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XJ650 Turbo Magis, I need your help

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by Zluck, Oct 22, 2017.

  1. Zluck

    Zluck New Member

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    So I just picked up an 80 2XJ 650 turbo. It’s fairly clean with low miles, the battery is charged up at this point so I know it’s not the culprit...

    What happens is if I leave it alone and go to start it, it fires up and runs for just a second and then dies and won’t start again. If I leave it alone for a little bit and go back to it the same thing will happen, I’m not even sure where to start:/
    I was thinking fuel pump but why would it start so easily and not have an issue for that first second?

    I’m not sensitive, plaster way. Tell me what I need to do! I am here to listen
  2. Stumplifter

    Stumplifter Well-Known Member

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    You do not have a fuel pump. The XJ 650 (ass-u-ming the turbo is the same) has a vacuum fuel delivery system.

    You have a journey in front of you my friend. It will test your mettle. Be brave, be strong, use curse words when appropriate but not too judiciously. And read.

    Yes read: http://www.xjbikes.com/forums/threads/the-information-overload-hour.27544/
    Then come back to this thread and ask more questions.

    Bet dimes to dollars that the petcock and carbs need to be refurbished. XJ4EVER sells rebuild kits, the MOST trusted source for XJ parts as voted by 9 out of 10 members here.

    P.S. Foreget whatever the previous owner told you... your mind is blank, you know nothing about the condition of your machine. You will learn and the clouds will part, the sun will shine and birds shall sing.
  3. Zluck

    Zluck New Member

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    C9F23437-3E3B-47F4-91F9-5B638AD79C64.jpeg A735E305-F08B-4419-8B36-3E93BAC76507.jpeg 30C2E5F6-0B6A-4AF5-9521-AABC7594D18B.jpeg 8ACFAEB0-FE81-4348-ADCB-954BDF605020.jpeg Hahaha thank you! Does indeed have a fuel pump. My brain was clouded with the previous owners words and after smelling death with it trying to run I drained the carbs... carb 1 is dry. 2,3,4... stinky varnished gas. Looks like I will be slipping those carbs out here soon. I tried to post some video but it wouldn’t let me, I will try and post some photos but it is ridiculously clean, not what you would expect at all. I haven’t seen any dry rot yet
    Jetfixer, Stumplifter and Plug like this.
  4. k-moe

    k-moe Pie, Bacon, Bourbon. Moderator Premium Member

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    Turbo 650 does.
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  5. Zluck

    Zluck New Member

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    Can anyone point me in the direction of any forum members that have gotten far on building and rebuilding these??
  6. xjyamaha

    xjyamaha Member

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    I’m about 75% done with my Turbo rebuild. I’m no expert but I’ve attained a bit of knowledge and did a full 650 Maxim rebuild a couple years back.

    Check out the Turbo Motorcycle forum:

    It’s not nearly as active as this one but it’s a treasure trove of info just for the limited Turbo models that were sold. There is a specific forum just for the Seca Turbo.
    Jetfixer and Stumplifter like this.
  7. Stumplifter

    Stumplifter Well-Known Member

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    near Irma, WI
    Apologies for the errant info on the pump.
    That is a really nice looking bike.
  8. Zluck

    Zluck New Member

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    75188910-F72C-4049-9675-DF486EBD2239.jpeg All good, thanks guys! I got it to Run and actually idle! Thanks to some Helix. Turbo seals are toast from all the sitting. Need to replace the seals. Has newer plugs in it as well, they were fouled, cleaned them up a bit! I’ll post pics along the way!
    Jetfixer likes this.
  9. Zluck

    Zluck New Member

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    716BEEF7-9655-4C1A-B631-73BA2AB2E9CA.jpeg DE96EF6D-3407-4499-897B-B67908ECEACA.jpeg AD997852-2AE0-4E86-91C1-39456620A98D.jpeg 15A0AEE2-9CE5-4F98-A322-820F8419A86B.jpeg 138A027C-5B5E-4678-9935-00FFE2095A0F.jpeg B58D8F74-0BCC-4586-9A35-7E91D22ACECB.jpeg Everything looks really clean along the way
    Unless I’m mistaken it does not have a power up kit... which I am totally cool with! EBF119E5-20BC-42F7-8AC1-697442F153CE.jpeg F7FB8B97-9F99-41F0-B02D-693F08D73EC1.jpeg 5637043A-83EE-4A53-8B8B-7B5CD60321D8.jpeg 5E61F5E8-4F01-4AF1-B081-C6DC8DCE0230.jpeg
    I am struggling getting that boost pipe out as well as the surge tank. If anyone has done this before has any advice for me, I am going to hit it tomorrow morning
  10. JeffK

    JeffK Well-Known Member

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    Nice GT185 in the background....I want it!

    Nice turbo too and glad you got it running....you know me on the Turbo board by my other name but the surge tank removes on the right side but is much easier if the rear carb boots are loosened first, then pull downward & to the right....jiggle/pull with lots of armorall....makes them slide right off!

