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what's needed to make vinyl decals, labels, graphics... ?

Discussion in 'Hangout Lounge' started by SnoSheriff, Apr 5, 2006.

  1. SnoSheriff

    SnoSheriff Site Owner Staff Member Administrator

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    I'd like to make my own multi colored decals, labels and graphics for the bike and for my car. I guess it should be vinyl label?

    Anyone know what machine I need to use to make these? Anyone familiar as to what machines I should consider? Ideally I'd like the machine also to 'cut' around the outline. Since I'm just starting I'd like to keep the cost down as much as possible but I do want professional looking results.
  2. Robert

    Robert Active Member

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    The machines I'm familiar with are in the neighborhood of $5,000 a pop. I haven't looked elsewhere. I understand there are graphic printers available online and in the car magazines that will whip out anything you want to spec for a reasonable price. Your going to have to weight this one out. Plan on opening your own print shop?
  3. bpberk62

    bpberk62 Member

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    <a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?q=47.989922+-
  4. regulator

    regulator Member

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    Hey Sno, I own a custom printing shop, I do not do vinyl graphics yet..(Mostly do sublimation where the ink is transfered into the product with high temp and high pressure from solid to gas and back to solid, so no running) but have looked into vinyl machines (cutters) usually run in the 5g range can get a desk top style for around 2,500 last time I got a promom from supplier. These can work with most home puters. I have done some custom lettering and graphics for snowmobiles and watercraft that worked for them great. I have been experimenting with doing some tank and side panel graphics, the issue I have is making the back ground color match bike color, but have made a few designs were if the task of cutting design (if not to curvy or detailed) with exacto or some of the hand cutting tools I use is not excessivly tedeuous look good, also can make decal on clear, but the colors need to be thought out due to the back ground color bleeding thru the clear decal and making slight changes in colors. Contact me and maybe I can help you either find a deal on machine or would be willing to make a decal for you to try out. Also for anyone else out there interested can make custom printed (motorcycle)license plate frames. Have had many compliments on mine and others I've made, will post a pic of mine in gallery asap.
  5. regulator

    regulator Member

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    posted a pic I had taken when put on, lighting bad, will try andx get better one up soon
  6. Robert

    Robert Active Member

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    Great to hear from you Regulator. Would you entertain the idea of assisting other members (ie me!)? I would like to creat custom tune up spec sheets to attach to various vehicles I own. I love the OEM sheets but they usually don't have all the details that I would like. How expensive is it to creat say a 6 X10 cm sheet in 14 font?
  7. SnoSheriff

    SnoSheriff Site Owner Staff Member Administrator

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    Re: what's needed to make vinyl decals, labels, graphics...

    Sweet, I’m glad we have experts on hand :p. Yes, I’ve been toying with the idea of starting a print shop from my house. I’m just doing research for now. I still have lots of questions about print shops. I’ve numbered them so we can reference them by numbers:

    1. How do you find printing jobs? Do you have a retail store and people just walk in off the street?
    2. Do you advertise and promote? How? Starting fresh like me will have limited budget for this venture.
    3. What type of work has the biggest demand in the printing industry?
    4. What is sublimation and what type of work can it do? Is the startup cost low?
    5. I’ve looked online at printer/cutters and these are pretty expensive at $20,000+. In the beginning this is not a feasible investment as I don't have any contracts to offset the startup costs.
    6. My current research shows that plotter/cutter is the less expensive route. Problem is that these can’t print. So, how do you create graphics that have multiple colors? Do you cut each vinyl separately and layer the resulting graphic?
    7. I know print shops make banners, signs, vinyl decals, stickers, labels. What other types of work can be done by printing shops? Still thinking entry level investment.
    8. I heard the plotter/cutter can do car window tints. I understand how they will cut but how do you know the size of a window of each car? Do you actually have to take measurements for each window or can one get software for this or something?
    9. I’ve seen snowmobiles with decal ‘wrap’. How are these done?

  8. regulator

    regulator Member

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    Robert yes always like to help, especially the people that belong to this site! (great people) have never thought of replica spec sheets, sounds like a great idea, I have done similar custom plaques with mods on it for a couple guys that do car shows, I will get back to you on a price for a basic spec sheet in the size you listed. Will not be much and will also decide a good discount for members of site. also can email me at chance@twoheartsink.net for more info.
    Hey sno thats how I started in my basement, actually even before that just saving friends a few bucks doing odd jobs for them, feel free to email me to get more detail if you want some of the stuff above would be pretty lengthy to post, but would love to help you get up and running with almost 6 serious years doing this and another 4-5 prior can give you some good leads. I have a couple friends in the screen printing business and after research I liked sublimation the best, I think it has a wider group of clients and products, and just in the last 2 years have seen the suppliers go from a dozen or so items, to literaly hundreds and it is in big demand due to the longevity of ink and cost effective products. Short version sublimation is a process that transfers ink to a product using a special ink that with high heat (400 deg) and medium to heavy pressure. The ink goes from solid to gas and back to solid. When transfered it actually becomes part of the product.,example a shirt printed this way becomes part of shirt, cant feel the ink like silk screening, and is guarnteed for over 2,000 washes. I'm guessing (and hoping) that with in a year or two there will be a way to press larger items like tanks or fenders. Have a client and friend that I sublimated a bumper sticker for over 3 years ago and it has just now shown very slight fading. Sorry to go on so long, like I said hard to explain what you want to know in short terms, If you would like to email me I would be more than happy to help out or explain more in anyway I can. Oh yea ill touch on one more I beleave my original start up for a press, printer, and sublimation ink and paper was around $1500.00 and had it paid for in sales in about 7 months of part time learning as I went work/sales.

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