you did not find it, there is a great how to on rebuilding the starter in the FAQ - http://xjbikes.com/forums/index.php?threads/replacing-your-starter-motor-brushes-w-pics.45727/
    Caution if that starter is shorted, batteries have been known to do bad things when huge amounts of current are driving a short.

    Added this from the end of the how to, plastic bushing was not quite correct:
    When re-installing the battery cable to the starter, be absolutely sure that the "bolt holder" is not cracked, and be sure to use the o-ring and felt washers upon assembly. If this bolt is not well insulated it will cause a ground fault and the starter will not spin, nor will you be able to bump start the bike
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2014
  3. rocs82650

    rocs82650 Well-Known Member

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    What he ^ said and make certain the starter is not spinning backwards. Hope this helps.

    Gary H.
  4. Bargomer

    Bargomer Member

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    Rgr, thanks guys. I didn't have the plastic bushing on the exterior. I need to get the starter brush welded on the screw that sticks out the starter. Solder isn't holding it in place, it keeps getting yanked off the base of it.
  5. rocs82650

    rocs82650 Well-Known Member

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    Chacal sells both the oem and aftermarket rebuild kits. He also sells individual parts like the bushing and brushes (note: replace both brushes together for better wear indication).

    Gary H.
  6. k-moe

    k-moe Pie, Bacon, Bourbon. Moderator Premium Member

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    Yes, get the rebuild kit. You can't weld copper braid to a steel screw. It sounds like the braid is too short anyway.
  7. Bargomer

    Bargomer Member

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    Thanks for all the advice gents! I had a starter shop solder the braid to the screw really good today, and the bike turned right away. For anybody using this post for future reference, my problems were the copper braid was breaking of the screw because it was too short, and I didn't put the plastic bushing on the exterior of the screw/starter to insulate it, this was evident by sparks flying (I think) when putting the positive end of the jumper cables to it (the screw).

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