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Wheel weights

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by Tim O, Apr 23, 2019.

  1. Tim O

    Tim O Active Member

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    After what I believe was good prep... standard wheel weights fall off my rim and extend a little past the edge which probably contributes to failure.

  2. Cattleman XJ

    Cattleman XJ Member

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    Tube or tubeless tires?

    If you’re running tubeless I know of a product to do away with wheel weights. If you’re willing to break the beads (and do a little math) I’ve got a cheap product.

    Dynabeads are ceramic (I believe) beads that you can add into your tires via the valve stem. All you have to do is pull the valve core and dump in the recommended amount. The drawback is that they are rather expensive for what they are. I believe the dynabeads come pre-measured for weight so you just follow the instructions and dump in what they send you.

    If you’re cheap like me, you end up using airsoft beads instead. I’ve done this on 2 sets of tires on different bikes I’ve owned (Kawasaki 500R and 650R) when I was swapping tires so the beads were already broken. I’d have to go look and see what weight I used but they were the heaviest ones per pellet that I could find and we’re black in color. You’ll have to find out the recommendation on weights, divide that out amongst the pellet weights, and count pellets. I don’t think I ended up using more than half a cup in each wheel.

    Both products operate the same way using what I’d say is centerfugal force (could be wrong here). But they’ll balance the tire on the fly. Yes, both products will fall to the bottom at a stop or slow speed. Short of a slight brushing noise when pushing the bike around with the engine off, you’d never notice it. At speed, they move to where they are needed.

    Some people claim it’s snake oil. Personally I’ve got nothing but great things to say, and I’m certainly not stumping for the company that makes them because I opted for a cheaper off-use alternative. When I go to change the tires on my XJ700N, it will be getting the same treatment. I’m also not the only one to do this. I found several write ups on other forums.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2019
  3. Tim O

    Tim O Active Member

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    Thanks, but I was of the mindset to stick with fixed weights. Looking for better weights or affixing methods.
  4. Ryengoth

    Ryengoth Active Member

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  5. tabaka45

    tabaka45 Well-Known Member

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    I have used stick on lead weighs with no problems. I think Harbor Freight has them. I have also used standard steel BB's in my Toyota truck tires and my motorcycle trailer tires and they work great. You might want to google "balancing tires with BB's" and read up on it. (I put 2 1/2 oz of BB's in the truck tires and about 1 1/2 oz in the trailer tires. There is a table on one of the sites, probably the dynabead site.) Easy, works well, and adjusts as the tire wares.
  6. Polock

    Polock Well-Known Member

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    if your tire has a paint dot, that's the light place of the tire. it should go on the heavy spot of the rim. the tire valve isn't necessarily the heavy spot, it isn't on any of mine. find the heavy place on the rim without a tire, mark it and put the dot there, you may not even need weights.
    k-moe likes this.

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