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Died temporarily on the interstate

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by Scott I, Jul 1, 2019.

  1. Scott I

    Scott I Member

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    I filled the tank yesterday morning and rode the bike 100 miles to visit mother in law. I then began my return ride. About 47 miles into my return ride the bike began losing power. No jerking or sputtering. Just a slow steady loss of power until the engine died. I coasted on the side of the interstate but didn't make it to the exit which was a mile away. Wouldn't restart but turned over fine. I called AAA thinking I had run it out of gas though I usually can squeeze 180-200 miles out of a tank. I was 4 miles from my intended gas station (done this ride many times before). I was told by AAA of a 1.5 hour wait time. 95 degrees out with no breeze or shade. I looked in tank but was hard to see in the bright sun and with my nerves on the side of the busy interstate. Tried starting again after 15 min. Turned over but nothing. After 40 min. I tried again and it started. I quickly gathered my gear, jumped on and rode the 4 miles to the gas station and canceled AAA contact. Was able to put 3.6 gallons in the tank to full to the top. There was still a little over a gallon of gas in the tank. My cruising speed to and from was about 75mph. Drove fine the rest of the way home at speed.

    Oil was changed within 100 miles of the ride with Rotella. I used no ethanol fuel for my fill up and for most. I checked the oil level in the motor while stranded and it was still full. Battery is new this Spring and cranked strong. Bike starts and idles easily and continues to do so. 34,500 miles on the bike. I added a fuel filter this Spring and wonder if that's the culprit. Starved the engine of fuel as gas pressure decreased and the tank emptied? Not sure about that. Vapor lock? Let me know your thoughts. Bike is an 83 XJ750M.
  2. 1965soda

    1965soda Member

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    Good morning Scott. Sorry to hear you got stranded.....especially in the heat and humidity we had over the weekend.

    Couple of thoughts, easiest one first. When the bike started slowing, did you switch over to reserve? If so, did you remove the gas cap right away? Wondering if the cap vent is not venting and it created a vacuum in the tank (reducing flow). If on reserve and you checked the cap right away, you may want to check how fuel if flowing through the filter you installed in case it captured some debris and the flow is now reduced.

    Hope that helps and you get it sorted!
    raskal and k-moe like this.
  3. k-moe

    k-moe Pie, Bacon, Bourbon. Moderator Premium Member

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    The only other think that comes to mind is what the filter element is made of. If it's paper then it may have contributed (but that would have occured on your trip out too).

    You were right at the point where you would have needed to switch to reserve though. You can only access part of the last gallon of gas because of the angle of the tank (designed to trap water and debris so it (hopefully) won't get into the carbs.
  4. Polock

    Polock Well-Known Member

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    a plugged vent would have been fixed when the cap was opened, a clogged filter would have been clogged 40 minutes later and still be clogged. change it because it's cheap.
    hot coils crap out but they were hotter after setting than at speed with a air blast.
    are the valves adjusted?
  5. Scott I

    Scott I Member

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    I switched to reserve right when I started feeling power loss. Didn't change the situation. Thought maybe air got in the line since I didn't switch to reserve soon enough. Wouldn't start back up immediately though. Then 40 min later ran the reserve gas to the gas station.

    It is a paper filter. China. Got it from Auto Zone. Hadn't been running a filter prior and had issues with fuel filters in other bikes I've owned.

    I am going to check my gas cap vent. Clean it.

    Last checked the valves 10,000 miles ago. I did have tight valves at that time and addressed it. I'm postponing a recheck because it starts so easy and there is a lot of valve noise and it normally has run so well. And because it is a pain to reseat the valve cover with the fairing on (keeping the gasket aligned).

    Thanks for the imput. I think I'm getting rid of the fuel filter again.
  6. k-moe

    k-moe Pie, Bacon, Bourbon. Moderator Premium Member

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    Get a filter with a sintered bronze element. Running without one at all will cause you more trouble.
    Timbox, cgutz and Chitwood like this.
  7. Tim O

    Tim O Active Member

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  8. XJ550H

    XJ550H Well-Known Member Premium Member

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