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quarantine thoughts

Discussion in 'Hangout Lounge' started by Polock, Mar 27, 2020.

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  1. Polock

    Polock Well-Known Member

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    This is a good time to work on that spare carb rack, i'm no expert but i doubt corona lives very long on your hands with gas and carb cleaner.

    wear your helmet in the grocery store, it won't filter anything but people will keep their distance

    social distancing is like riding with a bunch of Harleys with open pipes, why would you want to do that? just pass them.

    think maybe 10% ethanol is as good as 90% isopropyl ? it's cheaper and smells just as bad

    if you get a face full of carb cleaner while clearing the enrichment well, consider it a blessing, just don't rub your eyes. take it like a man

    wash your hands like you just changed your chain and sprokets

    remember this is going to take a while, just like bleeding your brakes
  2. xHondaHack

    xHondaHack Active Member Premium Member

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    My wife tells me that "Social Distancing" is nothing new to me.

    I've been doing it for years hanging out in the garage.

  3. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

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    That's where l went wrong should have bought a house with a garage.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2020
  4. tabaka45

    tabaka45 Well-Known Member

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    Better off with a workshop about 50 feet from the house. Wife can't just open the house door and yell at you, and most are afraid of the dark so you are really safe at night.
    ksigurdsen and Simmy like this.
  5. JetmechMarty

    JetmechMarty Active Member

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    I'm lucky enough to be able to work at home. All that commuting time is mine. No gasoline expense. We can't go out to dinner. No social gatherings. So, more time with my wife. More time for working on motorcycles. More money for motorcycle parts. We're also lucky that liquor stores are considered essential business. ;)

    Please stay safe as you're able.

    Timbox, xHondaHack and Franz like this.
  6. k-moe

    k-moe Pie, Bacon, Bourbon. Moderator Premium Member

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    No matter what type of alcohol you use it has to be at least 60% to do any good.
    Just make sure to add a drop or two of water to your glass before drinking so you can unlock the more complex flavors.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2020
    ksigurdsen, Pizzaman, Franz and 2 others like this.
  7. lostboy

    lostboy Well-Known Member

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    I have saved a lot of money on deodorant and razor blades.
  8. JetmechMarty

    JetmechMarty Active Member

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    Me too! I've got a cancer on my face and my surgery appointment keeps backing up. I'm not shaving until it's time to get it done, or I have to go back to working at the office.
    Also, my gym is closed, so that money is freed up as well. Gas is cheap. I wish I could be burning it up in a motorcycle!
  9. XJ550H

    XJ550H Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    who ever did the marketing package design on this sanitizer should lose their job as well as whoever approved it.
    my state is not on a lockdown but all non essential business have closed , everyone where I work except a handful of people are on furlough getting unemployment checks plus an additional 600 from the gvmt for their troubles now thats extra mc parts money.

    me i am still working as out internationals and J1 are stuck here with no way to get home.
    not getting extra gvmt money:(.

    warm enough to ride so I am taking advantage of empty roads just went and checked on my J1 and internationals still there , nice quick 100 miles:)
  10. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    Social distancing makes the problem worse, just like the 1918 Spanish Flu, it was a highly contagious but mild flu in the spring of 1918, and everyone started "distancing"...….and thus prevented the virus from dying out (viruses die out only when there is no one (basically) left to infect). Then in the fall of that year it came right back and killed 60+ million. Same set-up is happening here. Since only the very old and otherwise immune-compromised are at risk of dying from it, then those people should take extra precaution (and isolate if they think it necessary, just like they always do during flu season....., everyone else should actually be encouraged (almost) to get it, most people have either no symptoms or very mild flu symptoms, and the more people who get this mild version of the flu virtually eliminates the chance that the flu survives and mutates into a later, much Much MUCH more deadly version.

