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Painful riding

Discussion in 'Hangout Lounge' started by Wayne Stuart-Cole, Dec 3, 2019.

  1. Wayne Stuart-Cole

    Wayne Stuart-Cole Member

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    Really painful, still hurts today.
    I did no more than 7 1/2 miles yesterday taking the bike for an mot, I admit that it’s been over 12 months since I have ridden and I suppose I should have had both hips replaced a few years ago, I also have 3 damaged discs in lower spine (one of which I may have tweaked being stupid in Berlin last week)
    Worst pain is in the muscle around the hip joints, it actually eased a couple of miles before I put the bike away, woke up this morning though and it’s like someone has hit me in both hips with a hammer.
    Not that bad sat down but my god it makes its presence felt standing and moving.
  2. XJ550H

    XJ550H Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    you sound like you are discribing me. I would take aleeve or tylnol before i ride.

    my doctor priscribed me Meloxicam is used to treat arthritis. It reduces pain, swelling, and stiffness of the joints. Meloxicam is known as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)

    1 pill in the morning and my hip back and knee pain is gone. sometimes i have to1 acetaminophen to help on long days
  3. Wayne Stuart-Cole

    Wayne Stuart-Cole Member

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    I have a bit of trouble with meds, many of them block my gut, do those you take cause any issues
  4. XJ550H

    XJ550H Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    no no issues at all it is a 15mg pill you take when you wake with a glass of water then have to wait 30 min before eating.
    it has no restrictive effects does not impare the thought process.
    Wayne Stuart-Cole likes this.
  5. JetmechMarty

    JetmechMarty Active Member

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    Turmeric, 500mg morning and 500mg evening will give you some relief without side effects. I also take stinging nettle root. I have removed inflammatory food from my diet. I'm getting a great deal of relief a few months in. You find Google to be full of information and disinformation, so I wish you luck. I'm taking the holistic approach. My doctor is in disagreement. The turmeric will have you starting to feel better in a few weeks. I guarantee it!
    Wayne Stuart-Cole likes this.
  6. XJ550H

    XJ550H Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    I have had 4 different DRs in the past 8 years when it came time for them to retire they all wanted to do surgery which the same Drs had advised against .
    surgeons want to cut I have never had a DR that liked the holistic approach it would require them to give advice on non perscription items
    JetmechMarty likes this.
  7. JetmechMarty

    JetmechMarty Active Member

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    My doc office called me yesterday to tell me they called in Rx I need to be on. I need to find another doc. I'm done with treating symptoms. I've changed my diet and lifestyle. I'm 60 and I don't know when I felt so good. I may end up changing docs every year. Oh well.
  8. Bushy

    Bushy Active Member

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    Been a while since I signed in, not motorcycle related, that's odd. For me the doc says degraded discs in my spine = a very annoying ache which eventually gets too much, I'm 66. The days I'm more active the worse it is. Have had Meloxicam. Now mostly turmeric 550 mg capsule in the morning and turmeric fresh cooked with the evening meal < about 1/2 a dessert spoon and occaisional paracetemol. That mostly keeps me feeling non achey.
    JetmechMarty.. stinging nettle root ?? you think that is an extra help ?
    XJ550H likes this.
  9. JetmechMarty

    JetmechMarty Active Member

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    Stinging nettle root is anti-inflammatory. I take it for enlarged prostate. It has allowed me to get off medication. I can’t be sure if it will help your back, but it isn’t expensive. My arthritis is improving, enough that I just started going to the gym. I’m 60 and getting better and better. I changed my diet too. No sugar, no processed food. Low carb. No vegetable oil.
  10. jayrodoh

    jayrodoh YimYam

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    I was pretty hard on my body in my early years although I often wonder if the last 15 in an office and air travel has been harder. I've never been athletic or worked out but I was always the guy to get invited to a run, 3 day winter hiking trip, or sign up for a 100 mile bike ride on a mountain bike and I would just do it. Last year I decided to become a BRS (basic rider skills) instructor with the state and during one of my training sessions I bent over to pick up a cone and something popped in my leg. Within weeks I could barely walk and the pain would keep me up. Went to the first doc, though it was bursitis. Put me on steroids and 3 months rest. No better. Second doc though IT band and sent me to PT. Two months of that and still no better. Was getting ready to go back and my neighbor (aka Mr. Fitness and nutrition) suggested I see a personal trainer who specializes in corrective therapy. It's been 9 weeks now and I haven't felt this good in years. She has me doing stretches etc. that focus on my core in addition to my leg issue but other aches and pains that I've just dealt with over the last few years are almost non existent. It's not easy, takes me an hour a day but I struggled for almost 7 months and barely logged 200 miles this summer on a bike so I was more than ready. Nothing like being an instructor that can't ride the demos. Best part is seeing her every three weeks is less than my PT copay was.

