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Xj750 Seca clutch springs and bolts

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by Scottie1, Apr 17, 2018.

  1. Scottie1

    Scottie1 Active Member

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    Columbia SC
    I replaced my clutch and fitted new springs as recommened. The manual says 7.2lbs on torque wrench which i done and kept on turning the bolt and turning until the head bolt snapped off. I think the cheap harbor freight torque wrench is rubbish that i was using. Can spring bolts be tightened hand tight and will it be ok?
  2. Ketchup

    Ketchup Member

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    Good morning Scottie1,

    I too had replaced the clutch spring bolts, and springs utilizing a HF 1/4" inch-pounds torque wrench (requires conversion to foot-pounds). It was certainly not an issue getting the tool to "click" when it reached the desired torque setting allowing me to successfully install the clutch plates, and the clutch cover housing. IIRC the HF torque wrenches are certified to +/- 4% accuracy and if working correctly should get you in the ballpark without sheering bolts. Many many many youtubers detailing out those torque wrenches. I think you may have unfortunately ran into some previously-over-torqued bolts.

    -verify your wrench is foot-pounds or inch-pounds
    -verify your conversion is accurate
    -test torque wrench on known applications for torque
    -get some new bolts on order and give her another go!

    Additionally, you should probably inspect your clutch bolts. They may have been overtightened to begin with - which could explain why a bolt(s) would have sheered off prior to reaching your torque setting. 7.2ftlbs comes up pretty fast when spinning a ratchet wrench, though.

    Is there any material left on that bolt for extraction? If it kept screwing in easily, it might be easy to extract! Would not advise setting to hand-tight - that could be very costly.

    XJ550H likes this.
  3. XJ550H

    XJ550H Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    7.2 ft.lbs is correct. torque wrench is to ensure even tightening of bolts . you also want to tighten them gradually and evenly.

    using a inch pound torque wrench and converting the numbers would be better than using a ft lb wrench that goes from 5 ftlbs to 80 ft lbs
  4. Scottie1

    Scottie1 Active Member

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    I had to buy a replacement clutch boss couldn’t get the bolt out. I will get a smaller torque wrench and practice on the broken one before I attempt it again. Thanks for the responses.

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