    All of this is quite well known, the real "virus" is the lack of adults in the room and "experts" who are really money-grabbers and political hacks. "I need 30,000 ventilators" says a well known loudmouth. 90% of people who go on a ventilator leave in a pine box, and about 60% of those who manage to survive die within a year. Use a mask, no don't use a mask, no use a mask but we need them for health-care "heroes" so don't use a mask, wrap your head like a mummy with a winter scarf. Use this drug, no you'll be arrested and lose your license if you prescribe it, no wait I need a million doses for my state.

    The healthcare heroes, like it or not, whether by accident or just by lack of discipline (been to an ER lately and observed the majority of the staff?) are probably the main spreaders of the disease......and it's not for the lack of masks and gowns, it's for the lack of proper protocol (i.e. washing hands, changing hand and foot gloves, etc.).

    And besides, most hospitals appear to be empty, many are actually laying staff off or putting them on-call:

    Karl Denninger has done some of the best research on the virus issue:

    Last edited: Apr 5, 2020
  11. k-moe

    k-moe Pie, Bacon, Bourbon. Moderator Premium Member

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    Sorry Chacal, but that information is false. The goal is to lower transmission rates so hospitals don't get overwhelmed. The nations that enacted social distancing early have had their infection rate lower dramatically. We have tools not that weren't available in 1918, and it's those tools that will reduce the death rate, if we lower the rate of infection.
    raskal likes this.
  12. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    What tools are those? And why is "lowering the infection rate" for a seemingly rather benign version of a flu even a goal, at all? The way that viruses get eradicated is via exposure to enough people that there is, literally, no one left to infect. Getting infected by a non-fatal (and by the evidence, most people suffer rather weak effects or none at all) virus is the equivalent of getting a vaccine....it confers immunity. And it's REAL immunity, not the "get a flu shot because we think this is the strain that will might be prevalent this year" type of "immunity". Why wait for 18 months for a possible vaccine development when "getting it and getting over it" creates immunity? This isn't Ebola or SARS/MERS, where "getting it" is a Very Bad Thing for almost everyone.

    Like I said, protect the most vulnerable and let everyone else go about their business, just like is done EVERY flu season (which kills 20-80,000 people in the USA, year after year). Even in Italy, the most horrific example so far, the average age of people who've died is 79 years old, and 90% of those had 2 or more "complicating factors" (heart disease, diabetes, etc.). 79 years of age is the average life expectancy in Italy! And it's more-or-less the average age (and co-factors) of people that annually succumb to the regular, garden variety seasonal flu. No one was running around with their hair on fire about the flu in 2018, or 2013, or 1997, or 1993, or 1966, etc. There was no daily headline, no round-the-clock hyperventilating, no daily briefings, nothing.

    Depending on who you choose to believe (CDC, NIH, WHO, etc.) there are anywhere between 300K and 650K influenza or flu"related" deaths per year worldwide; in the USA those numbers are 10K to 80K deaths per year. From the regular flu! And most of those are people are both old and have aggravating complications. This isn't to dismiss the seriousness of influenza, and the need to protect those who are most at risk, but "social distancing" isn't the way to do it.

    So, either there's something quite serious that we (the entire world) is not being told about this, or there's some other reason why the "sky is falling" crowd is out in full song 24/7 about this.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2020
  13. Timbox

    Timbox Well-Known Member

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    The power of the media at work. As world wide communications evolves so does our exposure to what is going communicated. Most of the world is dealing with this as reflex management. The click bait makes me wonder why it is being reported the way it is. No checking on facts, background legwork is almost gone from our news agencies, just get it out there who cares. I chose not to watch.

    On a more positive note, I do hope all are well or doing as best they can. Keep working in the sheds, shops and the great outdoors when you can. That sunshine is a great emotional lift.
  14. ManBot13

    ManBot13 Well-Known Member

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    One, we minimize the impact of the flu. If people could stay home when they were sick and not lose their jobs and insurance, maybe there wouldn’t be 10s of thousands of deaths every near in America. Maybe that wouldn’t be normal.

    But make no mistake about it, this is worse than the flu. Young healthy people do die from Covid-19, even if it’s not as common, because it is so infectious. There’s no guarantee that infection results in broad immunity (look no further than the flu as an example). There are possible cases of reinfection.

