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carb confusion..

Discussion in 'XJ Modifications' started by XJAaronRay, Apr 16, 2015.

  1. XJAaronRay

    XJAaronRay New Member

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    so i got the set of carbs from ebay listed as 1986 maxim xj 700 cabs complete..and when they get here they look older than the ones i have originally, the choke and throttle cables are totally diff. mountings and levers, the choke opperates up and down and not side to side like mine, and they dont quite line up in the grommets. also the air horn on the back side is bigger on mine..sounds like i just gave 349 bucks for a set of 85 carbs...

    so..did the 86 have 2 diff carb options ? if not can i mod these to work ?
  2. XJAaronRay

    XJAaronRay New Member

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    reading in the tech sec. i found the answer...

    There are two different main types of the Hitachi HSC series carbs used on the XJ-series bikes of this era:
    HSC32: used on all 1981-84 XJ650 models using Hitachi carbs.
    HSC33: used on all 1985-86 XJ700 air-cooled engines, 1983 XJ750E-II, and XJ750RL models using Hitachi carbs.
    The "series" number of the carbs refers to the internal diameter of the carb throat (the area where the butterfly valves are) and is expressed in the closest millimeter measurement. Thus the HSC32 series carbs have a 32mm ID throat, and the HSC33 series carbs have a 33mm ID throat.
    Original carb bodies are typically marked with an ink stamping that identifies the intended use of the carbs......for example, the 1982-83 XJ650 Maxim carbs (US models) would have an ink stamping that reads "5N800", while the XJ650 Maxim carbs (Canadian models) carbs would be inked as "5N900", while the 1981-83 XJ750 Seca (USA) carbs are inked "5G200", etc. This ink stamp could have been on the carb bodies, or on the sides or bottom of the bowls......and, after 20+ years and a number of carb cleaning efforts, are probably long gone.

    Different series of Hitachi carbs can be quite difficult to properly identify from one another, and Hitachi carbs were also used on other manufacturer model bikes, and while even the same "series" of Hitachi carbs may have been used on, say, a certain Kawasaki model bike, the internal jetting, valving, and other design elements (choke actuation method, etc.) typically renders such carbs as "similar but different enough" to not be directly (or even indirectly!) interchangeable with the proper Yamaha version carbs for a particular model.

    Please note that although the HSC33 series carbs are very similar in design and appearance to the HSC32 series, and although many parts do interchange between these two different series of carbs, the HSC33 carbs are different in some key components and in their physical size (the throats are bigger, the carb spacing is wider, and the entire rack of carbs is slightly longer than the HSC32's). It may be difficult, if not impossible, to properly swap the HSC32 and HSC33 carb racks between bikes due to these differences.

    my carbs are 33's...the ones sent to me are 32's and weren't put on the maxim x...
  3. Kennyhartman

    Kennyhartman Member

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    If you have a maxim x then you will have mikuni bs33 carbs not Hitachi hsc33 the carbs you just got are probably for the air cooled version
  4. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    Yep, gotta be careful on eBay, not only because people have different opinions of what "good condition", "poor condition", and especially what "rebuilt" means............a lot of sellers have no idea what they are actually selling, and what they ACTUALLY fit. The 700 models are a prime example, since the air-cooled engines and carbs are totally different from the water-cooled engines and carbs. Even worse, most of the other parts on the XJ700 air-cooled and water-cooled models ARE the same, so sellers without great knowledge of the bikes also ASSume that all parts are the same..........

    Kennyhartman is absolutely correct, the air-cooled and water-cooled engines use completely different sets of carbs that DO NOT INTERCHANGE....at all. In any way. No internal nor external parts (save for a couple of mounting screws) are the same.

    Return that set to the seller, and keep looking!
    FtUp likes this.
  5. FtUp

    FtUp Well-Known Member

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    buyer beware. meaning, read the description and look closely at the pictures!

  6. XJAaronRay

    XJAaronRay New Member

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    what about aftermarket stuff will anything retro to get it going? or do i have a parts bike ;P
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2015
  7. Kennyhartman

    Kennyhartman Member

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    What bike do you have? Did it have original carbs?
  8. XJAaronRay

    XJAaronRay New Member

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    yes, i have the originals but they need some heavy lovin, i have the watercooled maxim x 700, hsc 33 carbs
  9. Kennyhartman

    Kennyhartman Member

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    Pm member chacal and read in the church of clean post. I would have never touched carbs before this forum but it is not that hard if you take your time. Also your bike needs the mikuni carbs chacal may have some if yours are broken.

    That bike is awesome when roadworthy, restoring one with my two sons right now
  10. hogfiddles

    hogfiddles XJ-Wizard, Host-Central NY Carb Clinic Moderator Premium Member

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    Aaron, no you don't have a lemon, boat anchor, unrepairable parts bike, whatever you wish to call it.

    You have a great bike that just needs to be restored. YOU can do it, We can help you do it, that's why we're here.

    You just ended up buying the wrong carbs. If you can't return them, you still might end up ok.

    You can learn how to do your carbs yourself, but if you are gun-shy of going into them, that's perfectly fine, too.
    I do offer carb rebuilding services that include TOTAL teardown, every single piece being cleaned and analyzed, rebuilt, set to original base settings, bench-synced ready for final setting and syncing.

    If you wish to talk more about that, feel free to "start a conversation" with me.....Heck, I'll start it for you if you don't know where that is. Look in your inbox shortly.

    Dave Fox
  11. Orange-n-Black

    Orange-n-Black Well-Known Member

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    Ohhh, Dave is a PREMIUM MEMBER with a golden banner now.:cool:
  12. hogfiddles

    hogfiddles XJ-Wizard, Host-Central NY Carb Clinic Moderator Premium Member

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    near utica, new york
    Neener neener neeeener

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