    I usually stay out of these conversations, opinions are like you know what and everyone's got one but this is the forum where I feel like I'm with the regulars at the bar by my house for a mid week beer. FWIW I'm 40 but this one really hit me hard and I figured I'd share my experience.
    JetmechMarty likes this.
  11. Polock

    Polock Well-Known Member

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    i read that twice and decided "She has me doing stretches etc." SHE is the key word. :)
    Franz, hogfiddles and jayrodoh like this.
  12. hogfiddles

    hogfiddles XJ-Wizard, Host-Central NY Carb Clinic Moderator Premium Member

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    near utica, new york
    Uh- huh, yeah, suuuuure
    jayrodoh likes this.
  13. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    The room where it happened
    Yep, this is the solution. CARBS ARE SUGAR, and sugars are poisons (and cause inflammation). It's hard to avoid carbs, though; they are everywhere (in other words, in the foods that everyone likes, i.e. bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, OJ, salad dressings, cookies, concentrated vegetable oils ("cooking" oils), etc. ). Anything that is a PLANT (as opposed to an animal) has carbs in it, after all, that is basically all that plants do----they convert CO2 (carbon) and water (hydrogen and oxygen) to CARBO - HYDRATES (this is what "photosynthesis" actually accomplishes). Although vegetables (i.e. spinach, lettuce, cauliflower, etc.) have carbs, they have so few carbs that you'll have to each a bushel of them to get as many carbs as in a single mashed potato (or a tall glass of OJ). Note that many popular FRUITS (oranges, avocado, plums, etc.) have a lot of carbs, too, although some of the carbs are tied up in the "meat" of the fruit (called "fiber") and doesn't get easily liberated during digestion, but still....if a fruit tastes sweet, it's because it has lots of carbohydrates.

    A normal adult needs about a max (depending on body weight) of 50-75 grams of carbs per DAY; a single glass of orange juice (un-sweetened) contains about 30 grams. A baked potato has about 45 grams...….and the list goes on and on. Carbs are everywhere, and especially in processed foods, because carbs are cheap to produce. P.S. almost everything that is advertised as "low fat" or "no fat" is loaded with carbs, because the food processor/manufacturer has eliminated the use of any FATTY substance to get the "sweetness" into the product, and substituted carbs instead...….

    Do a quick tour thru your pantry or frig and start looking at that little label on the back that tells you how much protein, carbs, sugars etc. are in each serviing, and then start to add it up...….it takes no effort to easily get over 250 carbs per day in a typical diet.

    Keep your carbs in check and you'll: a) solve any blood sugar (i.e. diabetes or near-diabetes) problems that you have b) almost totally eliminate inflammation and it's related symptoms c) lose weight, even w/o exercising. Cells can process both fats and carbs as their energy source; but they will preferentially take up carbs if they are available (and deposit any excess calories as body fat); this is why it's important to restrict carbs, as it forces the body to use up body fat for cellular energy needs.

    Tumeric and other anti-inflammatories are also useful and work well, but they are putting a band-aid on the underlying issue, which is the need to reduce intake of the foods that CAUSE inflammation.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2019
  14. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

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    I got wear a tear in my neck doc says but most days it is ok. But l don't just use mirrors on the bike l like to look for vehicles when going on to the motorway and sometimes it's uncomfortable. But l am in my late 50's so l am fortunate. Health is most important.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2019
  15. kerriskandiesinc

    kerriskandiesinc Active Member

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    I should stay out of this, since at 60....riding legally since 16...with 15+ years of motorcycle couriering under me.....my list of old injuries has me thankful I can still walk, talk.......have sex and breathe, lol!!

    ( well in case you were wondering, the most serious> ...in total( but not all at once or I'd be dead) 6 ribs......2 clavicles( same one x 2) rotator cuff ( x 2) 'floating' kneecap, blown 3 cervical discs, burst testicle < (that one had me...erm, worried)....and the biggie at 17, dislocated thumb with destroyed ligaments and tendons< thankfully repaired.....how else would I ever 'thumb a lift' while hiking!!

    I tend to hit the punching bag, walk my dogs< a lot, and do pushups, thats about it....I really SHOULD do more though, at my age !!

    I do drink a LOT of hot tea, firm believer in tea, (Coffee is the drink of the devil...and the French, lol) and also eat a lot of hot Indian curries < turmeric...
    JetmechMarty likes this.
  16. XJ550H

    XJ550H Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    I just thought I'd given update. I've cut back considerably on my sugar much to my dismay. It seems to have helped tremendously with the aches and pains. My next step it's going to be trying to do away with my pain medication entirely per my doctor's advice of course.
    This was more wonderful advice which seems to be spot-on from c h a c a l. Not only can you advise on motorcycles he seems to know about personal health as well thank you very much. And now for the disclaimer this is not considered medical advice and I understand that this is just some personal experience from our f favorite parts.
    supplier. That ought to cover the lawyers thank you very much and happy riding to everybody.
    I did put 200 miles on my bikes this weekend with no aches and pains,and of course last night got another 6 in that horrible white stuff I guess I jinxed myself.
  17. Timbox

    Timbox Well-Known Member

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    Interesting read...the love of riding VS the bodies ability to ride. Keep doing what you love as long as you can!
  18. dkavanagh

    dkavanagh Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    It always comes down to the carbs.

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