    If you remove the headers, then collector underneath the bike, the Turbo and all it's plumbing will come out in order which is fine since you are planning a rebuild for the turbo........Turbo rebuild kit from Gerry at G-pop shop(ask if you need the #) and you already know Brian at BDesigns for the carb kits....Chacal on this board may also be able to supply you with kits and is know for being very good to deal with.....

  11. Zluck

    Zluck New Member

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    CDDF9BF0-4C41-4F84-A1E2-49B18E8E53A3.jpeg 0982DC09-2D0C-470A-9261-A28D6327E04B.jpeg BEDE2409-CF28-466C-94E8-2E383EE76592.jpeg

    Hey Jeff, do you know how much G pop quoted you on a rebuild? I have them look at another turbo mine forever ago and didn’t have the best of luck but this was like four years ago...

    I will take the exhaust manifold off first then, I figured that might be the case. Thank you so much for your help!!!

    As far as the GT 185... it will be for sale when I am finished. It’s already a really nice little bike but that suspension was never set up for an adult rider!!
    So it is getting progressive springs installed, it will also have slightly lower bars a nice grips. Possibly will Bob the fenders I’m not sure at this point but the seat will also get reupholstered, possibly slightly shaved to give it more of a street tracker look...
    And last but not least I just ordered a set of Higgspeed expansion chambers for it!!! But I am building it to sell it so if you are genuine, I can keep you in mind
    Jetfixer and Stumplifter like this.
  12. Zluck

    Zluck New Member

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    Made a call to G pop. Those guys are amazing, I will send the turbo out before this weekend! It will get an upgraded compressor wheel as well!!
    Can’t wait!!
  13. JeffK

    JeffK Well-Known Member

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    LMAO...well, it sounds like you're on the right path....I'm sorry, I thought that you were going to rebuild it yourself, that's why I mentioned the kit...I should have added that indexing the shaft is CRITICAL if you don't want to have it rebalanced. They spin 212,000 RPM so balance is proven with boost output....and not fragging the turbo. It took me more time to land the wheel on the index marks then it did for the rest of the rebuild but it was worth the effort!

    My guess is they warned you and you decided to leave it all up to them? Not a bad route and they will do good work from what I've heard. The upgraded wheel gives you a little more boost down lower which is always good.

    Aw man, you ruined the little bike<LOL>! Nah, just teasing of course...it's your bike so do whatever you want. You're right about the suspension but it's a cool little engine. Most of my collection are Two Strokes....H's & GT's & RD....kind of where I came from....my turbo is my only 4 stroke other than my modern bike.

    Here's a pic of just the registered and tagged bikes except for the H2b, it's getting a revised set of ported cylinders.


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    Last edited: Oct 27, 2017
  14. Zluck

    Zluck New Member

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    Hey guys sorry took me so long to get back to everyone, I shipped it out and they are working on it as we speak!
    I went with the following:
    •A complete rebuild
    •swapping from a TC03 cartridge to a TD04 cartridge ( bigger intake wheel as well as a bigger exhaust wheel)
    • machining both housings to receive larger cartridge
    • fins on exhaust wheel will be clipped
    •full port and polish job

    I would like to be running at least 18psi
    I will be using a ball and spring manual boost controller, I read something about shimming the diverter valve (something you do on a modified turbo car as well)
    Can anyone recommend some jets for me?

    I was also curious what kind of shedding modifications had to be done if you remove the snorkel on the airbox?

    Now how about both??

    It only has 2200 miles on it, everything on it is like New so I imagine the clutch is the same.
  15. JeffK

    JeffK Well-Known Member

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    There is no snorkel on the airbox....it's hard piped directly to the impeller housing of your turbo....you are going to give yourself a "duh moment" when you think about this for a sec.

    Stock jets worked well on my bike but remember, I also have the better coils & wires. The discussion on the blow off valve shimming are all over the other forum....no sense rewriting them.

    Your plan to get the same 18PSI that I run is a solid one, just be sure to start low, run full boost for a bit even if it's only 10psi to start. Then begin slowly closing the valve which raises the "open" point which in turn raises boost. With the BOV properly shimmed, it should open at 21 or 22psi. It was so important to me as a second "safety" that I used my boost control to exceed the 18 I wanted to find where the bov would open. That's how I learned it was opening at 21-22. Once I was comfortable that I wouldn't blow my engine if the $14 boost controller failed, I dialed it back to the 18 I aimed for. FYI...Yamaha's original destructive testing was done at 21PSI for 365/7/24 and they did not blow up!

  16. Zluck

    Zluck New Member

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    I know exactly what you’re talking about, I was thinking of the air filter housing but now that you mention it!

    I have done similar modifications two cars in the past so I agree with your strategy of starting lower and working your way up very carefully, what coils and wires do you use?
    Thank you so much for chiming in on that post situation, my buddy wants to buy this bike for me when I’m done and I don’t want it to grenade on him.
    Chances are I won’t want to sell it once it’s done though

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