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82 XJ550 Maxim starter button won't work. Help!

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by b.pillz46, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. b.pillz46

    b.pillz46 New Member

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    I'm trying to restore an 1982 XJ550 Maxim I got for next to nothing. When I originally bought the bike the previous owner said that the starter button didn't work and had wired a momentary switch directly to the starter solenoid, bypassing the button. The kill switch functions normally. I figured it was just dirty contacts and since the housing bolts were rusted I brought out the ol impact driver and gave it a few whacks with my trusty hammer. After getting the bolts cracked loose I took off the housing, cleaned the contacts, and reassembled it. I used my multimeter to test continuity and when I hit the switch, sure enough I got a signal! Excitedly I plugged it back into the bike, turned the key, set the killswitch to run, and hit the button........... diddly squat. I pulled out my multimeter and tested continuity to the starter solenoid from the starter button and when I pushed it, it said I had continuity. I also tested continuity from the button to the diode assy in the headlight and all seemed well. The plug from the wiring harness was missing the ground for the switch but so I tried running a ground to the frame, engine, solenoid, and battery (all separately, this is where you can tell I really don't know 100% what I'm doing) without success.

    Has anybody had this issue/know what could be wrong? I'm at my wits end with this starting problem as I've tried everything I can think of and it's really the only problem left with the bike before I tackle cosmetic repairs.
  2. XJ550H

    XJ550H Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    did PO (previous owners). starter switch work?

    the 550 starter button grounds through the handle bars. if bars are painted there is no ground.
    work around is following wire from control to main harness connector and adding a ground wire from black wire running from control attach wire to mounting bolts for ignition coil..
    that connector at main harness and from control is a trouble spot. make sure it is clean and tight.
    the black wire from control is screwed to control body that section of wire and ring terminal may be corroded and needing to be replaced.,
    a test setup would be a ground wire from control screw to ignition coil

    does the oil light come on when starter button is pressed?

    now for the info you need.
    when you turn on key you should hear 2 relays click the sidestand relay under the seat and the starter safety relay on frame.
    your 550 has a few safety switches .
    bike must be in neutral does green neutral light come on?
    there is a sidestand switch which will shut down starting system
    there is a clutch safety switch which prevents bike from starting when in gear unless you pull in clutch with sidestand up. ( I think it has to be up)

    pull the sidestand safety relay from its connector see if the bike turns over with bike in neutral.
    if it turns over your sidestand switch is faulty and needs to be cleaned and lubed

    could also be a bad ignition fuse and fuse holder
    raskal likes this.
  3. b.pillz46

    b.pillz46 New Member

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    His momentary switch was wired right to the solenoid and works to start the bike which runs fine once started. I didn't put the switch back on the handlebars after I cleaned the dirty contacts so that was my first mistake. The bike is in neutral complete with green light and the sidestand safety switch works properly.
  4. b.pillz46

    b.pillz46 New Member

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    The Killswitch and starter button plug into this connector. Am I missing a wire?

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  5. XJ550H

    XJ550H Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    no . on the 550 there is no ground wire in that connector from main harness. the starter button grounds via the control body and the handle bars. if bars are painted no ground.
    you can hook a wire to ground from control black wire and attach it to the ignition coil mounting bolt
  6. XJ550H

    XJ550H Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    you may need to clean the wire hold down clamp on control and the part of control that touches the handle bars
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2020
  7. b.pillz46

    b.pillz46 New Member

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    The problem was the dirty handlebars not getting a good ground. You sir are a king!!

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