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Reubens 1982 XJ650 build thread

Discussion in 'XJ Modifications' started by REUBEN, Jun 7, 2017.


    REUBEN 1985 XJ700N (NOT PICTURED) Premium Member

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    Midwest United States
    Little back ground. I'm a certified Senior Master Ford technician and I work for a dealership here in the midwest. I just started riding 2 years ago when I convinced my wife to let me buy a 1973 TX500. LOVED that bike. Rode her for a year then... alright so that would be a thread all its own. Anway, sold her bought a zero miles 2012 Shadow, rode her for a year and traded it for my deeply loved 2014 Harley Davidson XL1200V. Modding a H-D is expensive. So, I found a sweet project bike on craigslist. 1982 XJ650. 'Ran when parked' in 2005. The guy wanted $500, all the cables were locked up and I could not get the motor to turn via the rear wheel. Offered $150 and he took it.
    - Here she is with my buddy as we tie her down.
    Got here home took a look around.
    - That'a a little better. Needs a bath.
    - Much better. Time to pop the cork.
    I started my tear down, first thing I found the fuse block was total trash. That's how I found this place! I was looking for a solution. As Im not sure how I'll be finishing the bike, I ended up going with inline mini fuses.
    At some point I'll get pics of that uploaded. Google drive is being a PITA today.
    I did manage to break my air box cover in the process. All the fasteners were badly corroded and I snapped off the front mounting tab getting a extractor on. BUT! Once I did got the cover removed I found I was not alone.

    - Sent an eviction notice via a shop vac.
    Pulled the carbs and found cables were fine, the carbs were locked up.

    - Oh, that's nasty....

    Well, that's all I can do for now. I'm limited to 5 images. I've made quite a bit of progress. I've got the carbs PROPER church of clean. Honestly, one of the more gratifying repairs I've ever made. Adjusted valves (big shout out to HogFiddles and the shim pool). I've synced the carbs. Going to wait on the color tune until I'm road worthy. I had some fun chasing random issues, most of my own making. I hope I can expand this thread at some point and get it totally up to date and beyond.

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    Last edited: Jun 9, 2017
  2. Toomanybikes

    Toomanybikes Well-Known Member

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    Tsawwassen bc
    You will be so happy when the carbs are done this way, makes it a treat to ride.

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  3. XJ550H

    XJ550H Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Great North Woods
    P060817_0905.jpg do you need an airbox cover?
    I have a 650 air filter cover if you want it it came with my 750 but is not a 750 cover looks like a 650 cover. top tab is on an angle
    message me with your address and i will mail it out
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2017
  4. Toomanybikes

    Toomanybikes Well-Known Member

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    Tsawwassen bc
    IMG_1292.PNG Part number slightly different
  5. Adam Shaffer

    Adam Shaffer Member

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    Not sure it helps, but my XJ750J (1982) has the upturned top tab on it's air box cover. But has 5 screw holes ( picture looks like it has 3).
  6. XJ550H

    XJ550H Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    750 is a different cover thats why the 650 cover is in my spare parts box. PO purchased it for the fuse box to use the clips to repair his 750 fuse box, but thats another story

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