    This is a developing situation and the science takes time. Just like a newbie may come on this site and spit a bunch of knowledge about spraying starting fluid and rigging wiring and not having the time to check their valves and brake shoes for delimitation, we have to listen to the experts for measured and methodical solutions. And social distancing is the best “step back, have a beer, take out a volt meter” solution for the scientists and medical staff who are “pulling apart the carbs and doing required maintenance.”

    Hopefully the result is a change to what “normal” is so we don’t have to go through this again.
    k-moe and raskal like this.
  15. XJ550H

    XJ550H Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Last edited: Apr 6, 2020
  16. k-moe

    k-moe Pie, Bacon, Bourbon. Moderator Premium Member

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    Keep in mind that Italy has a population with a high median age (45.5 years, 5th oldest in the world; The U.S. median age is 38.1), so it follows that most of the deaths there will be among the elderly because there are more elderly people in Italy.

    Healthy doctors have died from this virus.

    In the US a doctor who was likely wearing appropriate PPE at work (an assumption on my part) has died,and several more have symptoms.

    It is nothing like Influenza.

    I don't react to any crisis in a knee-jerk manner. I listen to primary sources whenever possible, and trusted secondary sources when primary sources are not available (thank you to all of my college instructors for beating that into my head). The major news outlets are not exagerating for the sake of producing a panic or generating ratings. Look at foreign news sources if you don't believe the sources in your own nation, paying particular notice to news outlets run by (or associated with) medical professional organizations.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2020
    raskal likes this.
  17. k-moe

    k-moe Pie, Bacon, Bourbon. Moderator Premium Member

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    The City of Seven Hills
    Now...who wants to get back to discussing silly ways to cope with the situation we're all in?

    How much bacon did you eat today?
    The only correct answer is "not enough."
  18. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

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    And don't put water in your Bourbon like I don't in my Whiskey.
  19. raskal

    raskal Active Member

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    or how much has your alcohol consumption gone up :(
  20. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    The room where it happened
    Well, everyone, including the "experts", seem to classify it as an influenza, they should know best? Virology ain't exactly a brand-new branch of science.

    Then why does the government(s)?

    Actually, major news outlet do exactly this, all the time, 24/7, or they're out of business. 70K people a year dies of drug overdoses, there's no "running count" banner on the side of screen for those deaths, and it's not on a 24-hour trumpet cycle (and, strangely enough, it hasn't overloaded the hospitals or health-care systems...……..).

    Those are the last types of organizations that I would trust! They work for the benefit of their specific members/clientele, not for the general public. This pandemic seemingly will result in record-setting sales/profits for medical equipment suppliers, medical service providers (some of them), and certainly a much higher profile and "status" for the CDC (who obviously can't predict things properly, nor make working test kits, etc.) and other associated problem-makers. They are at best incompetent, and more than likely, merely another type of self-serving politicians.

    Healthy people (including doctors) die all the time, it's a shame, but it happens, and is kinda expected given all that they are exposed to.

    You notice that certain high-level weasels, as heads of professional agencies and organizations, are already predicting that this virus will even more virulent (and deadly) in the upcoming fall and winter:


    Which, of course, would be exactly what is to be expected when you intentionally suppress the benign, non-lethal forms of a virus and thus allow the lethal versions to continue to accumulate and survive and do, seemingly, everything in your power to prevent the only known and probable immunity (thru exposure) to develop......

    This is akin to playing Russian roulette with the health of the entire country, it's reckless, negligent, and borderline criminal.

    Some non-mainstream sources aren't barking for advertising dollars, so perhaps their insights, points of view, and well-sourced and confirmed data might be worth exploring....it wont hurt, it might even help:


    But hey, it's only a physical and economic life-or-death issue, so perhaps the decisions made today matter just not for the here-and-now, but more importantly, for the future.

    "The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future life."
    - Plato
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2020
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